Tuesday 16 October 2012

WWE RAW Results – 10/15/2012

Big Show vs. Daniel Bryan

Show strikes first and takes control. Bryan comes back with kicks but Show shoves him over the top rope.
Bryan got hit with a big spear. Bryan makes a comeback with kicks and a double dropkick in the corner. Bryan goes to the top but Show grabs him and hits a chokeslam for the win.

Winner : Big Show

Brodus Clay vs. Alberto Del Rio

Clay sends Del Rio out to the floor with a big shoulder. Del Rio comes back in and goes to work on the arm. Clay turns it back around and hits another big headbutt. Clay misses the splash in the corner and Del Rio kicks him in the head. Del Rio with the armbar for the win.

Winner : Alberto Del Rio

Zack Ryder and Santino Marella vs. Darren Young and Titus O’Neil

Titus comes in but Santino makes the tag to Ryder. Ryder unloads on Titus. Ryder with a knees to the chest and a missile dropkick from the corner. Ryder hits the Broski Boot for a 2 count. Santino comes in but Young drops him with knees to the gut. Ryder takes out Young but Titus powerbombs him for the quick win.

Winners : Darren Young and Titus O’Neil

Ryback vs. David Otunga and Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler starts the match as the crowd chants “feed me more.” Ziggler hits a dropkick but Ryback comes right back with a huge clothesline. Ziggler tags out and Otunga comes in but Ryback scoops him on his back for a big atomic drop. Ryback stares Ziggler down. Ziggler drops from the apron and heads up the ramp with Vickie. Ryback grabs Otunga and nails Shellshocked for the easy win.

Winner : Ryback 

Antonio Cesaro vs. Justin Gabriel

They lock up and trade holds. Cesaro with a big clothesline and a stomp. Cesaro drops Gabriel on top of the turnbuckle and knees him in the gut. Cesaro keeps Gabriel grounded on the mat now. Gabriel tries to make a comeback and hits an inverted DDT out of the corner.

Gabriel goes back up and hits the 450 but Cesaro gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the pin. Gabriel springboards in but Cesaro nails him on the way down with the big uppercut. Cesaro hits the Neutralizer for the win.

Winner : Antonio Cesaro

Matt Striker vs. Kane

Striker takes a mic and pleads with Kane. Striker says he’s a broadcaster now and not a competitor. Striker just wants an apology. Striker brings up therapy and Dr. Shelby. Kane approaches Striker and wants to hug. They hug it out and Striker goes to leave but Kane stops him. They hug some more. Kane snaps and turns it into a crazy bearhug. Kane chokeslams Striker and covers him for the win.

Winner : Kane

Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett

They lock up and go to the corner before trading holds. Sheamus with a big clothesline. Barrett blocks the forearm shots on the apron and fights his way back in. Barrett with a big pumphandle slam for a 2 count. Barrett ends up on the floor. Sheamus leaps out after him and takes Barrett out. Sheamus is in control as Show looks on from the stage.

Barrett gets hung up on the top rope and beat to the floor. Sheamus follows and whips Barrett over the steel steps. Barrett with a big knee to the gut and another. Barrett with a big forearm to the chest and more knees to the head. Barrett boots Sheamus with a big kick to the face.

Barrett works Sheamus over on the floor and brings it back in the ring for a pin attempt. Sheamus makes a comeback and drops Barrett with a backbreaker. Sheamus goes on and hits a powerslam for 2. Sheamus with the forearms from the apron now. Sheamus suplexes Barrett back in and covers for 2. Barrett turns it around and hits the big elbow to the heart for a 2 count.

Sheamus blocks Wasteland but gets hit by Winds of Change. 2 count for Barrett. Sheamus fights back and goes for the Cloverleaf, locking it in. Show approaches the ring for a distraction. Sheamus blocks a shot and goes for White Noise on Barrett but it’s blocked. Show pulls down the rope and Sheamus tumbles to the floor for the DQ.

Winner by DQ : Sheamus

WWE Divas Title Match : Layla vs. Eve Torres

They lock up and go to the mat and back to their feet before breaking. Eve takes Layla down with a headlock now. Eve tosses her to the floor and brings it back in for a 2 count. Layla finally makes a comeback for a 2 count. More back and forth action. Eve gets the pin but Layla’s foot was on the bottom rope. Eve kicked the leg off but it appears we have another storyline finish.

Winner : Eve Torres

Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow vs. Primo and Epico

Security ends up forcing them out as the match starts. Rosa Mendes looks on from ringside. Sandow and Rhodes have to go to the floor early on to regroup. Cody starts off with Primo and they go back and forth. Primo with a quick pin attempt. The end comes when Sandow hits his neckbreaker on Epico.

Winners : Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes

Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz

Kofi strikes first and takes Miz to the corner. Kofi sends Miz out to the floor and clotheslines him. Kofi brings it back in the ring and springboards in. Kofi with a big dropkick and a kick to the gut several times.
Miz keeps control and clotheslines him in the corner.

Miz goes to the top and comes crashing down for a 2 count. Miz with a headlock now. More back and forth. The end comes when Kofi connects with a big Trouble in Paradise for the win.

Winner : Kofi Kingston

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