Thursday 22 November 2012

WWE Main Event Report 11/21/12

The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler

Miz works a chinlock. Ziggler to his feet, off the ropes and a back elbow connects for Ziggler. Rights by Ziggler follows, big jumping elbow drop by Ziggler gets 1. Off the ropes, counters and Miz counters a dropkick and catapults Ziggler to the corner. Miz covers for 2. Miz gets a back breaker, but Ziggler fights back with the standing dropkick and covers for 2.

Ziggler poses a bit, does the one-foot pin and gets 2. Ziggler hits several elbow drops, poses and then lands another and covers for 2. Ziggler works a front facelock, Miz to his feet and uses punches to escape. Dropkick by Miz, Ziggler to the corner and Miz misses a charge and eats the post. Ziggler now loosens a turnbuckle pad, roll up by Miz for 2. Dropkick again by Ziggler gets 2.

Ziggler hits the fameasser, and covers for 2. Ziggler gets the body scissors and then looks for a sleeper. Miz escapes, Ziggler charges and gets tossed into the air and lands gut first. BOTH men are down here, they work to their feet, and clotheslines by Miz follow. Backbreaker into the neck breaker by Miz gets a cover for 2. Boot by Ziggler as Miz charges in, roll up with the ropes by the ref saw it. Side effect by Miz connects, and he covers for 2.

Ziggler now looks to lock in the sleeper and does. Ziggler on the back of Miz now, and Miz down to his knees. He tries to fight up, does, to his feet and slams Ziggler to the corner. Ziggler grabs the hold again, escape by Miz and lefts connect for Miz. Ref separates them, Corner clothesline by Miz, he heads up top, and gets the double axe handle.

Miz looks for the skull-crushing finale, countered, Miz counters the Zigzag and rolls up Ziggler for 2. Miz hits the exposed buckle, zigzag connects and that is all.

Winner : Dolph Ziggler 

Justin Gabriel vs. Wade Barrett

Barrett attacks right away, takes Gabriel to the corner and beats him down. Side kick and rights follow, and then he lays the boots to Gabriel. Back breaker by Barrett gets 2. Rights to the ribs by Barrett, connects with a suplex and covers for 2. Chinlock by Barrett, Gabriel takes Barrett to the corner and then Barrett misses an elbow.

Kicks by Gabriel, spin kick follows and then gets a clothesline off of the second rope. Springboard cross body by Gabriel gets 2. Moonsault by Gabriel misses, and Barrett with the black hole slam gets 2. Pump handle slam by Barrett countered and Gabriel then hits the springboard moonsault for a close 2.

Gabriel slams Barrett down, up top, but Barrett up and crotches him. BULL HAMMER SON and that is all.

Winner : Wade Barrett

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