Saturday 17 November 2012

WWE Smackdown Results 11/16/12

Non-Title Match : IC Champion Kofi Kingston v. Damien Sandow

Kofi and Damien lock up, Sandow with the headlock, then a shoulder block. Kingston leapfrogs over Sandow a coupleof times, then catches him with a back elbow and Sandow retreats to the floor. Kofi takes Sandow over with an armdrag. 

Sandow retreats outside and Kingston follows as Damien lures Kingston back in and Sandow with the upper hand now. Kofi delivers a series of kicks to Sandow. Damien comes back with another shoulder tackle and a running neckbreaker. Russian legsweep and the Elbow Of Disdain gets two. 

Kofi off the ropes and sets up for the Boom Drop. Trouble In Paradise, but Sandow backs off. Elbow to Kingston. Sandow with a jawbreaker and Kingston with a backdrop. Sandow kicks Kofi's knee from under him and rolls Kofi up with a handful of tights and the three count.

Winner : Damien Sandow

Six-Diva Tag Match : Divas Champion Eve Torres & Aksana & Alicia Fox v. Layla & Kaitlyn & Natalya

Lock up by Aksana and Natalya. Aksana with a kick and locks in a wristlock. Natalya rolls through and makes the tag to Layla. Double clothesline by Layla and Natalya to Aksana. Dropkick by Layla. Alicia Fox makes the blind tag and hair whips Layla, pulling her down. 

Suplex and a slam by Fox to Layla for two. Tag to Eve and the rolling senton onto Layla gets a two count. Snapmare by Eve followed by a kick to Layla's face. Fox back in with a punch and Layla fights back. She makes the tag to Kaitlyn, who hits a series of clotheslines to Alicia. 

Flapjack by Kaitlyn and shoulderblock. Aksana breaks up the pin up,but gets taken out by Natalya. Kaitlyn dropkicks Fox, who bumps into Eve. Inverted DDT on Fox by Kaitlyn, who makes cover for the three count.

Winners : Layla, Kaitlyn, & Natalya

Randy Orton & The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler & Alberto Del Rio

Miz and Ziggler lockup and Dolph starts with a standing wristlock into a hammerlock, floating into a headlock on Miz. Ziggler with the shoulderblock. Miz counters into a flapjack on Dolph, but gets tossed to the outside on the follow up. 

Headbutt by Orton breaks it up, but Ziggler comes back with a kneelift to Orton and Ziggler hits his series of elbow drops. Tag to Del Rio and a kick to Orton. Orton fights out of the corner and beats Del Rio down. Ziggler blind tags in with stomps on Orton. Ziggler off the ropes and Orton drops Ziggler on his face. Miz comes in with the hot tag, unloading on Ziggler. 

Miz with the corner clothesline and top-rope axehandle. Miz hits a sharp boot to Ziggler's face. Miz goes up to the second rope, but the referee has his back turned and Del Rio with a cheap shot to Miz. Big kick by Del Rio and Del Rio works on Miz's arm. Miz with body shots,but Del Rio fires back with a series of headbutts. Miz backdrops Del Rio to the floor. 

Del Rio back in and Orton makes the hot tag, firing up with a series of clotheslines on Alberto. Powerslam to Del Rio. Powerslam to Ziggler. Orton hits the hangman's DDT on Del Rio,but Miz tags himself in as Orton pumps up the crowd, and hits the SCF on Del Rio, covering him for the three count.

Winner : The Miz & Randy Orton

Wade Barrett vs. Kane

Barrett unloads on Kane with kicks and punches. Kane up to the top rope, and hits the flying clothesline. Team Ziggler runs down and attacks Kane and out comes Bryan to help and Team Foley runs out and things are breaking down big time with a Survivor Series preview as a brawl breaks out. 

Orton hits a couple of RKO's and Miz walks out and looks at Team Foley standing in the ring, as both are unsure of the other's loyalties.

Winner : No Contest

Non-Title Match : US Champion Antonio Cesaro v. Sin Cara

Cesaro and Cara lock up, Cara with an arm drag, then a kick. Cara bounces off the ropes and takes Cesaro down with another arm drag. Flying headscissors by Cara. Hurricanrana by Cara. 

Cesaro counters with the mid-air uppercut,which floors Sin Cara. Cesaro hits The Neutralizer and that's all.

Winner : Antonio Cesaro

Non-Title Match : World Champion The Big Show v. The Great Khali

Show and Khali lock up, and Khali pushes Show into the corner. Show goes for his chest slap, but Khali reverses and hits his own slap, then another, which staggers Show. Khali with a Nash elbow to the side of the head and a forearm to the back. 

Headbutt by Khali. Show signals for the chokeslam, but Khali blocks it and hits his big chop. Khali signals for the Punjabi Plunge, but Show counters and hits the KO Punch, jacking Khali's monster jaw and makes the cover on Khali for the three count.

Winner : The Big Show

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