Saturday 29 September 2012

WWE NXT Report - Sept 28, 2012

Michael McGillicutty vs. Bo Dallas

McGillicutty shoves Bo before the bell even rings and the ref has to separate them. The men trade punches in the ring and Bo sends him in and plants him face-first twice. Bo hits an elbow to the chin to send McGillicutty to the outside and goes out to work him over all around the ring.

Bo gives chase and continues to pound him and sends him back in for 2. McGillicutty gets in a shot to the face and drives Bo into the steel post.McGillicutty works the arm and proceeds to stomp on the hurt arm. McGillicutty hits punches to Bo on the apron.

Bo fights back and sunset flips over the ropes and gets 2 in the ring. They trade shots in the ring and Bo hits a flurry of offense with the crowd hot for it. Bo drags him in and McGillicutty blindsides him with a forearm and a running neckbreaker for the win.

Winner : Michael McGillicutty

Jake Carter vs. Leo Kruger

The bell rings and Kruger hops out of the corner and starts to decimate Carter. Carter ducks a clothesline but Kruger won't relent. Kruger drops elbows and a knee to the face. Kruger hits a shoulderblock off the 2nd rope and only gets 2.

Carter manages a face-plant and takes over with a series of clotheslines. Kruger ducks a splash in the corner and hits hit neckbreaker finisher for the win.

Winner : Leo Kruger

Ryback vs. 2 Jobbers

The crowd chants, "Feed Me More." The men decide to attack Ryback together. Ryback's singlet gets torn as Ryback starts to pick them apart. He slams them both after a quick squash-display for the win.

Winner : Ryback

Kassius Ohno vs. Richie Steamboat

The men lock up and fight to the corner as the ref separates them. Richie hits an early crossbody and gets several quick near-falls as he quickens the pace. Ohno comes in off the apron and Richie resumes offense and hits a high back bodydrop as Ohno begs off. Richie gets caught on the apron and Ohno sends him into the corner post.

Ohno gets a 2 count on Richie in the ring. Ohno makes a battle cry and charges in but Richie cuts him off with his own shots. Richie hits a crossbody off the ropes but Ohno rolls through and makes the pin for about a 2. Richie gets a near-fall off the backslide and goes up top for a missile dropkick and gets 2.

Richie lands a Superkick as Ohno talks to the ref and almost wins. Richie goes up top for a moonsault but gets nothing but canvas. Ohno rolls him up and only gets 2. Ohno charges in with an elbow and goes for his KO finisher but Richie ducks and rolls him up in a small package for the win.

Winner : Richie Steamboat

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