Saturday 6 October 2012

WWE Smackdown Report 10/05/12

#1 Contender Tag Team Tournament : Kofi & R-Truth vs. Prime Time Players

Kofi and Young start things off, Kofi hits a thunderous dropkick, gets 2, and tags Truth. Truth does some signature offense and drops a leg for 2. Young drives him into the corner and tags Titus who starts to decimate Truth. Titus berates the crowd and tags Young and drops him onto Truth for 2.

Truth lands a kick to the face of Young and tags Kofi who comes flying in for some high energy offense. Titus grabs Kofi's foot from the outside which allows Young to drop Kofi across his legs for the win as Titus holds Truth back from the break.

Winners : Prime Time Players

Primo vs. Ryback

Ryback tosses Primo with ease and drives his head and face into the mat. Primo clips the leg and chops him down to one knee. Primo slides out of the ring and Epico and Rosa try to take him away but Ryback stops them and brings him back in he has no trouble lifting Primo for the finish.

Winner : Ryback

Layla vs. Alicia Fox

Layla takes Fox down early for a 2. Layla smacks her on her butt and takes her down again for 2. Fox catches her foot and takes her down and works the left knee, then smacks Layla on the butt. Layla makes a comeback, and despite the pain, she hits a roundhouse for the pin.

Winner : Layla

Wade Barrett vs. A Jobber

Barrett proceeds to methodically decimate his opponent. He tosses him out of the ring and brings him back in for a Souvenir for the quick win.

Winner : Wade Barrett

Sheamus vs. Miz

The lock-up to start and clean break. Miz quickly strikes with some punches and kicks and backs Sheamus into the corner and lays a series of blows in. Sheamus whips Miz into the ropes and hits a reverse elbow and puts on an armbar and takes him down to the mat, hits a knee drop and the proceeding cover only gets one. Miz goes out and whips

Sheamus into the post and then rolls the Irishman back in but only gets a one count off the cover attempt. Kick to the head also only gets a one count. Miz applies a rear chinlock and Sheamus quickly fights out but Miz keeps control with the reverse backbreaker/neck breaker combo for another on count. He puts the rear chinlock on again this time Sheamus punches his way out, gets a kneelift and his the rolling Fireman's carry slam.

Miz manages to fight back, hits a dropkick to the knee, DDT gets a close two count. He gets caught on the apron and Sheamus clubbers him with the 10 forearms, nails the White Noise and signals for the Brogue Kick. Out comes Big Show and hits the WMD punch to Miz drawing the DQ.

Winner : The Miz via DQ

Team Hell No vs. Del Rio & Otunga

Bryan starts posing like Hogan. Otunga takes advantage and hits a neckbreaker for 2. Del Rio tags in and puts the boots to Bryan. Bryan drop toe holds Del Rio in the corner and tags Kane. Kane turns things up and gets 2.

Kane hits a clothesline from up top and calls for the chokeslam but grabs Bryan's outstretched wrist instead. Del Rio shoves Kane from behind hits a kick to the head for 2. Del Rio tags Otunga who plants Kane for 2.

Kane grabs Otunga and hits a chokeslam but Bryan tags himself in and hits a flying headbutt for the steal from his partner.

Winners : Team Hell No

Big Show vs. Tensai

They go at it with strikes and Tensai takes over in the corner. Show hits a massive shot and gets out of the corner. Show uses Tensai's own moment to take him out of the ring and goes out and hits a clothesline.

Tensai hits the splash but comes up empty in the corner and Show hits a spear. Sheamus' music hits and runs down and hits the Brogue Kick on Tensai and walks up the ramp with a smile as Show glares at him.

Winner by disqualification : Tensai

CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler

Punk pushes Ziggler and he pushes back. Punk applies a headlock. Ziggler reverses and drops Punk. Ziggler lands a dropkick, Punk goes for a GTS and they go to a stalemate. Punk hits a side suplex and goes up top but is met by Ziggler. They both punch each other off and to the outside.

Heyman checks on Punk and gives him a pep talk. Ziggler hits the Fame-asser for 2. Punk connects with a roundhouse for 2. Punk hits a slam and goes up top but takes too long and is caught by Ziggler and brought down in a slam. Ziggler misses in the corner and falls victim to the GTS.

Winner : CM Punk

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