Friday 12 October 2012

WWE NXT Report – October 11th, 2012

Bo Dallas vs. Johnny Curtis

They lock up and Bo works on the arm and takes Curtis to the mat and gets a near fall. Bo puts Johnny in the corner and hits a few clotheslines in the corner followed by a clothesline for a near fall. Curtis with a back elbow to the head and then he kicks Dallas in the face and back of the head. Bo punches Curtis in the midsection but Johnny with a back elbow and he gets a near fall. Curtis with a hard Irish whip. Curtis works on the neck by standing on Bo’s head.

Bo gets to his feet and he punches Curtis in the midsection and head. Curtis with a back body drop and then he goes to the turnbuckles for a knee drop and he barely misses Dallas. Curtis with an Irish whip but Bo comes out of the corner and hits a belly-to-belly suplex and then Bo hits a spear for the three count.

Winner : Bo Dallas

Paige and Audrey Marie vs. Alicia Fox and Kaitlyn

They lock up and Paige with an arm drag and a scream. Kaitlyn with a knee and side head lock. Kaitlyn with a side head lock take down but Paige escapes. Paige with a front face lock and she tags in Audrey Marie who gives Kaitlyn an arm drag into an arm bar. Audrey works on the arm and wrist. Audrey with a hammer lock into a side head lock and hammer lock again. Audrey with a side head lock followed by a wrist lock. Kaitlyn with a reversal into a wrist lock of her own and an arm drag. Kaitlyn tags in Alicia and Audrey with a sunset flip but Alicia with a forearm and rollup for a near fall.

Audrey with a near fall but Alicia with a leg sweep for a near fall. Audrey with a snap mare and winnick throw. Kaitlyn tags in and applies a front face lock. Kaitlyn tries to use her strength to escape the hold. Kaitlyn gets out of the hold and she gets a near fall. Alicia tags back in and she sends Audrey into the turnbuckles a few times. Alicia with a snap mare for a near fall. Alicia with a reverse chin lock followed by a leg sweep that sends Audrey back to the mat. Kaitlyn tags in and she sends Audrey to the mat and gets a near fall. Kaitlyn with a body scissors on Audrey. Kaitlyn with a Lotus Lock but Audrey bridges to get a near fall.

Paige and Alicia tag in and Paige with a running shoulder and she pulls Alicia to the mat by the hair and then she hits a Thesz Press and slams Alicia’s head into the mat. Paige sets for the Knight Light but Alicia with a knee and she gets a near fall. Paige with a kick and drop kick fro a near fall. Audrey is sent to the floor by Kaitlyn and Paige with an O’Connor Roll that sends Alicia into Kaitlyn to knock Kaitlyn off the apron and Paige gets the three count.

Winners : Paige and Audrey Marie

Leo Kruger vs. Dante Dash

Leo squats in the corner while waiting for the opportunity to pounce on his opponent. Dante is anxious to fight Leo but Leo still does not move. Eventually he connects with a forearm and then he kicks Dash in the chest. Kruger with a double sledge to Dash.

Kruger grabs Dash by the ankle and then he stretches Dash with his knee in Dash’s back and he slams Dash into the mat. He stretches Dash again. Kruger with a short arm clothesline and then he sets for a suplex and he hits it. Kruger pulls at his hair and he starts to bang his head into the canvas. Kruger with a snap mare driver out of a neck breaker set up for the three count.

Winner : Leo Kruger

Seth Rollins vs. Michael McGillicutty for the NXT Championship

The crowd is clearly behind Rollins and it is getting to McGillicutty. Rollins with a hammer lock as he takes Michael to the mat. Michael gets to the ropes and Rollins releases the hold. They lock up and Rollins with a rollup for a near fall followed by a few shoulder tackles and then he tries for Black Out after a back heel kick but Michael gets to the apron. Michael with kicks in the corner. Rollins with an Irish whip and hip toss followed by a side head lock take down. Michael gets to his feet and he connects with a back elbow. Michael with a side head lock take down. Rollins with a drop kick or two.

Rollins with a back heel kick and a kick to the chest. Rollins with another back heel kick but Michael sends Rollins over the top rope to the floor. Michael goes to the floor and he hot shots Rollins on the apron. Michael sends Rollins back into the ring after using the apron again and Michael gets a near fall. Michael taunts Rollins but Rollins with punches. Michael with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Rollins goes to the turnbuckles but Michael crotches Rollins and Rollins is in the tree of woe and Michael with forearms and kicks. Michael chokes Rollins while still in the tree of woe. Rollins gets out of the turnbuckles and onto the mat.

Rollins lands on his feet and he connects with a series of strikes. Rollins with a single leg drop kick. Rollins with the running forearm into the corner and he connects. Rollins clotheslines Michael over the top rope and Rollins hits a suicide dive onto McGillicutty. Michael gets another near fall and he shows some frustration. Michael sets for the Perfectplex but Rollins with an inside cradle to counter for a near fall. Michael with a lariat and he gets a near fall. Michael sets for the running neckbreaker but Rollins counters and Rollins hits Sliced Bread for the three count.

Winner : Seth Rollins

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