Tuesday 23 October 2012

WWE RAW Results – 10/22/2012

Tag Team Tournament Finals : Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow. Mysterio goes at it with Rhodes and gets an early 2 count. Cody drops Rey with a right hand and tags in Sandow. Rey and Sandow go at it. Rey drops him for 619 but Cody pulls Sandow to safety. Cara and Rey splash out onto the floor and take their opponents out.

Sandow turns it around with a pin attempt of his own. Cody tags back in and keeps up the offense on Cara with a big standing suplex. Cody with a 2 count. Sandow comes back in and takes Cara to the corner. Cody tags in for some double teaming and a stomp to the gut. Another tag to Sandow and more double teaming in the corner. Sandow with a suplex and a big knee drop to the chin.

Sandow bows and the crowd boos. Sandow stops Cara from tagging and takes him back to the corner. Cody tags in for more double teaming. Cara is fighting Cody back but Cody slams him to the mat and drops a knee. Sandow comes back in for more shots to Cara. Sandow drops Cara and hits another elbow drop for 2 as Mysterio breaks the pin. Cody tags back in for more double teaming on Cara. Cody takes Cara to the top but he fights back. Cara with a counter and a tornado DDT.

Rey comes in off the top and takes out Cody. Sandow goes down on the floor. Rey takes Cody down with a head scissors and drops him in the corner. Rey with a moonsault and a 2 count. Rey dropkicks Cody and Sandow for 619 and nails it. Rey goes to the top and splashes Cody for 2 as Sandow jumps in front of the referee and breaks the count.

Cara kicks Sandow in the head. Rey kicks Sandow to the floor. Cody comes from behind and hits Cross Rhodes on Rey for the win and title shot at Hell In a Cell.

Winners : Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

Kofi Kingston vs. Michael McGillicutty

McGillicutty starts the match and beats Kofi down in the corner. McGillicutty with more offense and trash talking. McGillicutty throws Kofi and takes him back to the corner. McGillicutty continues to dominate the match and hits a backbreaker for a 2 count. They go on and Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise out of nowhere for the win.

Winner : Kofi Kingston

Justin Gabriel vs. Antonio Cesaro

Antonio Cesaro comes out for a rematch from last week. Cesaro slides out of the ring and grabs a mic before they begin. Cesaro says something not in English and turns around to a splash from Gabriel. Gabriel brings it back in the ring but Cesaro turns it around on him.

Cesaro with a huge high knee in the corner and another 2 count on Gabriel. Cesaro throws Gabriel by the back of his head on the corner. abriel counters a move and goes to the top for the 450. Cesaro climbs up for a superplex but Gabriel fights him off.

Gabriel kicks Cesaro in the head and he falls to the mat again. Gabriel goes for the 450 and nails it for the non-title win.

Winner : Justin Gabriel

Ryback vs. The Miz

Ryback comes over and pulls him over the top rope. Miz tries to get away but Ryback tosses him out to the floor. Ryback follows but Miz goes in the ring. Ryback enters and blocks a kick. Miz tries to fight back but Ryback scoops him. Miz slides out and Ryback hits a big boot.

Ryback slams his head on the mat and misses the big clothesline as Miz moves. Miz with a jawbreaker before going to the top. Ryback catches him in mid-air and slams him on the mat. Ryback nails the big clothesline as the crowd chants “feed me more.” Ryback hits Shell Shocked for the win.

Winner : Ryback

Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler

They lock up and trade holds. Ziggler ducks a roundhouse kick and they go to lock up again. Ziggler kicks Bryan and takes control. Ziggler drops Bryan with a big dropkick and stomps some more. Bryan blocks a suplex and goes for the No Lock. Ziggler beats Bryan up in the corner.

Bryan turns it around and takes Ziggler to the mat for a Figure Four leglock. Ziggler suplexes Bryan from the apron out to the floor. Bryan goes down clutching his leg as the pyro goes off and out comes Kane.

 Ziggler has Bryan on the mat as Kane watches from ringside. They fight it out and Bryan makes a comeback. Bryan hits the big dropkick in the corner and covers for 2. Bryan counters but Ziggler hits a big DDT for a 2 count.

Ziggler runs up for a big facebuster off the top. Ziggler covers for 2. Bryan kicks Ziggler’s legs out and kicks him in the face. Kane gets the crowd hype with “yes” chants but it upsets Bryan, who chants no. Ziggler attacks from behind while Bryan is distracted and gets the win.

Winner : Dolph Ziggler

Kane vs. Big Show

Show hits a big spear on Kane. Kane fights back but Show beats him down in the corner as Bryan looks on from ringside. Show with another and a 2 count. Kane fights out of the corner with right hands. Show fires back with shots of his own. Kane hits a big DDT and covers for 2. Kane comes off the top with a big shot and covers for another 2 count. Rhodes and Sandow come down the ramp for a distraction which leads to Show getting the win.

Winner : Big Show

Alberto Del Rio vs. Zack Ryder

Zack Ryder waits in the ring and gets beat down as soon as the bell rings. Del Rio unloads and applies a submission. Ryder fights out with a roll up but Del Rio drops him for a 2 count. Del Rio takes Ryder back to the mat. Ryder looks to make a comeback with knees in the corner. Ryder misses the Broski Boot and Del Rio goes to work on his arm. Del Rio ends up getting the win with the cross armbreaker.

Winner : Alberto Del Rio

Lumberjack Match : Sheamus vs. CM Punk

The match starts and they lock up, going to the mat then the corner. Sheamus goes to the floor but the lumberjacks don’t attack. Sheamus tosses Punk out now and they throw him in after he runs his mouth. Sheamus drops knees on Punk now and covers for a 2 count. Sheamus with a headlock takedown as Big Show stares at him. Sheamus keeps Punk on the mat. They get back up and Sheamus keeps control with slams and another elbow for 2.

Punk gets knocked back to the floor and rolled in by the lumberjacks. Sheamus with a neckbreaker and another 2 count. Punk goes to the apron and Sheamus beats him in the chest with forearms. Sheamus ends up on the floor and assaulted by the lumberjacks. They roll him back in and Punk covers for 2.
Sheamus fights back against Punk.

Sheamus ends back up on the floor and the lumberjacks attack him. Other lumberjacks jump in and a fight breaks out. They roll Sheamus back in and Punk hits a neckbreaker. Punk goes to the top and comes down crashing on Sheamus as he stands up. Punk goes back to the top and takes Sheamus down with a flying forearm. They go on and Punk is back on the too. Punk steps down instead and drops a normal elbow drop. Punk hits another neckbreaker and covers for 2.

Sheamus fights out and runs over Punk twice. Sheamus with a clothesline in the corner. Sheamus puts Punk on his shoulders and rolls through. Sheamus with forearm shots to the chest on the apron again. Sheamus suplexes Punk in and covers for 2. Punk catches Sheamus with a dropkick for a 2 count. More back and forth with pin attempts. Sheamus with a superplex for 2. Punk drops Sheamus into the turnbuckles for another pin attempt. Punk drops Sheamus again and covers for another 2 count.

Punk goes back to the top but misses the big elbow. Sheamus hits the Irish Curse backbreaker for 2. More action at ringside. Sheamus hits White Noise and calls for the Brogue Kick. Antonio Cesaro runs in and gets a Brogue Kick. One for Jinder Mahal also. Big Show comes up and chokeslams Sheamus. Punk covers for the win.

Winner : CM Punk

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