Tuesday 9 October 2012

Top 10 Attitude Adjustment of John Cena

1. John Cena Attitude Adjustment to Edge and Triple H


2. John Cena Attitude Adjustment to The Great Khali

3. John Cena Attitude Adjustment to Mark Henry

4.  John Cena Attitude Adjustment to The Big Show

5. John Cena Attitude Adjustment to Batista from the top of the car

6. John Cena Attitude Adjustment to Wade Barret through 6 chairs

7. John Cena Attitude Adjustment to The Rock  on the main event of the Wrestlemania 2012

8.  John Cena Attitude Adjustment to Brock Lesnar through the steel step

9. John Cena Attitude Adjustment to Kane from the top of the Ambulance van

10. John Cena Attitude Adjustment to Sheamus

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