They lock up and Show overpowers him. Punk fights back and takes Show to the corner with lefts and rights. Show chokes Punk on the ropes now and he connects with a big chop to the chest. Show stands on Punk’s head now.Punk fights back and staggers Show with a dropkick. Show goes to work on Punk’s arm and shoulder now. Show misses a splash in the corner and Punk connects with the high knee. Show blocks the bulldog and spears Punk. Daniel Bryan’s music hits and out he comes.
Bryan comes out ranting about how he will make Punk tap out. He thinks he should be wrestling the WWE Champion at SummerSlam and not Kane. Show hits Punk with a big sideslam and goes to the top. Punk kicks him down and springboards in with a clothesline. Punk with a 2 count. Bryan rushes the ring and attacks Punk for the DQ.
Winner by DQ : CM Punk
JTG vs. Ryback
Lock up, and Ryback tosses JTG down. JTG backs off into the ropes and tells the ref to get him back. Boot to the gut by JTG, off the ropes and a right to Ryback. Big boot to the chest follow, picks him up after slamming his head to the mat repeatedly and nails a nasty powerbomb. Clothesline levels JTG. Fisherman's buster connects and that is all.
Winner : Ryback
Heath Slater vs. R-Truth
Truth and Slater go at it. They trade right hands and Slater drops Truth with a neckbreaker. Slater with a quick pin attempt. Slater works Truth over and keeps him grounded on the mat now. Truth ducks and comes back with a clothesline and a face plant for the quick win.
Winner : R-Truth
Sin Cara vs. Tensai
The bell rings and Tensai drops Cara. He goes for a powerbomb but Cara turns it around and tries for a roll up but can’t. Tensai goes for a splash in the corner but Cara moves. Cara kicks Sakamoto off the apron and sends Tensai flying into him. Cara with more offense and a DDT from the corner. Cara with the quick pin out of nowhere.
Winner : Sin Cara
Chris Jericho vs. The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler
The bell rings and Jericho fights both men off and clotheslines Miz in the corner. Jericho with a backdrop and a dropkick on Ziggler, sending him out to the floor. Jericho works over Miz now and suplexes him.
Ziggler trips Jericho up and comes back in the match. Ziggler and Miz stomp away on Jericho and continue to double team him.
Jericho dumps Miz to the floor and then Ziggler. Jericho climbs on top of the announcers table and plays to the crowd. Jericho kicks Miz in the face but gets knocked into the announcers table by Ziggler.
Miz is going at it with Jericho in the ring while Ziggler is still on the floor. Miz covers Jericho for 2. Miz with a submission now.
Jericho makes a comeback with shoulders. He springboard dropkicks Dolph as he tries coming in. Jericho unloads on Miz and hits the bulldog. Jericho with a Lionsault for 2 as Ziggler comes back in. Jericho goes for a superplex but Dolph comes over and powerbombs them. Ziggler with a 2 count. Jericho reverses it for 2.
Miz goes at it with Jericho but gets rolled up. Ziggler comes in and takes out Miz. Jericho hits Ziggler with a Codebreaker. Jericho argues with Vickie. Miz rolls Jericho up from behind but he kicks out. Jericho blocks SCF and rolls Miz up into the Walls of Jericho. Miz taps out but Vickie has the referee distracted. Ziggler runs in and hits Zig Zag on Jericho for the win.
Winner : Dolph Ziggler
Kaitlyn and Layla vs. Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres
Beth and Layla start things out. They go at it and Beth lifts her high. Layla slides out and they go to the corner. Eve tags in and beats Layla down in the corner. Layla springboards into a crossbody for another pin attempt. Kaitlyn taunts Eve, allowing Layla to clothesline her. Layla with 2 count. Kaitlyn tags in and hits a backbreaker for a 2 count. Kaitlyn goes to the second rope but Eve pulls her to the mat. Eve mounts her with right hands and covers for 2.Beth tags in and takes control of Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn fights Beth and takes another shot at Eve. Kaitlyn pushes Beth into Eve and then rolls Beth up for the win.
Winners : Layla and Kaitlyn
Big Show and Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk and John Cena
Cena and Bryan start things out. Cena applies a headlock and drops him with a shoulder. Punk tags himself in while Cena isn’t expecting it. Show wants to tag in but Bryan locks up with Punk. They go back and forth a bit until Cena tags himself in. Cena and Bryan go at it and Cena gets the upperhand. Cena with a dropkick. Show finally comes in and turns things around on Cena.Cena starts to fight back but Show catches him in mid-air. Bryan tags himself in. Bryan misses a dropkick on Cena in the corner. Punk comes in and clotheslines Bryan. Punk with a neckbreaker and a 2 count as Show breaks the pin. Bryan pulls Punk back and tags in Show. Show goes to work on Punk now.
Show backs Punk onto the ropes and delivers another big chop to the chest. Punk fights back but Show catches him in a bear hug. Punk tries to make a comeback but Show drops him with a big backdrop. Punk fights back again but Show scoop slams him. Bryan tags himself in again and yells at Show to get out. Bryan unloads on Punk with kicks to the chest. Punk ducks one kick and takes Bryan down with another. Punk mocks Cena’s sequence of moves and hits the shoulders, the back drop and the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena stops the Shuffle by tagging himself in. Cena hits the high knee in the corner and then the bulldog like Punk. Punk leaves the ring and Bryan rolls Cena up for 2. Cena comes back with the Attitude Adjustment on Bryan for the win as Show looks on from ringside.
Winners : CM Punk and John Cena
Damien Sandow vs. Christian
They lock up and Sandow whips Christian to the corner and hits him with shoulder thrusts. Sandow trips Christian and drops a big elbow for 2. Christian with right hands and a clothesline. Christian readies for the finish but Sandow rolls out to the ring. Sandow brings it back in the ring but Brodus Clay’s music hits and out he comes. Sandow is distracted and Christian gets a 2 count. Sandow comes right back with his finisher on Christian for the win.
Winner : Damien Sandow
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