Friday 14 September 2012

WWE NXT Report – Sept 12th, 2012

Richie Steamboat vs. Kassius Ohno

Steamboat’s armdrags and headlocks annoy Ohno, but Steamboat continues to dominate. Ohno can’t get any kind of offense going, but a thumb to the eye gets him some room, to the referee’s displeasure.

The argument with the referee gives Steamboat time to recover and go back on the attack, so Ohno rakes the eyes again. The referee disqualifies Ohno.

Winner : Richie Steamboat

Audrey Marie vs. Paige

Marie controls Paige with headlocks as Paige struggles hard to escape. Double leg takedown from Marie and they trade hair pulls and roll all over the ring.

Marie with a unique move, she scissors Paige and then rolls her in a circle, settling into a pin attempt for two. Paige lifts Marie up into a bearhug of sorts and DDTs her for the win.

Winner : Paige

Percy Watson vs. Leo Kruger

Kruger mocks Watson by squatting in the middle of the bring, then comes on strong with offense. Double footstomp in the corner gets Kruger two.

Watson dodges an elbow drop to get some room, then goes on his old “NXT Redemption” series of moves. Highsman for two, but Watson surprising him and lands a sort of neckbreaker from the win.

Winner : Leo Kruger

Brodus Clay vs. Brian Collins

Quick squash for Clay.

Winner : Brodus Clay

The Usos vs. The Ascension Tag Team match 

Cameron is getting tag teams in The Uso’s corner. The Usos are moving much faster than I have ever seen. Cameron is able to get a blind tag from O’Brien who steamrolls Jimmy. The ascension isolate Jimmy. Jimmy can’t get to his corner for a tag.

Jimmy almost gets a tag but O’Brien clears Jey off the apron. Double tag and it is Jey wailing on Cameron. Jey keeps O’Brien out of the ring and still stays on top of Cameron. Cameron crotches Jey on the top rope, then lands a running jawbreaker for the win.

Winners : The Ascension

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