Friday 26 October 2012

WWE Main Event Report 10/24/12

Ryback vs. Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler looks to bail to the floor, but Ryback grabs him and tosses him across the ring into the corner. Ryback follows, boots by Ziggler, and then catch and slammed to the floor. Ryback then slams him into the barricade, which had to suck. Ziggler tossed back into the ring, and Ryback follows.

Ziggler counters a powerslam and rolls to the floor. Ryback carrying Ziggler back to the ring. He tosses Ziggler into the ring, and then Ziggler tries a clothesline, another and then runs into a press slam and is tossed to the mat. Ryback now works a bear hug, swinging Ziggler around like a rag doll.

Ziggler escapes, and then sidesteps Ryback, who slams into the post. A dropkick follows by Ziggler but Ryback still standing. Powerbomb by Ryback stops that silliness, and then kills Ziggler with a clothesline. FINISH HIM!

Winner : Ryback

Sin Cara vs. Alberto Del Rio

Lock up to begin, to the corner and Del Rio beats down Cara. Connects with a suplex, and covers for 2. Del Rio counters the springboard elbow, and then tosses Cara to the post. Del Rio rolls him backing and covers for 2.

Cara looks to escape, gets to his feet and lays in the rights. Gets a roll up on Del Rio for 2. Cara off the ropes and runs into a tilt a whirl back breaker, and Del Rio covers for 2. Cara fights back, gets a sunset flip for 2. Del Rio misses the corner charge, and Cara back with the RANA. Back handspring elbow also connects. Standing sliced bread by Cara gets a close 2.

Cara charges, sent to the apron, and lands the enziguri. Up top, senton eats knees. Cross arm breaker by Del Rio, and Cara has to tap.

Winner : Alberto Del Rio

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