Tuesday 30 October 2012

WWE RAW Results – 10/29/2012

Ryback vs. JTG

JTG hesitates but Ryback grabs him and slams him face first into the mat. Ryback with another big slam. Ryback misses a clothesline in the corner but connects with a big Thesz Press. Ryback slams JTG’s head on the mat some more. Ryback nails the Meathook clothesline and Shell Shocked for the win.

Winner: Ryback

Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett

The bell rings and they lock up and go to the corner. Barrett with a headlock now. Orton breaks out and
dropkicks him. Barrett ducks a clothesline and goes to work on Orton’s arm.

Orton fights back with headbutts but Barrett hits a knee to the gut. Barrett with more offense and a 2 count. Barrett goes right back to Orton’s hurt arm. Barrett has Orton hung up in the ropes and connects with a big boot to the face. Barrett with another 2 count.

Orton fights out and nails two clotheslines and a powerslam. Orton hits the mat and readies for the RKO. Barrett blocks it and nails Winds of Change for a 2 count. Orton ducks the Souvenir Elbow and nails the RKO for the win.

Winner : Randy Orton

Team Hell No vs. Darren Young and Titus O’Neil

Bryan unloads with kicks and Kane tags himself in. They have words and Young takes advantage. Kane drops Young with a big right hand and splashes him in the corner. Bryan comes back in and dropkicks Young in the corner. Bryan and Kane yell at each other some more.

Bryan turns around to a big shoulder from Titus. Titus with a scoop slam. Bryan fights back but Titus shoves him to the mat and powerslams him. Titus with a 2 count.

Bryan dodges a backdrop and nails a clothesline. Kane tags himself in and takes Young to the corner. Kane unloads and hits a pair of splashes in the corner. Kane with a sideslam for 2. Kane goes to the top rope and comes down with a big clothesline.

Titus tries to come in but Kane sends him to the floor. Young fights Kane off but Kane grabs him and nails the chokeslam. Titus comes in and Kane grabs him, sending him back to the floor. Bryan tags himself in and takes advantage, putting Young in the No Lock for the win.

Winners : Kane and Daniel Bryan

Kofi Kingston vs. Antonio Cesaro

The bell rings and Cesaro strikes first. Kofi counters and comes back with a big right hand. Kofi goes to the top but Cesaro knocks him down and hits a knee to the gut. Cesaro keeps control and stomps on Kofi’s chest. Cesaro with an arm submission now.

Kofi dropkicks Cesaro out to the floor. Cesaro pulls Kofi to the floor but Kofi nails a big right hand off the steel steps. Cesaro attacks from behind and the brawl continues. Kofi tosses Cesaro over the announcers table and into Miz. Kofi brings Cesaro back in the ring. Miz pulls Kofi off the apron and attacks him for the DQ.

Winner by DQ : Kofi Kingston

Zack Ryder and Santino Marella vs. Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater

Jinder strikes first but Ryder hits him with knees and a dropkick in the corner. More offense from Ryder and the Broski Boot. Slater comes in for a distraction. Mahal drops Ryder over the top rope and tags in Slater. Slater works over Ryder and tags back in Mahal.

Ryder counters and tags in Santino. Santino unloads on Slater and drops an elbow for a 2 count as Mahal breaks the pin. Ryder comes in and tumbles to the floor with Mahal. Santino pulls out the Cobra but Drew distracts him. Slater takes advantage but Santino hits Drew with the Cobra. Slater comes from behind and hits his finisher for the win.

Winners : Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal

Beth Phoenix vs. AJ Lee

Beth Phoenix waits in the ring as AJ Lee makes her way out. Beth bullies AJ and tries to intimidate her to start the match. Beth shoves AJ to the mat and continues running her mouth. AJ snaps and unloads on Beth. Beth slams her hard and kicks her around.

Beth takes the fight to the floor and beats AJ up some more. Beth brings it back in for a 2 count. AJ rolls Beth up for the win out of nowhere.

Winner : AJ Lee

After the match, Vickie comes out and says she expected more from AJ. Vickie re-starts the match. Beth wins with a quick Glam Slam.

Winner : Beth Phoenix

Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

Rey with a dropkick to the face for a 2 count. Rhodes retreats to his corner and tags in Sandow. Rey tags in Cara. They go at it and Cara dumps Sandow in the corner. Cody comes back in and Cara unloads with kicks. Rey comes in and keeps up the attack with some double teaming on Cody. 2 count by Rey. Cody turns it around and tags in Sandow. Sandow works over Rey for another 2 count. Sandow with another tag as they keep Rey down on the mat.

Rey turns it around and tags in Cara. Rey knocks Sandow off the apron and Cara dropkicks Cody to the floor. Rey launches Cara to the apron and he moonsaults out onto Cody.
Cody hits a long vertical suplex for a 2 count. Cody works on Cara’s arm now. Sandow comes back in and continues the attack. Sandow keeps Cara from tagging and in comes Cody for some more double teaming. Cara counters Cody and rolls him up for 2.

Cara with a big takedown as Rey gets the crowd hype. Rey tags and comes in off the top, taking out Cody with a senton. Rey with a big head scissors takedown and a kick to the arm. Cody comes back and tosses Rey to the floor but he lands on his feet. Cody distracts the referee and Sandow gets a cheap shot in on Rey, sending him to the floor. Sandow tags back in for more double teaming now. Sandow with a big leg sweep and the Elbow of Disdain for a close 2 count.

Rey counters Sandow with a roll up for 2. Cody comes back in and keeps Rey down. Another 2 count by Cody. Cody with a running knee to the head and another pin attempt. More quick tags as they keep Rey from tagging. Rey blocks a double suplex and turns it into a double DDT. Rey tags in Cara and he unloads on both men with a double crossbody. Cara with a back elbow to Sandow and an enziguri kick.

Cara with a 2 count on Sandow. Cara with kicks and the big arm drag now. Cara dropkicks Sandow to the floor but in comes Cody. Cara puts Cody in position for 619. Rey comes in but Cody slides to safety. They end up on the floor and Cody sends Rey into the steps. Cara corkscrews out onto Cody. Cara kicks Sandow in the head and climbs to the top. Rhodes pulls Sandow and Cara lands on the mat. Sandow hits The End for the win.

Winners : Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes

Alberto Del Rio vs. Justin Gabriel

Del Rio strikes first and takes Gabriel to the corner. Del Rio with a suplex and a 2 count. Gabriel with a clothesline out of the corner and a 2 count. Gabriel sends Del Rio out to the floor and dropkicks him back. Gabriel brings it back in the ring but Del Rio kicks him in the face.

Del Rio with a 2 count now. Gabriel fights out but Del Rio catches him in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for 2. Del Rio with a backdrop and another pin attempt. Gabriel tries to fight back again but Del Rio sends him to the mat. Gabriel with a nice counter and a close 2 count. Del Rio turns it around and hits the big kick in the corner. Del Rio with the cross armbreaker for the win.

Winner : Alberto Del Rio

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