Monday 10 December 2012

SPOILERS : WWE Tribute To The Troops Results

Lillian Garcia was introduced to sing the national anthem, hearing her sing it live live brought me goosebumps, she sounds amazing.

President Obama provided a recorded speech, talking about thanking the WWE and their show to the troops.

Sheamus/Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler/Big Show.
A few minutes into the match, Ziggler/Show started to walk out and they were counted out. Booker T showed up and announced the match to be restarted. Throughout the match, Ziggler took most of the offense as the Big Show refused to take the tag. The match ended with Ziggler taking the RKO and then the Brogue Kick, with Sheamus taking the pin.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Ryback
ADR showed up in a new Camaro. It turns out that it is Ricardo's birthday; ADR asks the crowd to help him sing Happy Birthday, which ADR sings in Spanish. USA chants ensue...During the match, Ricardo jumped on the back of Ryback which gave him the win via DQ. ADR exits the ring and Ricardo takes a Shellshock for this birthday present. ADR comes back in the ring and gets a Shellshock himself.

Team Hell No/R-Truth vs. 3MB
R-Truth comes out first, Team Hell No comes out next; after the pyro, Kane almost fell off the stage. He kicked the light and almost fell off, he recovered, but had to jump a gap to make it on the ramp (See link below) Typical offense, 3MB sucks in person...the match ends when R-Truth pinned Heath Slater.

Miz vs. Damien Sandow

Match sucked, Miz won with a roll-up, Miz makes it back to the top of the ramp and Ms. Piggy makes out with him. Sandow throws a tantrum in the ring.

Non-title : Layla vs. Eve Torres

Eve comes down doing the wave, the match ends when Eve attempts her booty-shaking back flip, Layla kicked her in the ass. Eve ate the turnbuckle, dazed, Layla recovers and kicks the shit out of Eve in the face (it looked stiff) for the pin.

Primo/Epico/David Otunga/Tensai vs. Hornswoggle/Sin Cara/Khali/Brodus Clay

The faces dance in the ring, Sin Cara looks lost as fuck. A lot of action by the faces, Sin Cara does a splash to the outside. The match ends when Hornswoggle does a frog splash on Otunga for the pin.

Non-title : Antonio Cesaro vs. John Cena

Cesaro was in the ring with a mic, as he is announced from being from Switzerland. The crowd goes wild with the USA chants, Cesaro states that he is the United States champion, therefore, he is the champion of all of us. More USA chants, he agrees and says "Yes, the United States of Antonio," which brought a loud chorus of boos. Ms. Piggy is on the ramp and introduces John Cena, in which the crowd goes crazy.

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