Cody Rhodes vs. Kane
Kane starts off strong against Cody. Kane sends him in but Cody reverses and takes over with a knee to the gut and a dropkick. Cody hits a dropkick off the top and kicks Kane's knees down to one leg. Kane fights back and hits a chokeslam for the sudden win.
Winner : Kane
Miz vs. Yoshi Tatsu
They lock-up and Miz hits a shoulderblock and a kick to the head. Miz basement kicks Yoshi out of the ring and goes out to bodyslam him. He rams Yoshi into the side of the apron and knees him in the head. Miz continues to squash Yoshi. Miz hits a DDT and the Skull Crushing Finale for the pin.
Winner : Miz
Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett
Orton starts off with kicks and tosses Wade out and follows. Orton applies a rear chin lock and hits a side suplex for a 2. Orton hits a clothesline out of the corner and lands a jumping knee to the face for a 2. Orton hits a suplex and floats over for another 2. Barrett punts Orton in the head on the apron and pulls him in for 2. Barrett hits a backbreaker across his knee for 2.
Orton fights back with headbutts but Wade hits a boot to the grill for another 2. Orton hits a series of clotheslines and a powerslam. Wade counters with a takedown for 2. Orton hits his DDT in the ropes and coils up. Del Rio walks down the ramp and Barrett hits his Souvenir Elbow from behind for the win.
Winner : Wade Barrett
Layla & Kaitlyn vs. Aksana & Eve
Layla gets a nice takedown for 2. Kaitlyn tags in and resumes control of Aksana. Kaitlyn hits a backbreaker and attacks Eve on the apron which gives Aksana an opening to shift the momentum. Aksana tags Eve. Kaitlyn hits a reverse elbow and brings Aksana in and take them both on.
Layla comes in as well. Kaitlyn holds Eve for Layla but Eve ducks and Layla kicks Kaitlyn in the head. Eve makes the cover for the win.
Winners : Eve & Aksana
Daniel Bryan vs. Damien Sandow
Bryan starts off with shots to the head and Sandow slides out of the ring but Bryan gives chase and Sandow gets the advantage on the way back in. Sandow hits his Elbow of Disdain but Bryan kicks out. Bryan picks up the pace with a clothesline and a running dropkick in the corner for 2.
Bryan lands No Kicks and launches Sandow over the top in front of the announcers and hits a dive onto Sandow. Sandow attacks Bryan from behind. Kane gets up and stalks Sandow. Cody sends Bryan into the steel post. Sandow hits his finisher in the ring for the win.
Winner : Damien Sandow
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