Saturday 3 November 2012

WWE SmackDown Report 11/2/12

Sin Cara vs. Darren Young

Cara works his way up and rolls Young up for 2. Young regains control with kicks to the head. Cara flips out of a suplex and hits a dropkick from the top. Cara speeds things up with kicks and a springboard handstand reverse elbow. Young tosses Cara up and drops him across his knees for the win.

Winner : Darren Young

Rey Mysterio vs. Titus O'Neil

Titus stomps Rey to the mat. Young gets a shot in from the floor. Titus hits a bodyslam for 2. Rey ducks a kick in the ropes and sets Titus up for 619. Cara takes care of Young on the outside but Titus catches Rey in the ropes and drives his back into the corner. Rey avoids a charge in the corner and rolls Titus up for the win.

Winner : Rey Mysterio

Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett

Orton sends him back in and Barrett hits him in the face with a big boot and drops a knee for 2. Barrett goes out and drives Orton's head into the steel steps and sends Orton back in for 2. Orton fights up and hits a side suplex. Barrett hits a mean clothesline for another 2.

Orton fights out of the corner with shots to the face but Barrett's barrage continues. Barrett down with a superplex. Randy stalks him and hits a series of clotheslines and a powerslam. Orton hits the DDT in the ropes as Del Rio comes on the stage. Orton is distracted by Ricardo on the apron and Barrett rolls him up from behind for the upset.

Winner : Wade Barrett

The Great Khali vs. David Otunga

Otunga poses in front of Khali and takes Khali's legs out from under him. Khali slaps Otunga down from his knees and takes it to him with more chops in the corner. Natalya looks on with approval in the back. Khali drops Otunga with a chop to the head and gets the win.

Winner : The Great Khali

R-Truth vs. Justin Gabriel

Gabriel applies an abdominal stretch and gets a couple of near falls. Gabriel hits a splash in the corner but Truth catches him in the reverse STO for the win.

Winner : R-Truth

Big Show & Miz vs. Sheamus & Kofi Kingston

Sheamus goes in strong against Miz. Show and tags Kofi who takes it to Miz with kicks and a nice combination with a reverse elbow and clotheslines Miz out of the ring.

Show tags Miz who keeps Kofi down with a kick to the face and gets 2. Kofi finally makes the hot-tag and Sheamus turns it up against Miz. Sheamus hits forearms in the ropes as Show paces at ringside.

Sheamus hits a rolling Senton and Kofi tags in with a springboard crossbody but Show breaks the pin. Sheamus takes out Show to the outside but Show hits the KO to Kofi and Miz covers him for the win.

Winners : Miz & Big Show

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