Thursday 27 December 2012

WWE Live Event Results From Detroit (12/26)

Vickie Guerrero comes out and says that Dolph Ziggler Vs John Cena will take place in a steel cage. There were so many boos that I couldn't hear what she said at all. Someone had to tell me what she said.

Team Hell No & Ryback Vs The Shield was first. The Shield came through the crowd and beat down Bryan before Kane and Ryback came out. Pretty good match and the crowd was really into it, and each performer did really well. Bryan took the most punishment. The Shield won after Seth Rollins hit Ryback with a chair. After the match, Kane, Bryan and Ryback all hit their finishers.

JTG vs. Brodus Clay was up next. Typical Brodus Clay match. Crowd was not into this one. At one point I heard a "boring" chant. After the match Jack Swagger came out and badmouthed Clay and challenged him to a match.

Brodus Clay beat Jack Swagger in quick squash match.

They said that the loser of the Zack Ryder vs. Tensai match would have to sing either "Jingle Bells" or "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer". And they told everyone to send a text or tweet.

Eve vs. Kaitlyn for the Divas title was next. Decent match. Better than most matches they have on TV; went about 10 minutes. Eve won after hitting her finisher.

Santino Marella Vs David Otunga was up next. OK match, nothing special. Santino did his whole comedy routine which got a few chuckles from me. Santino won after hitting the Cobra.

The Rhodes Scholars came out and talked about how bad Detroit was and how they were best friends and stuff like that. Then the New Age Outlaws came out and the crowd went wild. Road Dogg said Cody Rhodes looked like a porno cowboy with his mustache. There was a "Cody's mustache" chant throughout the match. Good match with the Outlaws dominating for the most part. The New Age Outlaws won after Billy Gunn hit the fameasser on Rhodes.

Zack Ryder vs. Tensai was next. Pretty quick match with Ryder picking up the win. After the match Tensai had to sing Rudolph, and said he can't because he's Jewish in a joking way. He then proceeded to sing the song and got a huge round of applause.

There was about a 10 minute intermission. The guys behind me and my friends were really annoying. They kept screaming and it was just really annoying.

The Usos vs. The Primetime Players was next. Good Match. The crowd was really behind the Usos. The Usos won after each one hit a diving splash on Young and O'Neil.

Antonio Cesaro vs. The Miz for The US Championship was next. Cesaro came out and said how bad America's economy is and how the best cars are made in Europe, not Detroit. That got a ton of boos. Good Match. The Miz dominated for the most part. The match ended with a double count out after Cesaro left the ring and him and Miz fought on the outside.

They were setting the cage up for the main event, and for some reason, the ref was telling the workers to take it down and not to use it. It appears that they couldn't get it set up.

Dolph Ziggler came out and said how he was the biggest thing in WWE and he was better than Cena and this match and said he was going to leave. Vickie Guerrero came out and said that he had to wrestle and that the match would be a street fight with AJ Lee and Big E Langston were banned from ringside.

John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler in a street fight was the main event. Really good match. Ziggler is the next big thing and Cena is not as bad in the ring as everyone says. They used chairs, microphones, and the steel steps. Cena accidentally hit the ref and knocked him out; then Langston and AJ came out and attacked Cena. Cena kissed AJ then Langston grabbed Cena. Ziggler went for a super kick, but accidentally hit Langston. Cena hit the AA on Ziggler and won. Cena then shook hands with the fans and signed a couple signs.

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