Saturday 29 September 2012

WWE Smackdown Report - Sept 28, 2012

United States Championship : Antonio Cesaro vs. Santino

Cesaro gets a decided lead, early. Santino works his way up and from a headlock and hits a takedown and a bodyslam and goes for the Cobra. Cesaro cuts him off and goes for his throw but Santino rolls him up for 2. Cesaro hits an uppercut and hits his throw for a 2.

Santino lands a Superkick out of nowhere and gets 2 on Cesaro. Cesaro tries to go for the Neutralizer but Santino throws him off over his back and goes for a flying headbutt but Cesaro moves and Santino kisses the canvas. Cesaro hits the Gotch-Style Neutralizer for the win.

Winner and STILL WWE United States Champion : Antonio Cesaro

Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya

The women shake hands and lock-up. Beth backs Natalya up with a finger in the chest and gets a slap in the face for it. Beth pauses and hits a double leg takedown. Natalya drags her to the center of the ring but Beth crawls back and finally reaches the rope and the hold is broken.

Beth counters Natalya with a Glam Slam and is shocked that Natalya kicked out. They trade roll-ups and Beth comes out with the pin.

Winner : Beth Phoenix

Zack Ryder vs. Wade Barrett
Barrett takes control with smash-mouth offense. He hits a slam for a 2 count. Barrett hits shots in the corner and bounces Ryder off the ropes and delivers a backbreaker across his knee. Ryder calls for the Boot but Barrett slides out of the ring and gets caught with a boot to the face through the ropes.

Ryder goes out and brings him back in. Barrett hits a vicious clothesline which sends Ryder to the outside. Barrett brings him in and hits the Souvenir for the win.

Winner : Wade Barrett

#1 Contenders Tag Team Title Tournament : Uso's vs. Rhodes Scholars

Sandow takes control of Jimmy. Jimmy hits a Samoan Drop. Both men make tags. Jey hits a flurry on Cody including the Running Stinkface but Sandow breaks the count and slides out of the ring. Jey hits a Superkick on Cody and tags Jimmy. Sandow takes out Jey from the outside. Jimmy flies off the top but Cody gets his knees up and hits Cross Rhodes for the win.

Winners and advancing in the tournament : Rhodes Scholars

Tensai vs. Ryback

They lock-up and Tensai takes the advantage but Ryback no-sells for the most part. Tensai cuts Ryback off with a sit-down double chokeslam for 2 consecutive near-falls. Ryback recovers with a thunderous clothesline and lifts Tensai on his back and stomps around and drops the behemoth for the impressive finish.

Winner : Ryback

World Championship #1 Contenders Match : Big Show vs. Randy Orton

Show stalks Orton as he closes in and Orton fights back with punches. Orton favors his ribs as Show acknowledges it. Show squeezes Orton's ribs with his huge hands. Show stands on Orton with leverage from the ropes and then applies a Claw to the ribs again.

Orton tries to fight back but Show won't let up. Show makes a lackadaisical cover for 2. Orton gets caught in a chokeslam but he counters with a DDT. Show delivers several body shots to Orton and yells at him to quit. Show punches Orton out of the ring and gives chase. Show reverses and drives Show into the steel post. Orton hits a boot to Show on the apron but is unable to hit the ropes-DDT.

Show calls for the chokeslam but Orton hits an RKO out of nowhere. Show kicks out at 2. Randy goes for a punt but Show catches him with a chokeslam but Orton kicks out at 2. Show hits another chokeslam and gets the win.

Winner and NEW #1 World Championship Contender : Big Show

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