Saturday 20 October 2012

WWE Smackdown Report 10/19/12

Miz vs. Randy Orton

Orton hits a nice clothesline and makes the first cover of the match for 2. Orton hits a side suplex and gets another 2. Miz reverses and hits a knee to the gut off the ropes. Miz has Orton in a headlock rest spot. Del Rio says Orton is afraid of him and he is the new Apex Predator. Miz goes up top but Orton knocks him on his butt. Orton hits a superplex, and covers Miz with his back and gets 2.

Orton hits a nice standing dropkick and rolls Miz up for 2. Miz comes back with a DDT but Orton kicks out. Orton hits his DDT in the ropes spot and he really needs to name that thing. He coils up but Miz sidesteps the RKO. Orton counters the Skull Crushing Finale and connects with RKO for the win.

Winner : Randy Orton 

Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd vs. Team Rhodes Scholars

Gabriel & Kidd go for quick tags, taking control of Rhodes. Gabriel flies through the ropes for a suicide dive onto Sandow. Rhodes attacks him from behind and takes control in the ring, tagging Sandow in. Sandow gets 1 on Gabriel. Sandow hits his Elbow of Disdain but Gabriel kicks out.

Rhodes tags back in and keeps control. Gabriel makes the hot-tag to Kidd who speeds things up. He hits a dropkick to Sandow for 2. Kidd springs over Sandow from the apron for a sunset flip and goes for a Sharpshooter but Sandow makes a tag to Rhodes in the process and Rhodes hits a Disaster Kick to Kidd for the win.

Winners : Team Rhodes Scholars

Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler & Big Show

Kane and Show tag in and trade shots. Show hits a spear and they both have trouble getting up. Show sends Kane in but Kane sidesteps and tags Bryan who knocks Bryan down to size and delivers No Kicks.
Show tags in and continues to cut the ring off. Show lifts Bryan for a chokeslam but Daniel counters it nicely with a DDT. Show makes it to Ziggler first and Ziggler comes in with aggressive and relentless elbows on Bryan. Show applies a claw to Daniel's kidney.

Bryan fights back with forearms but Show drops him in a sideslam. Bryan fights out of the enemy corner and finally makes the hot-tag to Kane. Kane takes it to Ziggler with Show out on the floor. Kane gets a near-fall. Kane motion for a chokeslam in the corner and Bryan tags himself in. Bryan continues where Kane left off and goes up top but Show interferes. Things break down but Bryan applies the No Lock to Ziggler and gets the win.

Winners : Team Hell No

Antonio Cesaro vs. Ted Dibiase

USA chants as we start things off. Dibiase hits a nice dropkick but Cesaro tosses him over the top. Josh talks about the Dibiase Posse. Cesaro sends Ted into the steel post and gets 2 in the ring. Dibiase gets an opening and hits a flurry for 2.

Ted gets his boot up in corner and comes off the 2nd rope but Cesaro catches him with an uppercut in mid-air. Cesaro hits the Gotch-Style Neutralizer for the win.

Winner : Antonio Cesaro

Brodus Clay vs. Heath Slater

Clay hits his move set on Slater and has to deal with the rest of 3MB on the apron. Slater takes advantage and drops Clay for the pin.

Winner : Heath Slater

Natalya vs. Layla

Natalya hits a kick to the gut to start things off. They counter each other and Layla kicks her off the apron in front of Eve. Layla makes the mistake of focusing on Eve and Natalya takes over and sends her back in the ring. Natalya gets 2.

Layla lands a big kick to the face as Eve speaks and director Kevin Dunn's camera cut barely catches it. Layla gets the pin.

Winner : Layla

Lumber Jack Match : Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett

Sheamus and Wade trade shots and counters to begin things. Sheamus focuses on the lumberjacks and Wade takes over. Barrett is thrown out and the lumberjacks throw him back in. Barrett turns things around and sends Sheamus hard into the corner and gets 2.

 Sheamus hits his forearms in the ropes spot which he also needs to name like Orton. Sheamus hits Sheamus dives off the apron onto all of them. Sheamus throws Barrett back in. Barrett gets the upper hand and gets 2. Both men slowly get up, Barrett ducks the Kick and clotheslines Sheamus over the top.

Sheamus hits a backbreaker across his knee as Kane's pyro explodes and he and Bryan come to the ring and start pounding people. Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick as chaos ensues and gets the pin.

Winner : Sheamus

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