Tuesday 18 September 2012

WWE RAW Report – 9/17/2012

Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Primo and Epico

Primo starts off with Cara. Rey tags in and they double team Primo as Rosa Mendes screams from ringside. 2 count by Rey. Primo tags in but Cara tosses him. Cara tries for a tag but Primo stops him. Cara counters with a tornado DDT. Rey tags in as Epico does.

Rey unloads and hits a big kick to the head for a 2 count. Rey tags in Cara and they double team him in position for 619. Primo comes in and gets put in position also. Rey hits a double 619 and leaps from the apron onto Primo and the floor. Cara hits a splash on Epico from the top for the win.

Winners : Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara

Beth Phoenix vs. Eve Torres
Beth takes Eve down first but she comes back with a headlock. Beth slams her on the back of her head and is told to back off by the referee. Beth goes for the Glam Slam but Eve fights out. Eve beats her down. Beth turns it around in the corner with a splash and a kick. More back and forth until Eve rolls Beth up out of nowhere for the win.
Winner : Eve Torres
Brodus Clay v. Heath Slater 

Brodus shrugs off Slater's early offense, knocking him down several times before propping him in the corner for a splash. Cesaro briefly gets involved, allowing Slater to hit a modified neckbreaker for a two count. Slater goes up top, but gets drilled with a headbutt and a SPLAT! splash for a three count

Winner : Brodus Clay
Santino Marella vs. Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler starts off with more offense and takes control. Santino does some power walking and sweeps Ziggler for a 2 count. Santino with an arm drag now.  Ziggler with an elbow drop for a 2 count. Ziggler stomps on Santino and pulls out his Cobra.  

Ziggler throws the Cobra but Santino starts fighting back. Ziggler drops him with a right hand and covers for 2. He goes for the Cobra but Vickie pulls it out of the ring. Santino turns around to a leg drop from Ziggler. Ziggler with the Zig Zag for the win.

Winner : Dolph Ziggler

Wade Barrett vs. Justin Gabriel

The bell rings and Gabriel strikes with a kick . They run the ropes and Gabriel with a head scissors takedown and some pin attempts. Barrett turns it around with a low kick. Barrett rolls Gabriel in and uses the ring post on him. Barrett keeps Gabriel on the mat and a "we want Nexus" chant breaks out for the former partners. Gabriel makes a comeback with several kicks. 

Barrett cuts him off but Gabriel counters with an inverted DDT. Gabriel hits a springboard moonsault for 2. Barrett ducks one and lifts Gabriel high before slamming him down. Barrett rakes Gabriel's face and levels him with a huge right forearm for the win.

Winner : Wade Barrett
WWE Tag Team Title Match: Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. Kane and Daniel Bryan 

The match starts with Kane and Bryan arguing. Bryan starts off with Kofi. Bryan drops Kofi with a shoulder but Kofi comes back with an elbow. Kofi takes control and tags Truth in for a bit of double teaming. Kofi comes back in with a crossbody for 2. Bryan tags in Kane. Kofi backs Kane to the corner but Kane turns it around and beats him down.

Kane gets dumped over the top and out to the floor. Bryan comes in but Kofi tosses him over the top and onto Kane. Kane and Bryan start arguing on the floor.Truth fights out and comes off the second rope with a dropkick. Kofi springboards in off a tag and goes to work on Kane. Kofi with a bunch of right hands in the corner. Kane looks to turn it around but Kofi kicks him in the head. Kofi with a crossbody for 2. Kofi calls for Trouble in Paradise but Kane grabs him for a chokeslam. Kane calls for a chokeslam but Bryan tags himself in and they argue.

Bryan and Truth go at it now with Truth in control. 2 count by Truth. Kofi with a dropkick to the jaw and another pin attempt. Truth comes back in for more double teaming. Truth with a 2 count now. Truth takes Bryan down with a headlock. Bryan finally turns it around and drops Truth in the corner. Kane tags in and goes to the top. He comes crashing down on Truth and then dropkicks him in the face for 2. 

Kane with a splash in the corner and a big sideslam. Kane calls for the chokeslam but Bryan tries tagging in. Kane sees him and grabs him by the throat. Bryan drops Kane over the top rope. Kane turns around to a slam from Truth for a close 2 count. Bryan makes the save but Kofi takes him to the floor. Kane chokeslams Truth as Bryan comes in and applies the No Lock for the win.

Winners : Kane and Daniel Bryan

Randy Orton vs. Tensai

The bell rings and they lock up. Orton dumps Tensai in the corner and they lock up again but Orton kicks him. Tensai drops Orton with a big shot. Orton comes back with an uppercut. Tensai takes it back to the corner and hits Orton with headbutts. Orton tries to fight back but Tensai scoops him for a slam and a pin attempt. Tensai drops an elbow for another 2 count. 

Orton fights out but Tensai drops him with another headbutt. Tensai kicks Orton and drives knees into his back. Orton finally catches Tensai with a slam. Tensai rolls to the floor and catches Orton with a right hand. Orton catches Tensai coming in the ring with kicks to the face. Orton goes for the second rope draping DDT and nails it.Orton hits the mat and readies for the RKO. Tensai blocks it but misses a splash in the corner. Orton comes right back with a big RKO for the win.
Winner : Randy Orton

Damien Sandow v. Zack Ryder
Zack counters out, clothesline Sandow over the rope, then nails a Plancha, rolling Sandow back in for a two count. Sandow knocks down Ryder, delivering some kicks and elbows, then rubs Ryder's face in the mat and covers for two. Sandow then hits another elbow for another two count. 

Ryder tries to counter out of a chinlock, only to get headbutted and hit with Sandow's elbow for a two count. Whip to the corner, Ryder counters into a roll up for a two count, then a small package for another two. Sandow tries to attack Ryder coming back in, but Ryder counters and nails the Broski Boot for a close two count. Rough Ryder attempt, but Sandow counters into his trademark arm-trap neckbreaker for the three

Winner : Damien Sandow

Sheamus and John Cena vs. CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio

Punk starts out with Cena. Punk immediately tags in Del Rio and goes to the floor to talk with Heyman. Del Rio and Cena lock up and go at it. Del Rio takes him to the corner and beats him down. Cena turns it around and gets a 2 count. Cena tags in Sheamus and they double team Del Rio a bit. Sheamus takes him to the corner and beats him down. 

Del Rio gets a boot up but Sheamus catches him with the Celtic Cross for 2. Cena tags in but Del Rio kicks him and tags Punk in. Cena unloads on Punk and hits a bulldog. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Punk fights out and goes to the floor after a thumb to Cena's eye.

Punk comes back in and stomps away on Cena. Del Rio tags back in and they double team Cena. Del Rio chokes Cena on the ropes as Punk gets in a cheap shot. Punk tags himself back in and they double team Cena again. Cena fights them both off but Punk hits a drop toe hold and takes Cena down. Sheamus comes in and takes Punk to the corner. 

Sheamus beats Punk down and clotheslines him for a 2 count. Punk gets an elbow up and tags in Del Rio. Del Rio hits a big boot and then a kick to the head on Sheamus. Del Rio taunts Cena and punches on Sheamus some more. Sheamus moves and Del Rio gets hung up on the apron. Sheamus hits the forearm to the chest as the crowd counts. Sheamus hits White Noise on Del Rio. 

Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick but has to knock Punk off the apron. Del Rio sneaks up with a Backstabber on Sheamus for 2. Punk tags back in and works over Sheamus. They trade shots until Punk dropkicks the leg out. Punk taunts Sheamus and applies a submission with his knees to the back. Sheamus counters and gets a 2 count. 

Del Rio comes back in and keeps control of Sheamus. Sheamus fights out but Del Rio cuts him off and stomps on his head for another pin attempt. Sheamus catches Del Rio with a big backbreaker and both go down. Cena tags in as Punk does also. 

Cena hits the shoulderblocks and side slam. Cena calls for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Punk tries to kick him. Cena grabs it and goes for the STF. Del Rio makes the save but gets a Brogue Kick from Sheamus. Punk takes out Sheamus. Cena hits the AA on Punk for the win.
Winners : John Cena and Sheamus

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