Friday 27 July 2012

TNA IMPACT Wrestling Report 7.26.12

Gail Kim and Madison Rayne vs. Tara and Mickie James

Tara and Kim to begin. Tara escapes and works the arm, to the corner and an arm drag by Tara. Tag to James, basement dropkick to Kim gets 2. Kim runs up the ropes, lucha style arm drag but James rolls through and holds on. 

Rayne catches James with a shot to the back, Kim takes over. Kim chokes out James, tag to Rayne and she then chokes out James and then flirts with Earl Hebner. Facebuster and a clothesline by Rayne gets 2. Spinning side slam by Tara gets 2 as Kim makes the save. 

Tag to James, Rock and Roll Express leg roll into the Boston crab, Kim dives in and as Rayne flirts with Earl, then make a wish on Kim's legs. James gets the roll up and shoulder up, but Earl favors Rayne and gives her team the victory.

Winner : Gail Kim and Madison Rayne

Sam Shaw vs. Douglas Williams

Lock up, off the ropes and a shoulder block by Shaw. Counters a backdrop and gets a dropkick and back elbows to Williams and then kips up and covers for 2. Williams tosses him off the top and Ryan sucker punches Al Snow, who then chases him into the crowd. Williams sets, clothesline follows. Vicious rights by Williams, corner knee followed by an  xploder suplex. Williams talks trash to Shaw, slaps him a few times, and then the chaos theory gets the victory.
Winner : Douglas Williams

BFG Series Match: AJ Styles vs. James Storm

Lock up, off the ropes and a shoulder block by Storm. Crack Ho Claire is in the crowd, back slide by Storm gets 2. To the corner, chops by Storm. Slams AJ to the opposite corner, and then into a chinlock. AJ gets to his feet, tries to fight back but Storm with the butterfly suplex and covers for 2. 

AJ fights out, to his feet and chops to Storm. Off the ropes, and counters by AJ, Storm with the knee buster and then eats a dropkick by AJ. Snap suplex by AJ connects for 2. AJ now works the chinlock, Storm fights back and shoulder blocks AJ to the corner. Stun gun follows and then the flying forearm and a cover for 2.

AJ back with leg kicks, Hammerlock backdrop suplex by AJ gets a close 2. To the corner, AJ misses the corner forearm, and Storm sets AJ up top. Storm then crotches AJ, snatches up AJ and goes for the whirly bird and it connects, Storm covers for 2.  Tornado DDT countered by AJ into a suplex into the buckles and a cover by AJ for 2. AJ to the apron, springboard forearm connects and AJ covers for a close 2. 

AJ looks for the clash, Storm fights and gets an Alabama slam to counter, and both men are down. Storm crawls and covers for 2. They braw on the apron, and Storm gets a facebuster on AJ. Back in the ring and Storm covers for another close 2. AJ stumbles to his feet, clash countered and a lung blower by Storm. Storm calls for the superkick, countered and a pele by AJ. Aces and Eights in and they attack AJ and the ref. 

X-Division Title Match: Zema Ion © vs. Kenny King

Lock up, to the corner and Ion tries to use the hairspray, but the ref stops that. Knee to King, In off the ropes and King with the dropkick. Back elbows by King, a whip to the corner and a big back elbow by King. Springboard cross body by King gets 2.
King in the ropes, Ion chokes him out. Ion covers for 2. Ion works a chinlock, King fights to his feet and clubbing shots to the back by Ion. 

A whip to the corner and King hits hard and drops to the mat. Chops by Ion, and another hard whip to the corner. King with the float over into a roll up for 2. Ion with the facebuster, and a cover gets a close 2. King with a cool clutch suplex, which makes Taz happy. Ion to the apron, kick by King sends him to the floor. Big twisting dive by King connects. Back into he ring they go, King up top and Roode stops him and slams him to the post. Rolls King in, Ion with the second rope moonsault and for the win.

Winner : Zema Ion

BFG Series: Kurt Angle vs. Bully Ray

They feel each other out and lock-up and break in the corner. Angle goes behind and Bully reverses. Kurt switches back. They reset and Bully backs off. Bully knocks Angle down and Angle applies the Angle Lock but Ray reaches the ropes.

Bully makes two consecutive covers for 2. Bully measures Angle with an elbow to the head. Angle manages a clothesline and they both struggle to get up. Kurt hits a forearm off the ropes and a nice suplex for 2. Bully hits the Bully Bomb for 2 after countering the Angle Slam.

Kurt hits 3 German Suplexes. Kurt locks in the Angle Lock. Bully rolls out and they trade shots in the middle. Bully hits a Rock Bottom for 2. Angle ducks a big boot and hits the Angle Slam but Bully barely kicks out. Kurt misses with the moonsault off the top. Bully hits a boot for another 2. Angle hits another Angle Slam for the win.

Winner : Kurt Angle

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