Friday 14 September 2012

WWE Superstars Report – Sept 13th, 2012

Justin Gabriel vs Tensai (with Sakamoto)

Gabriel kicks Tensai into the corner but Tensai sends Gabriel into the corner. Gabriel tries for a cross body and Tensai catches Gabriel and tries for a power slam but Gabriel with a rake of the eyes to escape.
Tensai with a shoulder tackle and splash into the corner followed by elbow drops to Gabriel. Tensai with elbows and head butts in the corner.

Tensai with a butterfly suplex and he gets a near fall. Gabriel with a jaw breaker and Tensai misses an elbow drop and splash into the corner. Gabriel with a rollup for a near fall and a kick to the head. Tensai counters a tornado DDT but Gabriel is able to drop Tensai on the ropes. Gabriel with punches and kicks to Tensai but Tensai grabs Gabriel and hits the Baldo Bomb. Tensai with the back senton for the three count.

Winner : Tensai

Jinder Mahal vs Santino Marella

Santino with punches to Mahal after Jinder misses a punch. Mahal pushes Santino and Santino tries to push Mahal but Jinder moves. Santino with an arm drag and Mahal shows some frustration. Mahal wants a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock and Santino with a double leg take down and cover for a near fall. Santino misses a drop kick and Mahal with a back elbow for a near fall. Mahal kicks Santino and drops a knee as he gains control of the match. Mahal with a rear chin lock.

Santino misses a kick and Mahal with a clothesline for a near fall.Mahal mocks the cobra but Santino with punches. Mahal with a swinging neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Mahal with a reverse chin lock on Santino but Santino with elbows. Mahal with a side Russian leg sweep followed by a reverse chin lock.Santino with a Saito suplex and both men are down. Santino gets up first and he connects with jabs and a forearm. Santino goes to the turnbuckles for a diving head butt. Santino reaches for the cobra and he connects for the three count.

Winner : Santino Marella

Alicia Fox vs Natalya

They lock up and Alicia with a clean break but she pushes Natalya and then works on the wrist. Alicia with a head scissors but Natalya kips out. Natalya with an arm drag but she misses a charge into the corner.
Natalya with a monkey flip but Alicia lands on her feet. Natalya slams Alicia’s face into the mat. Alicia offers her hand but Natalya pulls it to the mat and she stomps on it.

Alicia and Natalya exchange slaps. Natalya with a rollup for a near fall. Alicia goes to the floor and then she takes Natalya’s cape. Natalya with a slap but Alicia with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall.Alicia with a reverse chin lock and then goes for the midsection with a body scissors. Natalya picks up Alicia but she collapses under Alicia’s weight and Alicia with a near fall.Alicia tries for a boot into the corner but Natalya blocks it and applies the Sharpshooter. Alicia taps out.

Winner : Natalya

Zack Ryder vs Cody Rhodes

Rhodes with a waist lock but Ryder with an elbow to the face. Rhodes with a hammer lock and Ryder with a reversal. Rhodes takes Ryder to the mat and slaps him. Ryder with a shot to the nose again and Cody goes to the floor.Ryder sends Rhodes over the top rope but Cody skins the cat and Ryder with a flapjack for a near fall. Ryder blocks a hip toss and Ryder sends Rhodes to the mat. Ryder floats over and connects with a series of arm drags into an arm bar. Rhodes with a side Russian leg sweep and he kicks Ryder in the ribs. Rhodes with kicks and then he yells at the referee. Ryder sets for the Broski Boot but Rhodes goes to the floor.

Rhodes pulls Ryder down and tries to pull him into the ring post but Ryder pulls Rhodes into the post with his legs. Ryder misses a cross body and he hits the ropes before going to the floor. Rhodes wants the referee to continue his count but Ryder gets back into the ring at nine. Rhodes with a gourdbuster and he gets a near fall. Rhodes with a knee to the midsection. Ryder counters another knee with a rollup for a near fall.
Rhodes with a chin lock and body scissors on Ryder.

Ryder gets back to his feet and Rhodes with an Irish whip. They both bump heads and both men are down. Rhodes runs into an elbow and Ryder with a running forearm followed by a clothesline. Ryder sends Rhodes into the mat and then he hits a running forearm into the corner.Rhodes with a kick and a drop down uppercut.

Ryder falls into the ropes and Rhodes with a kick to the midsection and he tries for an Alabama Slam but Ryder counters with a sunset flip for a near fall. Rhodes runs into boots and then Ryder with a clothesline for a near fall. Rhodes gets into the ropes and he elbows Ryder. Rhodes misses Beautiful Disaster. Ryder misses an enzuigiri and Rhodes hits CrossRhodes for the three count.

Winner : Cody Rhodes

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