Sunday 28 October 2012

WWE Saturday Morning Slam Report – October 27th, 2012

Brodus Clay vs. Epico

Epico goes behind off the lock-up and Clay peels Epico’s arms from around his waist and begins to strut with Epico in tow. Epico is frustrated but Clay continues to dance with him. Clay hits a couple of armdrags and a slam. Epico goes out to consult with Primo. Clay hits a fall-away slam and a splash in the ring for the win.

Winner : Brodus Clay

Antonio Cesaro vs. Derrick Bateman

Bateman comes out with an American flag. Cesaro backs him into the corner and says he’s stronger than the USA. Bateman answers back and does a USA pose. He rolls Cesaro up for 2.Cesaro keeps the pressure on but Bateman stays alive. Bateman hits a flurry and covers him for 2.

Cesaro grabs Bateman by his ankles and spins him around the ring. Bateman flies through the ropes with a suicide dive. Bateman brings Cesaro back in and goes up top but Cesaro avoids the splash. Cesaro hits his Neutralizer for the win.

Winner : Antonio Cesaro

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