Friday 27 July 2012

WWE Superstars Report July 26, 2012

Sin Cara versus Drew McIntyre

They lock up and Drew with a waist lock and he drops Cara on the mat. They lock up again and Cara goes to the turnbuckles and he arm drags Drew. Drew tries for a hip toss but Cara bounces off the ropes and hits an arm drag. Cara with a pescado but Drew catches him and hits a shoulder breaker on the apron.
Drew sends Cara back into the ring and he gets a near fall. 

Drew with an arm wringer and he gets a near fall. Drew with a key lock but Cara with punches. Cara with kicks to Drew’s shoulder and Cara with a head scissors take down. Cara with an elbow and then he goes to the turnbuckles and tries for a rana but Drew holds on and hits a buckle bomb.

Drew with a boot to each arm followed by a boot to the head. Drew with an arm bar but Cara with kicks. Cara lands on his feet when Drew sends him into the air but Drew with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Drew with a hammer lock and belly-to-back suplex while holding on to the hammer lock.

Cara with a tornado DDT and hegets a near fall. Cara with a springboard rana and handspring back elbow. Cara counters a power bomb with an X Factor for a near fall.Cara with kicks to the leg and he tries for a springboard move but Drew with a drop kick for a near fall. Drew sets for a power bomb to the floor but Cara with a rana and he gets the three count.

Winner : Drew McIntyre

Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd versus Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks

Curt and Justin start things off and Hawkins tries to pull Gabriel into his corner. Gabriel with a shoulder tackle and arm drag into an arm bar. Kidd tags in and Kidd with a shoulder from the apron and a rollup for a near fall. Gabriel tags back in and they hit a double back elbow followed by a double snap mare and double kick for a near fall.Hawkins with a jawbreaker and Hawkins runs Gabriel into his corner. 

Gabriel fights out of the cornerfor a moment but Reks pulls Gabriel to the floor and hits a clothesline after making a tag.Reks tags in and he connects with a forearm and slam. Reks with a leaping knee drop for a near fall. Hawkins tags back in and he connects with a forearm and suplex for a near fall. Gabriel with a kick to the leg but Hawkins kicks back and stops Justin’s attempt at a recovery.Hawkins trips Gabriel and Reks with a kick to the midsection. Reks with a key lock. 

Gabriel with a kick but Reks with a clothesline and he tags Hawkins back in. Curt with a fist drop to Gabriel followed by a knee to the back. Reks tags back in and he kicks Gabriel. Reks with the quarter nelson and chin lock.

Gabriel with punches and he hits an elbow drop from an inverted DDT position. Kidd tags in and hehits a springboard drop kick and a series of kicks to Reks. Kidd with a back heel kick and drop kick to the head. Kidd with a drop kick to Hawkins. Kidd kicks Reks and goes to the apron. Kidd with a back heel kick to Hawkins on the floor and Gabriel with a plancha. Kidd goes up top and hits a blockbuster for the three count.

Winners : Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd

Zack Ryder versus Michael McGillicutty

They lock up  and Michael backs Ryder into the corner. Michael teases a clean break but he tries to punch Ryder but Zack blocks it and he punches Michael. Ryder drives Michael face first into the mat and then he gets a near fall.Michael kicks Zack and sends him into the turnbuckles. Michael chokes Ryder with his boot. Michael with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Ryder with forearms but Michael with another clothesline to the back of the head. Michael gets a near fall.

Michael with a back breaker and then he goes to the turnbuckles for an elbow drop and he connects. Michael rubs his forearm against the head and then he applies a rear chin lock. Ryder with punches but Michael with a forearm and shots to the back.Michael tries for a suplex but Ryder lands on his feet and hits a neck breaker and both men are down. Ryder with an elbow to Michael followed by a running forearm and clothesline. Ryder with a flapjack and a running forearm into the corner. Ryder sets for the Broski Boot and he connects. Ryder gets a near fall.

Ryder with a forearm but Michael with a snap Saito suplex and he gets a near fall. Michael sends Zack into the corner and on the top turnbuckle. Ryder with a slap and a Rough Ryder from the turnbuckles for the three count.

Winner : Zack Ryder

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