Tuesday 18 September 2012

Punk on Being Upset at Rock’s Return

WWE Champion CM Punk recently spoke with The Sun in the UK. Here are some highlights from the interview that took place before Night of Champions:

Wrestling The Rock: “Anybody that doesn’t want to wrestle The Rock is pretty foolish. He’s not around a lot, so to get an opportunity to wrestle him, it’s a slim chance. I might have a shot at him at the Royal Rumble if I get past John Cena, and that right now is my goal. The Rumble is a while away, but hopefully I stay the champ until then.”

Getting pissed off at The Rock’s return: “Rock being back, I guess, puts a lot of eyes on our product. In that respect it’s a good thing. I have a lot of pride in what I do, and I’m proud of the WWE, and their superstars and divas that are on the road 365 days a year. It’s a very cold business, it’s a very ‘what have you done for me lately?’ business.When somebody walks in and gets afforded opportunities that people are in line for and people are busting their ass for, you’re damn right I’m going to get pissed off about it. It’s only logical; it isn’t sour grapes. It isn’t whining. It’s a fact. I said it, I was vocal about it. I said it to his face.That’s just the kind of guy I am. Listen, if I disappear for 5-8 years and I come back, I only hope there is someone as angry and as hungry, with a chip on their shoulder, just like me, to tell me the same thing: ‘Hey, I can do everything you’re doing, and I’m doing it every day.’ I don’t hate The Rock, I don’t hate Dwayne. There honestly aren’t any hard feelings, there’s nothing anything personal. It has motivated me to work harder and to prove everybody wrong. That’s what I do.”

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