Saturday 22 September 2012

WWE Smackdown Report 9/21/12

Damien Sandow Vs. Kane

Kane controlled the opening as Sandow would roll out of the ring to regroup. Bryan, who had been sitting ringside, caused a distraction that cost Kane the match. He grabbed both tag team titles as Kane was looking for the Chokeslam, and got on the apron yelling that he was the tag team champions. Kane started yelling back that he was, and tried to pull the title away from Bryan. Sandow hit his move to pin Kane and flee. Bryan then walked away happy, with both titles.

Winner : Damien Sandow

Layla vs. Natalya

Boot to the gut by Layla, and then a facebuster follows. Layla points at Eve, allowing Natalya to level her with a clothesline. Natalya slams Layla to the mat, ad then applies an abdominal stretch. Counter by Layla, roll up gets 2. Natalya looks for the sharp shooter, Layla escapes and hits a neck breaker for the pin.

Winner : Layla

Alberto Del Rio & Dolph Ziggler Vs. Sheamus & Randy Orton

They got the heat on Sheamus before a hot tag to Orton. A distraction from Ricardo couldn’t stop the draping DDT on Del Rio. He dropped down for the RKO but hit a bodyslam on Ziggler as he ran in instead. Del Rio stopped him from hitting a draping DDT on Dolph though and they then got the heat on Orton as the crowd chanted “RKO” for a moment.Orton dropkicked Del Rio to the outside to get the hot tag to Sheamus.

Ziggler was great feeding the entire comeback by himself. He at one point locked on the sleeper but was thrown off. Sheamus hit the Irish Curse, but Del Rio broke the pin. Sheamus pushed Del Rio into an RKO as Alberto went for the armbreaker. Then Sheamus Brogue Kicked Dolph, who was about to attack with the briefcase. Sheamus pinned Dolph. Really fun tag match.

Winners : Sheamus & Randy Orton

Daniel Bryan Vs. Cody Rhodes

The match never really got going. Bryan was about to get the No Lock when Kane’s pyro hit. Bryan lost attention, but then tried again, so Kane made the pyro go off again. Bryan got up and started yelling “no”. Cody then hit the Cross Rhodes for the pinfall. Kane pointed and laughed from the ramp.

Winner : Cody Rhodes

Brodus Clay vs. Heath Slater

Slater is not impressed with Clay, they dance a bit, and Slater shoves Clay. Slam by Clay, and Clay dances to mock Slater. Right by Clay, knee lift follows. Slater fires back, off the ropes and runs into a TBONE suplex. Clay looks to finish him off as Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal run in and the match is over.

Winner : Brodus Clay, DQ

Non-Title Match : Antonio Cesaro w/Aksana vs. Santino

Boot by Cesaro to begin, and lays out Santino with a right. Gutwrench suplex follows, and then works a cravat. Santino fights to his feet, but Santino with jabs and then the hip toss. Goes for the cobra, Aksana gets on the apron and distracts him. Cesaro takes control and tosses down the cobra. Aksana tries to grab it, Cesaro hits the ropes and knocks her down. The ref checks on her as Cesaro hits the uppercut, and Cesaro then yells at her. Santino rolls up Cesaro for the victory.

Winner : Santino

Non-Title Match : Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow Vs. Kane & Daniel Bryan

Kane and Bryan bickered while on top. Kane did cheer on Bryan as he was being beaten on though. He got the hot tag and tried for the chokeslam on Sandow. He got it on the second try before Rhodes immediately hit him in the back with a chair.

Winners : Daniel Bryan & Kane, DQ

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