Saturday 13 October 2012

WWE Superstars Report – October 12th, 2012

Wade Barrett vs. Tyson Kidd

They lock up for a Greco Roman knuckle lock and Barrett with the advantage but Kidd with a bridge and he rolls through and kicks Barrett in the wrist. Barrett with a kick in the midsection followed by an elbow to the head. Barrett with a wrist lock but Kidd uses the ropes for leverage on an arm drag. Barrett goes to the floor. Kidd goes to the apron and he tries to kick Barrett in the head but Barrett blocks the kick and he sends Kidd into the apron. Barrett brings Kidd back in and he kicks Kidd before putting Kidd in the corner and punches him.

Barrett with another knee to the midsection followed by an Irish whip and back breaker out of the corner. Kidd with a shoulder from the apron and he avoids a boot from Barrett. Kidd with a kick to the leg followed by a Dragon Screw Leg Whip in the ropes. Kidd with a back heel kick but Barrett knows that the drop kick is coming so he follows Tyson to the ropes and hits a clothesline that sends Kidd over the top rope to the floor.

Barrett follows and he goes for a running boot to the head but Kidd moves and Barrett is crotched on the apron. Kidd goes for a springboard elbow drop but Barrett gets his foot up but Kidd sees it coming.
Kidd goes for the slingshot leg drop to the apron but he sees Barrett moving so he lands on the apron. Kidd with a shoulder to Barrett and he flips over Barrett to get back into the ring. Barrett hits the Blackpool Slam and then Barrett picks up Kidd to give him the Souvenir and he gets the three count.

Winner : Wade Barrett

Antonio Cesaro vs. Justin Gabriel in a Non Title Match

They lock up and Cesaro backs Gabriel into the corner and he misses a punch. Gabriel with a chop. Gabriel with a head scissors and Cesaro bridges out of the hold and he applies a leg lock into a side head lock. Gabriel gets Cesaro to the mat and works on the arm and wrist. Gabriel with a chop. Gabriel tries for a pescado but Cesaro catches him and turns it into a power slam on the floor. Cesaro sends Gabriel into the ringside barrier.Cesaro with a lariat that flips Gabriel but Gabriel kicks out at two. Cesaro with a cross arm choke and he puts his knee in Gabriel’s back. Gabriel with a sunset flip for a near fall.

Cesaro with a dead lift side salto for a near fall. Cesaro uses Gabriel’s arm to choke Justin and he puts his knee in Gabriel’s back one more time. Gabriel tries to get out of the hold and he succeeds. Gabriel and Cesaro exchange forearms. Gabriel has a spin kick blocked and Cesaro sends Gabriel into the corner.
Cesaro pulls Gabriel up in the corner and Gabriel is able to flip to his feet. Gabriel flips over the back and he hits a spinning heel kick. Gabriel with a quebrada for a near fall. Cesaro with a shoulder from the apron to stop Gabriel. Cesaro misses a running forearm into the corner. Gabriel charges into the corner and Cesaro sends Gabriel to the apron.

Cesaro tries for a shoulder to Gabriel but Justin side steps him and Gabriel with a kick to the chest. Gabriel with the springboard moonsault into an inverted DDT and Cesaro gets his foot on the rope to stop the count. Gabriel puts Cesaro in position for the 450 splash but Cesaro hits the ropes and it crotches Gabriel. Cesaro hits the Gotch Style Neutralizer for the three count.

Winner : Antonio Cesaro

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