Thursday 1 November 2012

WWE Main Event Report – October 31st, 2012

Randy Orton & Sin Cara & Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio & The Primetime Players

Rey and Darren lock up and Darren takes him down to the mat and slaps the back of Rey’s head. They reset and Darren hits a knee to the gut and sends him into the corner and charges in but Rey drop toe-holds him to the turnbuckle and tags Cara. Cara hits a kick to the face of a seated Young and makes the cover for 2. Car hits a kick to the head and tags Orton to a nice reaction. Orton hits a powerful clothesline out of the corner and stomps on Darren’s hands.

Orton hits a textbook suplex for 2. Orton works Darren over in the corner. Darren fights out and backs Orton toward his own corner and Titus O’Neil tags in. Titus goes to work on Orton. Del Rio gets in a kick from the apron behind the ref’s back. Young tags back in and drops a leg on Orton for 2. Orton gets up and hits a dropkick to a loud pop and tags Rey back in.

Young backs Rey into his corner and tags Alberto Del Rio in. Del Rio teases a confrontation with Orton but goes to work on Rey. Del Rio stomps on Rey’s back and goes outside to stretch him out across the steel post. The crowd seems hot for this match and chants for Sin Cara.

Titus is in control of Orton as we return. Orton tags Cara who speeds things up against Titus. Titus launches Cara over the top but Cara lands on the apron and hits a kick to the head. Cara hits a springboard crossbody and hooks the far leg for 2. Young distracts the ref from the apron and Del Rio pulls Cara’s feet out from under him from the floor.

The ref then goes to keep Orton from entering the ring. Darren gloats at ringside as Del Rio tags back in and hits a snap suplex for 2. Cara hits a sunset flip for a 2 but Del Rio quickly drives Cara across his knee in a Tilt-A-Whirl backbreaker.

Young tags in and throws Cara out of the ring. He brings him right back in and tags Titus who quickly tags Young back in. Cara gets in some shots and makes a cover for 2. Cara makes the hot-tag to Rey who speeds things up. Rey hits a kick to the temple of Darren for 2.

JBL says he can’t stand Rey but he’s fun to watch. Rey goes to springboard off the apron but Darren clocks him with a double axe-handle to the face and knocks Rey to the floor. Orton comes around to keep the scavengers off of Rey.

Del Rio avoids a 619 as we return and tags Titus in. JBL says Titus reminds him of a younger him. Del Rio tags in and runs shoulder-first into the post. Ricardo helps Del Rio back in and makes the tag to Titus before Rey could tag out. Young tags in and keeps control of Rey. More tags from the heels. Rey hits a Tilt-A-Whirl DDT to Del Rio and makes the hot-tag to Orton.

Orton goes to work on everybody. Orton hits the DDT in the ropes to Del Rio and coils up to a loud pop. Titus and Darren attack Orton from behind. Cara and Rey come to his rescue. Rey hits the 619 to Del Rio and Orton follows it right up with the RKO for the win.

Winners : Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, & Sin Cara

Wade Barrett vs. Tyson Kidd

Barrett hits some shots to Kidd and gets 2. Kidd works his way up from a reverse chinlock and Barrett violently slams him back down for a 2. Kidd hits a kick to the back of Barrett’s head and connects with a nice spinning sidekick for a 2.

Barrett catches Kidd and hits a Tilt-A-Whirl side slam and makes the cover for 2. Kidd fights off a Superplex attempt and comes off the top with a front dropkick to Barrett for 2. Kidd hits a huge kick to the face from the apron to Barrett on the floor.

Kidd goes for a suicide dive between the ropes and gets caught with a huge punch to the face. Barrett hits the Souvenir in the ring for the win.

Winner : Wade Barrett

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