Thursday 4 October 2012

WWE Main Event Report 10/3/12

Champion vs. Champion: CM Punk vs. Sheamus

They lock-up and go to a stalemate. Punk hits kicks in the corner but Sheamus gets a big boot up and goes up top but Punk pushes him off and he goes flying to the outside. Punk is giving Sheamus his own forearm-in-the-ropes spot. Sheamus drops Punk's throat across the ropes and goes to work in the corner. Punk keeps Sheamus down with a dropkick and a neckbreaker. Punk covers him and gets 2. Sheamus hits a running powerslam and gets 2. Sheamus goes for forearms in the ropes but Punk counters with a kick to the head and makes a cover for 2.

Punk attempts an attack through the ropes but is shut down with a forearm. Sheamus hits a battering ram and gets 2. Sheamus calls for a Brogue Kick but Punk tries to escape as Sheamus grabs onto him. Sheamus connects with White Noise and gets 2. Punk counters the Texas Cloverleaf and connects with a running knee to Sheamus in the corner. Punk follows up with a clothesline and goes up top and delivers his patented but borrowed elbow but Sheamus kicks out at 2. Punk calls for GTS but Sheamus catches Punk's leg and applies the Cloverleaf. Punk drop-toe-holds Sheamus into the exposed turnbuckle as Sheamus charges in for the Brogue Kick and steels the win.

Winner : CM Punk

Tag Team Title Tournament: Santino & Zack Ryder vs. Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabriel

Gabriel starts off with Santino. Gabriel holds tight to a headlock. Santino gets out and hits an armdrag. They both tag out. Kidd tags Gabriel behind Ryder's back and they deliver a beautiful and effective tandem combination ending with a vicious kick to the head. Gabriel makes the cover for 2.

The innovative tag team wrestling continues and Kidd comes off the top with an elbow to Ryder for 2. Ryder tries to steal a pin but Kidd reverses with a combination of kicks for 2. Ryder catches Kidd with a double knee and sets up for the Boot but tags Santino before he goes in. Ryder connects and then takes out Gabriel on the outside with a summersault. Santino pulls out the cobra and connects on Kidd for the win.

Winners : Santino & Zack Ryder

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