Saturday 13 October 2012

WWE Smackdown Report - 10/12/12

Photo: Earlier this week, Dolph Ziggler Touted a one-on-one SmackDown challenge to The Big Red Monster, Kane. Can Mr. Money in the Bank back up his big talk? Also, find out which is more powerful - the Brogue Kick or the KO Punch - tonight at 8/7 CT, only on Syfy!   READ PREVIEW:
Tensai vs. Sheamus

Sheamus attacks Tensai on his way down the ramp. Sheamus pounces on Tensai He takes out Tensai's knee and gets 2. Sheamus hits an impressive suplex but both men struggle to get up. Tensai bumps around for Sheamus and falls victim to a slam from Sheamus for 2. Sheamus hits White Noise. Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick and gets the win.

Winner : Sheamus

Heath Slater & Jinder Mahal vs. Santino & Zack Ryder

Ryder takes control and tags Santino. Santino misses with the headbutt and Jinder takes control before quickly tagging Slater. They continue to make quick tags on Santino. Santino fights back and tags Ryder who speeds things up against Heath. He hits the Broski Boot but Mahal breaks the pin. All the men get involved which gives Slater the opening to hit his finisher for the win.

Winners : Heath Slater & Jinder Mahal

Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane

Dolph tries to get Kane off his feet with several fast moves but Kane kicks him over the top and to the outside. Ziggler is caught from off the top into a chokeslam attempt. Ziggler counters out and hits the Fame-asser for 2. Kane fights back with punches but Ziggler hits a swinging neckbreaker for 2.

Ziggler hits a beautiful dropkick but Kane rebounds and hits a clothesline for 2. Kane hits his own front dropkick for 2. Kane hits a side slam for another 2. Vickie gets on the apron which allows Dolph to get the briefcase and hit Kane with it off the ropes. The ref calls for the bell.

Winner by disqualification : Kane

Big Show vs. Kofi Kingston

Show takes control early with size and power. Show stops to take in the boos and berates the fans. Kofi hits some signature offense and goes for his finisher but Show blocks it. Show hits the WMD and gets the pin.

Winner : Big Show

Sin Cara vs. Damien Sandow w/ Cody Rhodes

Sandow shoves Cara in the corner to start things off. Sin Cara hits kicks and an armdrag off the top. Sandow goes out and he's not happy. Sandow goes on the offense back in the ring and hits boots in the corner. Sandow hits his Elbow of Disdain and gets 2.

Cara hits a kick to the head on the apron and Sandow goes to the outside. Cara hits a splash to Cody on the outside. Sandow gets back in the ring and Cara hits another kick to the head. The ref throws Cody out of ringside. Cara leaps over the ref's head and hits a hurricanrana on Sandow and holds on for the pin.

Winner : Sin Cara

Alberto Del Rio vs. Daniel Bryan

They lock-up and Bryan takes control and gets 2. Del Rio hits a snap suplex but Bryan kicks out. Bryan takes control in the corner with No Kicks. Bryan takes Del Rio down with a running elbow and tries to keep his composure as he hits more kicks to Del Rio.

Bryan misses in the corner and Del Rio hits his own kick. Bryan misses off the apron but lands on his feet. Del Rio finally reaches the ropes. Del Rio applies the Cross Arm Breaker in the ropes but the ref counts him off. Del Rio applies the Cross Arm Breaker and Bryan quickly taps out.

Winner by submission : Alberto Del Rio

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