Friday 13 July 2012



Tyson Kidd vs. Camacho w/ Hunico

They lock up and Camacho throws Kidd to the mat. Tyson goes behind and ducks a kick off the ropes. Camacho rushes in and gets rolled up for a 2. Camacho sends Kidd in and Kidd counters into a drop toe hold and maneuvers into a pin for 2. Camacho tries to throw him out but Kidd holds on HBK style and throws Camacho out with his feet.
The ref has banned Hunico from ringside. Camacho takes Kidd out on the apron and puts the boots to him on the outside. Camacho makes a cover for 2. Camacho allows Kidd to get up and Kidd gets in some punches before being sling-shotted into the corner for another near fall. Camacho slingshots Kidd’s throat into the bottom rope. He hits a suplex and drops a big leg for 2.
Kidd hits two spinning kicks to the head and a vicious looking front dropkick for 2. Kidd drops a springboard leg drop on Camacho’s neck in the ropes. Camacho meets Kidd on the top corner and brings Kidd down with a double-arm suplex. Kidd flips out of a back bodydrop and goes up top and hits a Blockbuster neckbreaker but Camacho puts his foot on the rope. Kidd goes for the Sharpshooter but Michael McGillicutty comes down for the distraction and Camacho gets the win.

Winner : Camacho

Bray Wyatt vs. Aiden English

Wyatt starts to slowly decimate English. He smiles psychotically as he takes it to English. Wyatt hits a vicious splash in the corner and drops English in the center of the ring after kissing him on the head for a quick and decisive win.

Winner Bray Wyatt

The Uso’s vs. The Primetime Players

Young and Jey get into a shoving match and Jey slaps him in the face. Young goes to get consoled by Titus in the corner. Jey hits chops to the chest and tags Jimmy in for some double-teaming. Jimmy continues the offense and gets 2. Young gets Jimmy in his corner and tags Titus.
Titus and Jimmy go back and forth and Jey tags in and gets 1. Young tags back in and gets powerslammed as he charges in and goes out to regroup.
Titus and Young are firmly in control of Jey in their corner. Young stops a tag from the outside as he pulls Jimmy down off the apron. Young gets 2 in the ring. Young works Jey’s left leg. Titus tags in and prevents another tag attempt by the Uso’s. Jey manages a back bodydrop and tags his brother. 
Jimmy quickens the pace and hits the Running Stinkface but Titus breaks the pin. Titus takes out Jey in the corner and along with Young double teams him behind the ref’s back.

Winner : The Primetime Player

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