Saturday 28 July 2012

WWE NXT Report 7.28.12

Derrick Bateman and Bo Dallas vs.Johnny Curtis and Michael McGillicutty 

Side headlock from Bo into the ropes, and he fires back with a hard. Curtis is quick to tag in McG. McG misses a clothesline and Bo hits an inverted Atomic Drop then tags in Bateman. Bateman with a kick to the gut then a chop to the ground. He tags Bo back in and they hit a double hip toss, sending McG to the outside. Bo follows and heads around the ring, then comes to the heel corner, pulls Johnny down and McG baseball slides into McG. 

Curtis attacks, he is the legal man apparently, rolls in and drops an elbow, then lifts Bo up and tags in McG. We get a backbreaker from Curtis followed by a boot to the face from McG. Cover, but Bateman breaks it up. McG with the Anchorman faced chin lock. Bo elbows out of it, backs into the corner with an elbow cor Curtis, then runs into a float over, into a roll up by Bo fo a pin. He gets a 1, but Curtis breaks it up. Tag to Curtis, and he pins Bo for 2. From behind, he gets a double chicken wing with a knee to the back. Bo tries to turn it around, but Curtis sends him into the corner. Curtis runs into an elbow, though. 

McG runs in, and Bo pulls the ropes down. Tag to Bateman, Curtis runs into a shoulder. Bateman with a clothesline, another, one more. He sends Curtis to the corner then hits a flapjack onto Curtis. Bateman with a running, swinging neckbreaker and a pin for 2. Bo Dallas sends McG to the outside. The ref checks on Bo. Bateman gets his leg pulled by McG, then Curtis sets him up and hits a sit out body slam into a pin for 3.

Winner : Johnny Curtis and Michael McGillicutty 

Antonio Cesaro vs. Alex Riley

Lockup but Cesaro goes behind and hits a belly to back suplex. He uses his thighs to scrape against Riley. Riley stnads and Cesaro gets a side headlock. Riley sends him to the ropes, and Cesaro shoulderblocks him down. Rope work ends with Riley hitting a dropkick. He sends Cesaro into the corner, taunts, then regrets it as he gets sent flying. Rilet tries to pin and  gets a one count. Riley reverses it into a backslide for 1. 

He tries a roll up and only gets a one. Cesaro is up and hits a hard move to Riley then sends him into the corner and starts throwin bones. He follows up with a knee to the face. Pin from Cesaro for 2. Cesaro looks for the abdominal stretch again, this time on a seated Riley. Riley turns and Cesaro Gutwrenches him, then tosses him back for 2. Cesaro with an abdominal stretch, hooking the leg over the head of Riley. 

Riley is able to toss Cesaro off of him and over his head. Both men down, Cesaro up first. He goes to kick Riley, but Riley fires back with some rights. Cesaro reverses a whip into the corner, flies back but Riley hits a clothesline. Another. Spinebuster Riley lifts Cesaro up, but he grabs the ear of Riley. Aksana is here to distract. Cesaro grabs at the waist and just slams Riley down then hits the Neutralizer. 

Winner : Antonio Cesaro

Natalya vs. Sofia Cortez 

Lockup to start, but Natalya grabs the arm, locks in an arm lock, it's reversed by Sofia, which is reversed by Natalya with a takedown arm lock. Sofia with the head scissors to break it. Stale mate with both ladies standing. Natalya backs into the ropes to prevent a move. Sofia runs nd Natalya sends her into the corner then follows up with a spinning clothesline and for 2. Another slam to the mat then she looks for the surfboard. Natalya breaks the hold to pull the hair, then slams Sofia down. 

Natalya lifts her up nd sends Sofia to the corner. She stops, goes for a clothesline and meets knees. Sofie with a dropkick,then runs into the corner and Natalya kicks her in the gut, then pins for 2. Sofia with a pin of her own for two. Natalya with the go behind. Sofia runs to the ropes, but Natalya flips her over with a pin for 2. Natalya rolls out of the ring. She refuses to get back in. The ref hits the 10 and Sofia gets the win.

Winner : Natalya

The Ascension vs. Dante Dash and Garrett Dylan 

Conor pushes Dante to the side and knocks Garrett off the apron. He turns back to Te, blocks a couple of rights and lefts, then hits his own. He whips Dante to the ropes, bends over, gets kicked but no sells it, then grabs the wrist and yells before tagging in his partner. 

Lift to Dante with some kicks, a tag from Conor and some stomps, followed by another tag. Double elbow drop.Tag to Conor. Conor lifts up Dante, and we get the finisher from Ascension, pin by Conor for the 3.

Winner : The Ascension

Seth Rollins vs. Drew McIntyre 

Lockup to start, and the taller Drew overpowers Seth to the ropes. Seth with a go behind, and Drew heads to the ropes to break it. Seth ducks a kick, then holds the leg, tosses Drew to the ground. Pin. Drew tries to trip him up, but Seth kicks him down and pins for 2. 

Drew goes for a body slam, but Seth reverses and hits a drop kick. Another dropkick. He sends Drew to the ropes, Seth goes for a dropkick but ends up flipping backwards and landing on his feet then hitting one to send Drew to the outside. Suicide Dive from Seth.

Seth sends Drew up and over, then hits a flying clothesline that ends with both men down on the mat. The ref starts the count and Drew kips up at like 4. Seth with a right, another, he hits the ropes then a kick. Seth in the corner.Running clothesline then he hits a nice fall, with Drew's head first going into the turnbuckle. Seth with a spinning kick to the gut but he is stopped short by Drew's knee to the gut. 

Drew goes for his finisher, but Seth hooks the rope with his leg to prevent it and is able to break the hold  for 2.Seth is up top, goes for a corkscrew moonsault, but Drew moves and Seth is able to land on his feet  but Drew hits a hard kick to the face of Seth. Drew lifts him and hits the double underhook DDT and for the win.

Winner : Drew McIntyre 

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