Saturday 22 September 2012

WWE Superstars Report – Sept 20th, 2012

JTG vs. Ted DiBiase

They lock up and Ted with a single leg take down for a near fall. JTG with a kick and shoulder tackle but Ted gets up and hits a drop kick followed by a hip toss and clothesline that sends JTG over the top rope to the floor. Ted with a suicide dive onto JTG.Ted with a punch in the corner and then he climbs the turnbuckles for more punches but JTG escapes and drops Ted on the top turnbuckle. JTG with a clothesline for a near fall.

Ted gets back to his feet and he punches JTG. JTG with a belly-to-back suplex set up into a neck breaker for a near fall. JTG with a knee to the midsection followed by kicks and more knees to the ribs to wear down DiBiase. Ted with punches and forearms but JTG with a hard Irish whip and he gets a near fall. JTG with a body scissors to continue to add pressure to Ted’s ribs.

Ted with the rebound clothesline followed by a flying knee and a sit out spinebuster for a near fall. JTG goes to the turnbuckles but Ted with a drop kick when JTG comes off and Ted gets a near fall.JTG sends Ted into the ropes and JTG gets a near fall on a rollup with a handful of tights. Ted with Dream Street for the three count.

Winner : Ted DiBiase

Drew McIntyre vs. Jinder Mahal

They lock up and Drew backs Mahal into the corner and Drew with a clean break. Mahal with a waist lock. Drew with a standing switch. Mahal with a shoulder tackle but Drew with a drop kick.Drew runs into a boot but he blocks it and he punches Mahal in the corner until the referee warns him that he will disqualify him if he does not stop.

McIntyre with an elbow and he goes to the turnbuckles but Mahal arm drags Drew to the mat and follows up with knees to the midsection and then he slams Drew’s arm into the mat. Mahal continues to work on the broken wrist with an uppercut and then Mahal with a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Drew with punches followed by an elbow to the head. Drew with a kick to the chest but Mahal with a knee to the midsection.

Mahal with a drop kick to the back of the head. Mahal wraps the injured wrist in the ropes and Drew with an elbow but Mahal fires back with a clothesline and then he drops a knee onto the wrist.
Mahal with a side Russian leg sweep and he gets a near fall. Drew with a running forearm into the corner followed by a suplex. Drew gets a near fall.Mahal slaps the wrist but Drew with a running boot to the chest. Drew signals for the Future Shock and he hits it for the three count.

Winner : Drew McIntyre

Tyson Kidd vs. David Otunga

Kidd with a waist lock and Otunga with a hammer lock. Kidd gets to the apron and then he comes back through the ropes and locks Otunga in the ropes. Otunga with a kick but Kidd with a kick and he goes to the apron. Otunga punches Kidd and it sends him to the floor. Otunga with a splash into the corner followed by a running shoulder tackle for a near fall.

Otunga with a rear chin lock. Otunga tries for a full nelson but Kidd drops down and gets a near fall with a rollup. Kidd with a back elbow and chop.Kidd with kicks to the leg followed by a spinning drop kick. Kidd with a Saito suplex for a near fall. Otunga charges at Kidd but Kidd leaps over Otunga. Otunga with a spinebuster for the three count.

Winner : David Otunga

The Usos vs. Darren Young and Titus O’Neil

Jey and Young start things off but Darren makes sure his hair is perfect before locking up. Young gets Jey on his shoulders early but Jey escapes. Jey slaps Young and sends him into the corner. Jimmy tags in and they hit a double back elbow and double elbow drop for a near fall. Jimmy with a chop and he tags Jey back in. Jey with a forearm in the corner but Young is able to tag in Titus.Titus misses a boot and Jey with punches. Titus with a slam and he barks. Titus misses an elbow drop when Jey moves out of the way. Jimmy tags in and punches Titus. Jimmy with a drop kick but Young tags in. Jimmy with a hip toss and then he backs Darren into the corner. Young with knees but Jimmy with an Irish whip and Young flies to the floor like he was Triple H. Jimmy with a splash off the turnbuckles onto Young.

Young with an Irish whip but Jimmy goes to the apron. Jimmy with punches to Young and Titus. Darren with a neck breaker to Jimmy using the ropes for extra impact.Titus tags back in and he hits a running forearm on Jimmy. Titus picks up what is left of Jimmy and rolls him into the ring. Titus gets a near fall. Titus with a reverse chin lock but Jimmy with punches. Titus with knees to the head and he kicks Jimmy in the corner before tagging Darren back in. Titus gives Darren a gourdbuster onto Jimmy but can only get a near fall.
Titus tags back in and he kicks Jimmy in the ribs when Darren lifts Jimmy in the air for what appears to be a suplex. Titus with a European uppercut and he gets a near fall.

Titus argues with the referee about the speed of his counts. Jimmy punches Titus in the ribs but Titus with a knee to the midsection. Titus slaps Jimmy in the face but Jimmy punches back.Jimmy with a desperation back body drop and both men are down. Darren and Jey make the tags and Jey with a flying forearm and a running forearm followed by a savate kick and uppercut. Jey with a twisting flying forearm followed by the running butt splash in the corner.

Jey gets a near fall but Titus breaks up the cover. Jimmy gets in the ring but he is sent to the floor. Jimmy pulls Titus to the floor and Titus sends Jimmy into the apron. Jey with a Samoan drop and then he goes up top but Titus stops him and then Darren crotches him. Titus tags in and they hit the Demolition Decapitation for the three count.

Winners : Titus O’Neil and Darren Young

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