Monday 19 November 2012

WWE Survivor Series PPV Results – 11/18/2012

Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal vs. Zack Ryder and Santino Marella

Ryder starts things off with Mahal. Ryder goes down first but comes back with a big arm drag takedown. Santino tags in and takes control. Slater comes in but Santino arm drags him. Ryder comes back in and goes at it with Slater. Jinder comes back in and gets a 2 count on Ryder.

Santino comes back in and unloads on Slater. He goes for the Cobra but Jinder distracts him and Slater lays him out. Slater throws the Cobra out of the ring and Drew stomps on it. Jinder unloads on Santino and hits a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Santino tries for a double clothesline but misses. Slater covers for 2. Mahal comes back in and keeps Santino grounded by their corner.

Santino turns it around and in comes Ryder. Ryder unloads on Mahal and hits a dropkick from the top. Ryder covers for a 2 count as Slater breaks the pin. Slater kicks Santino into the barrier. McIntyre hits Ryder with his cast and Jinder covers for the win.

Winners : Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal

Traditional Survivor Series Match : Brodus Clay, Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Darren Young, Titus O’Neil, Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara and Tensai

Epico and Kidd start the match off. They trade holds and go to the mat. Kidd with a pair of headlock takedowns. More back and forth on the mat. Epico escapes to the mat. Kidd goes to the apron but Epico trips him and he falls face first. Epico comes back in and Kidd takes him down. Gabriel comes in with a 2 count on Epico. Gabriel with a standing moonsault and another 2 count. Kidd tags back in and they double team Epico. 2 count by Kidd. Rey comes in and dropkicks Epico for a 2 count.

Epico turns it around and tags in Young. Rey counters but Young tosses him into the corner. Rey trips him and dropkicks him in the corner. Cara comes in and they double team Young. Cara with a 2 count. Primo tags in and goes at it with Cara. Cara with several big moves and 2 counts. Tensai comes in and slams Cara twice. Tensai with a big shoulder and leg drop on the arm. Titus tags in and keeps the attack on Cara.

Titus beats up Cara and Primo comes back in. Primo with offense and a 2 count before going to a Clutch. Cara fights out but Primo stops him from tagging. Tensai comes back in and keeps control of Cara. Tensai knocks Rey off the apron but Clay hits him. Cara with an enziguri. Clay comes in and splashes Tensai in the corner. Titus comes in but Clay headbutts him out of the ring.

Young comes in but Clay tosses him. Kidd and Gabriel go at it with Primo and Epico now, tossing them out. Kidd and Gabriel leap out onto the floor and then goes Rey and Cara. It’s down to Tensai and Clay in the ring. They go at it. Clay tries to toss Tensai but drops him on his face as he can’t get him up and over. Tensai runs over Clay with a big shoulder. Tensai with a backsplash for the pin. Brodus Clay is eliminated.

Gabriel comes in and kicks Tensai. They go at it and Tensai levels him. Titus comes in and works over Gabriel now. Titus with an abdominal stretch. Titus with a big overhead throw as he taunts Gabriel’s partners. Gabriel fights back but Tensai comes in as Titus hits a backbreaker. Tensai with another big backsplash and 2 count on Gabriel. Gabriel ends up back sliding Tensai and he’s gone. Tensai is eliminated.

Tensai levels Gabriel before he leaves the ring. Titus and Young work on Gabriel now. Epico comes in and he takes Gabriel from corner to corner. Epico with a close 2 count and headlock on Gabriel. Gabriel fights out but misses an enziguri. Epico misses an elbow and Gabriel tags in Kidd. Kidd springboards in with a dropkick and unloads on Epico.

Kidd gets knocked off the apron and to the floor. Primo works him over now. Primo rams Kidd back into the barrier and brings him back in for a 2 count. More offense from Primo and a 2 count. Titus comes back in and keeps control of Kidd. Titus gets hung on the top rope and Kidd hits a big kick to the head. Kidd rolls Titus up and he’s gone. Titus O’Neil is eliminated.

Young comes in and takes control of Kidd. Epico tags in and keeps Kidd down. Kidd ends up going for the Sharpshooter and locking it in. Epico taps out and he’s eliminated. Primo with a headlock on Kidd now. Primo and Young work on Kidd now.

Primo comes off the top but Kidd takes him out in mid-air. Kidd crawls and tags in Rey. Rey and Primo go at it. Rey with a head scissors takedown and a shot to Young. Primo comes back but gets kicked in the face. Rey with a close 2 count. Rey goes to the top but Primo stops him. Primo climbs up for a superplex but Rey blocks it. Rey sends Primo to the mat with a headbutt. Rey with a senton and arm drag into the ropes.

Rey misses 619 but dodges a Backstabber. Rey rolls Primo up and he’s gone. Primo is eliminated. Darren Young comes in and goes at it with Rey but gets hit with 619. Cara tags in and hits a swanton from the top. Gabriel tags in and hits a springboard moonsault. Kidd with an elbow off the top. Rey comes back off the top with a splash for the win.

Winners : Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara, Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd

WWE Divas Title Match : Kaitlyn vs. Eve Torres

The bell rings and Kaitlyn slams Eve on the back of her head and stomps away. Eve finally crawls out of the ring to regroup but Kaitlyn follows and works her over on the floor. Eve crawls right back out and runs away. Eve tries to escape through the crowd but Kaitlyn throws her into the apron.

Kaitlyn brings it back in the ring and mounts Eve, slamming her head into the mat. Eve finally turns it around and kicks Kaitlyn in the head, sending her to the mat. Eve with more offense and a 2 count. Eve drops an elbow for a 2 count. Eve keeps control and goes to the top but slips.

Kaitlyn takes advantage and shoves her to the apron and then to the floor. Kaitlyn smacks her and tosses her by her hair a few times. Kaitlyn gets Eve on her shoulders and drops her with a gutbuster. Kaitlyn with a close 2 count. Eve suckers Kaitlyn to the floor and turns it around. Eve brings it back in the ring and hits her big neckbreaker for the win.

Winner : Eve Torres

WWE United States Title Match : R-Truth vs. Antonio Cesaro

Truth catches a kick and taunts Cesaro. Cesaro with a big headbutt and now he turns it around. Cesaro with a scoop slam and stomp on the chest for 2. Cesaro keeps Truth on the mat now. Cesaro with the big gutwrench slam for another 2 count. Truth starts to make a comeback with a rollup for 2. Cesaro drops him with an uppercut for another 2 count.

Truth with a suplex into a jawbreaker for another 2 count. Truth misses the scissor kick and Cesaro nails a big uppercut. Cesaro with the Neutralizer for the win.

Winner : Antonio Cesaro

World Heavyweight Title Match : Sheamus vs. Big Show

Sheamus strikes first and they start trading hands. Show knocks Sheamus down and takes control, beating him around the ring, Show with a big chop in the corner. Sheamus unloads with forearm shots to the chest. Show escapes to the floor but Sheamus leaps off the apron and takes him out. Show knocks him out of the air with a big spear. Show throws Sheamus head first into the turnbuckles and keeps control. Show continues the assault on Sheamus, wearing him down. Show with a big sideslam.

Show tosses him off. Sheamus comes back with a clothesline and rights and lefts. Show with the elbow drop on the neck for another 2 count. Sheamus gets Show on his shoulders and falls back with him. Sheamus covers for a close 2 count as the crowd pops big for the move. Sheamus takes Show down twice with shots to the head. Show catches the Brogue Kick and goes for a chokeslam.

Sheamus blocks it and hits White Noise for a 2 count. Sheamus goes for a Brogue again but Show pulls the referee in the way and the Brogue hits referee Scott Armstrong. Dr. Sampson comes in to check on Armstrong as other referees come down. Sheamus also checks on Armstrong and says he’s sorry. Sheamus gets up and turns around to a knockout punch from Show for the win.

After the match, a referee goes to Justin Roberts. It’s announced Show has been disqualified and Sheamus wins.

Winner by DQ : Sheamus

Traditional Survivor Series Match: Alberto Del Rio, Damien Sandow, David Otunga, Wade Barrett and Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane, Daniel Bryan, Kofi Kingston, the Miz and Randy Orton
Otunga starts things off with Kofi. Kofi takes him down first but Otunga comes back with a knee to the gut. Otunga ducks a big kick and retreats to the floor. Kofi leaps out onto him and brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. Bryan tags in and kicks Otunga. The crowd chants for Bryan but Otunga powerslams him. Otunga tags in Sandow. Sandow with a leg sweep and the Elbow of Disdain on Bryan. 2 count by Sandow. Sandow with a headlock now. Bryan fights out and hits a clothesline.

Bryan hits a dropkick in the corner and a bunch of kicks to the chest. Sandow goes to the floor and tells everyone else good luck. Sandow walks out but Kane brings him back and tosses him in the ring. Bryan kicks him in the head and tags in Kane. Kane grabs Sandow and chokeslams him for the pin. Damien Sandow is eliminated.

Kane and Bryan argue in the ring now. They shove each other. Kane sends Bryan to the floor. Ziggler comes in from behind and lays out Kane for the pin. Kane is eliminated. Orton and Miz argue about who’s coming in now. Orton ends up taking Ziggler to the corner and they go at it. Orton with a slingshot suplex for a 2 count. Kofi tags in and goes at it with Ziggler now. Kofi tosses Ziggler across the ring and covers for a close 2 count.

Bryan comes back in and goes at it with Ziggler but he turns it around. Barrett tags in and works Bryan over in the corner. Bryan drops Barrett’s face in the corner. Bryan rushes but misses a dropkick in the corner. Barrett unleashes with knees now. Del Rio with a cheap shot as Barrett sends Bryan out to the floor. Barrett rams Bryan into the apron and brings him back in for a 2 count. Otunga comes in and ends up in the No Lock. Otunga taps and is eliminated.

Del Rio comes in with a pin attempt on Bryan. Del Rio with a big backbreaker. Del Rio charges in the corner but Bryan sends him flying out to the floor. Ricardo comes over to check on Del Rio. Bryan tags in Kofi and he unloads on Del Rio. Kofi hits the Boom Drop and calls for Trouble in Paradise. Ziggler comes over but Kofi knocks him off the apron. Kofi hits a crossbody on Del Rio for a close 2 count. Barrett tags in and Ziggler distracts Kofi again. Barrett with the big tilt-a-whirl sideslam on Kofi. Barrett hits his Bullhammer elbow for the pin. Kofi is eliminated.

Orton comes in and takes control of Barrett. Barrett with a big boot in the corner when Orton charges. Orton blocks a suplex and counters. Orton drops a knee on Barrett’s chest and covers for 2. Bryan comes back in and hits a dropkick on Barrett for 2. Bryan with kicks to the chest now. Barrett sends Bryan to the floor and tags in Del Rio. Del Rio brings Bryan back in the ring but Bryan gets him in the No Lock. Bryan can’t get it locked and Del Rio turns it around. Del Rio with a big kick in the head and the cross armbreaker. Bryan taps and is eliminated.

Miz comes in and goes at it with Del Rio. Miz hits an elbow to the jaw and tags in Orton for a bit of double teaming. Orton stomps away on Del Rio as Foley looks on from ringside. Orton with a 2 count. Del Rio turns it around and gets a 2 count before tagging in Ziggler. Ziggler stomps away on Orton and drops an elbow for 2. Ziggler with a headlock now.

Orton fights out and drops Dolph on his face from way up high. Ziggler tags in Barrett as Miz comes in. Miz knocks Del Rio to the floor and unloads on Barrett in the corner. Miz with a clothesline in the corner and boot to Ziggler on the apron. Barrett blocks the Skull Crushing Finale and hits a big shot to the gut. Barrett goes for Wasteland but Miz counters and hits SCF for the pin. Barrett is eliminated.

Miz drops Del Rio as he comes in and gets a close 2 count. Del Rio turns it around and bridges a suplex for 2. Del Rio falls hard on the back of his head coming out of the corner. Miz misses a clothesline in the corner and Del Rio kicks him in the back of the head for the pin. The Miz is eliminated. It’s down to Orton vs. Ziggler and Del Rio. Orton and Del Rio trade shots. Ziggler gets knocked to the mat. Del Rio drops Orton for a 2 count. Del Rio takes Orton back to the corner and tags back in Ziggler.

Ziggler with a neckbreaker and a 2 count. Another tag to Del Rio. Del Rio with a chest stomp. Del Rio comes off the top but Orton takes him out in mid-air. Orton with clotheslines and a powerslam. Ricardo gets on the apron. Orton grabs him and goes for the draping DDT but Del Rio kicks him in the back of the head for a close 2 count. Foley lays out Ricardo at ringside and hits him with Mr. Socko.

Ziggler comes in and accidentally dropkicks Del Rio. Orton sends Ziggler to the corner. Orton counters the armbreaker and nails a RKO on Del Rio for the pin. Del Rio is eliminated. Ziggler is still stuck in the corner as Orton looks at him. Orton drops and hits the mat. Ziggler blocks the RKO and hits the Zig Zag for a close 2 count. Ziggler goes for the leg drop but Orton blocks it and takes him to the apron.

Orton nails the draping DDT and drops down again. Orton’s mouth is bleeding and Ziggler looks to be laid out. Orton hesitates and looks to be thinking something over. Orton backs up across the ring for the punt kick but Ziggler superkicks him for the pin and the win. Ziggler is the sole survivor.

Winner : Dolph Ziggler 

Triple Threat for the WWE Title: John Cena vs. Ryback vs. CM Punk
The bell rings and Punk goes to the floor. Cena chases him and then Ryback chases Punk around. Cena decks Punk and Ryback takers Punk to the corner. Ryback beats Punk down. Cena pulls Ryback off and unloads on Punk. Ryback pulls Cena off now and Punk attacks Cena from behind. Ryback drops Punk with a big boot and slams his head on the mat. Ryback picks Punk up high but Punk kicks him. Cena with a bulldog on Punk. Ryback clotheslines Punk to the floor as Heyman looks on. Ryback and Cena face off now.

Cena drops Ryback with a shoulder and goes for the Attitude Adjustment but can’t. Ryback drops Cena with a shoulder and takes him to the corner. Ryback beats Cena down and whips him hard across the ring. Cena goes to the floor and in comes Punk.

Punk takes control of Ryback and suplexes him. Punk wastes time and Ryback comes from behind. Ryback with a big press into a fallaway slam. Punk goes to the floor and in comes Cena. Cena with a 2 count on Ryback. Cena applies a headlock. Punk comes off the top and breaks the headlock with a shot. Cena ends up on the floor.

Punk goes back to the top and comes crashing down on Ryback. Punk goes to the top again but this time Ryback catches him and rams him back into the corner. Ryback with shoulder thrusts in the corner. Ryback charges but Punk dropkicks him. Cena comes in with a roll up on Punk for 2. Cena goes for the AA but Punk blocks it and hits a DDT for 2.

Punk with a submission on Cena but Ryback grabs him and slams him. Cena slams Ryback and calls for the
Five Knuckle Shuffle but Ryback stands right up. Ryback and Cena trade shots now. Cena with a shoulder on Ryback. Punk pulls Cena out to the floor and sends him hard into the steel steps. Punk springboards in and clotheslines Ryback. Ryback turns it around and unloads on Punk.

Ryback readies as the crowd chants “feed me more.” Ryback runs over Punk with the big Meathook clothesline. Ryback goes for Shell Shocked on Punk as Heyman screams. Cena breaks the move and locks the STF on Ryback in the middle of the ring. Punk goes to the top and elbows them both, breaking the STF. All three are hurt after that one.

Punk goes for GTS on Cena but it’s blocked. Cena and Punk trade rights now. Ryback hits a double clothesline and tosses Punk out of the ring. Ryback tosses Cena out of the ring next. He goes to the floor and says it’s time to finish it. Ryback grabs Cena and Punk for a double Shell Shocked on the floor. They fight him off and beat him down at ringside.

Punk and Cena team up to take apart the announce table. They hit a double suplex on Ryback and put him through the table. The table looks as if it came down on Punk’s leg. Punk and Cena both are down as Ryback lays on top of the destroyed table. Cena and Punk re-enter the ring. Cena with shoulders and the back drop. Cena calls for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and nails it on Punk. Cena goes for the AA but Punk slides out. Punk nails GTS on Cena for a close 2 count.

Cena gets up and hits the AA but Punk kicks out at 2. Punk and Cena go at it some more. Cena goes for the STF but Punk struggles and kicks him off. Punk with the high knee in the corner. Punk goes for the bulldog but Cena blocks it and goes for the STF again. Cena locks it this time. Ryback pulls Cena out of the ring and nails the big clothesline on the floor. Ryback enters the ring and the crowd chants for him. Ryback hits his clothesline on Punk and goes for Shell Shocked again.

Ryback nails it and covers Punk but Cena breaks the pin. Cena goes for the AA but Ryback slides out. Ryback nails Shell Shocked on Cena but all of a sudden three guys dressed in black rush the ring. They beat Ryback down and roll him out of the ring. It’s NXT stars Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. They powerbomb Ryback through the other table. Punk crawls up in the ring and covers Cena for the win.

Winner : CM Punk

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