Friday 13 July 2012


Anything-Goes Match - Bully Ray vs. Joseph Park

Bully has his restraining order in hand. Park comes out to the ring. Park is hesitant to face off. Bully invites him to the center of the ring, Park puts his dukes up. Park swings wildly and Bully slaps him around. Bully spits in his face. Park slaps Bully and gets fired up.

Bully pulls out some hardcore items form under the ring: trash cans, chairs, sheet pans, etc. Park avoids a chair-shot and takes Bully down. Park grabs a chair but he hesitates and Bully knocks him down. Park avoids a leaping head butt and Bully hits his head on the metal lid.

Bully goes back out and pulls a back bag from under the ring. He spills thumbtacks all over the mat. Bully goes to hit him with a Kendo Stick but Park hits a low-blow and uses the stick himself and gets 2.

Bully hits a clothesline and takes Park over to the tacks but Park hits a spine buster on him onto the tacks, he gets 2. Bully crawls to his chain and he wraps it around his fist and clocks Park in the head for the win.

Winner : Bully Ray

Bound for Glory Series Match – Samoa Joe vs. RVD

RVD drop toe-holds Joe into the corner and tries a submission hold but Joe grabs the ropes. RVD hits a kick to the head and Joe responds with a clothesline and RVD rolls out to regroup. Joe applies a modified ankle lock but quickly releases.

Joe hits a snap power slam off the ropes and transitions into an armbar but RVD gets his foot on the rope. RVD takes out Joe's knee and catches him with a spinning kick and a Rolling Thunder to Joe's back. 

Joe kicks out at 2. Joe counters a monkey-flip attempt and slams RVD and applies a modified figure-4. He releases and goes to re-apply but RVD rolls him up with a small package.

Winner : RVD

Zema Ion vs. Dakota Darsow

Darsow knocks Ion down with one punch and goes to work with relentless intensity. Ion goes out and starts to make his way up the ramp but Darsow goes to intercept him. 

Ion takes advantage of getting in first but Darsow takes back over. Ion drops Darsow's neck across the ropes and hits a DDT and a reverse faceplant for the win.

Winner : Zema Ion

TNA Knockout Championship: Gail Kim vs. Miss Tessmacher (c)

Tessmacher attacks from the outset. Tessmacher hits a dropkick and a hurricanrana. Kim takes over and sends Tessmacher into the corner. Kim gets 2 on the mat and works the left arm.

Tessmacher rolls into a pin attempt for 2. Tessmacher brings Kim out of the corner with a faceplant and a STO for 2. Kim rolls Tessmacher up and grabs the tights but she still kicks out. 

Kim goes for Eat Defeet but Tessmacher throws her off. Tessmacher comes off the top with an elbow for the win.

Winner : Miss Tessmacher

BFG Series Match – Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson

The men lock up and Kurt goes for a quick single leg takedown but Anderson grabs the ropes. Kurt takes him down into a side headlock. Anderson gets up and sends Angle in and hits a couple of hip-tosses and applies and armbar. Anderson turns the tables and hits a dropkick for 2.

Anderson hits a side suplex to get out of a headlock. The ref begins a count. They both get up at 7. Anderson ducks a clothesline and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Angles ducks a clothesline also and hits his trifecta of suplexes. Anderson avoids an Angle Slam and turns it into a Senton Slam for 2. 

Angle takes the straps down and applies the Angle Lock. Anderson screams in pain as he reaches for the ropes. Angle pulls him to the center but Anderson rolls out and hits the Mic Check for 2. Anderson stalks Angle and goes for another Mic Check but Angle counters and hits the Angle Slam for the win.

Winner : Kurt Angle

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