Sunday 21 October 2012

WWE Saturday Morning Slam Report – October 20th, 2012

Zack Ryder vs. Justin Gabriel

Gabriel flips and reverses the maneuver. Justin hits a shoulderblock and a monkey-flip and drop toe-hold after a quick-paced series of reversals. They both get near-falls. They both go for dropkicks but Ryder is a little quicker with his and connects. Ryder leaps for a crossbody but Gabriel ducks and Ryder’s neck connects with the top rope and we see all of it.

Gabriel is slow with the cover and gets 2. Ryder avoids a springboard moonsault and Gabriel gets nothing but mat. Ryder hits a dropkick from the second rope but the camera cuts away at the last second and we see Santino. Gabriel gets his shoulder up at 2. Ryder hits the Ruff Ryder off camera for the win.

Winner : Zack Ryder 

Daniel Bryan vs. Tyson Kidd

Kidd grabs Bryan’s beard and knocks him down three Stooges style and Bryan goes out and screams that he is leaving. Kane’s pyro explodes and he comes out on the stage and makes Bryan get back in the ring. Bryan turns things around, literally, with a ridiculously long airplane spin. He finally drops Kidd who immediately falls to the mat and Bryan stumbles around the ring.

Bryan tries to deliver a dropkick to Kidd in the corner but Kidd is nowhere near the corner and Bryan gets nothing but turnbuckle. Kidd capitalizes with a pin and gets 2. Bryan leapfrogs Kidd and drops to the mat to throw Kidd with his feet but Kidd holds on to the ropes. Bryan just grabs his own ankles and rolls up into a ball.

Kidd rolls him around the ring in pin attempts but the shape of his body prevents both shoulders to be pinned simultaneously. This show has brought yet another ‘first’ to yours truly’s 25 years of wrestling. Bryan rolls through and pins Kidd’s shoulders for the win.

Winner : Daniel Bryan

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