Thursday 18 October 2012

WWE Main Event Report 10/17/12

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Miz  vs. Kofi Kingston

The crowd chants for Kofi as the combatants lock-up. Kofi backs Miz into the corner and they trade pie-faces. Miz tries to control Kofi with a side headlock takedown. Kofi reverses into an arm submission but Miz reaches the ropes. Miz hits another takedown and Kofi reverses it again. Miz hits a shoulderblock and motions for Kofi to bring it. Kofi hits a couple shoulderblocks of his own and monkey flips Miz. Kofi clotheslines him out of the ring and follows up with a running Senton over the top. Kofi hits a springboard clothesline from the apron to Miz in the ring and gets 2. Miz lands an elbow on the nose to turn things around. Miz stomps Kofi and applies a reverse chinlock.

Miz kicks a seated Kofi twice in the head and hooks the far leg lackadaisically and gets 2. Miz goes for a third kick but Kofi lays flat and rolls Miz up for 2. Miz charges and misses in the corner. Kofi slowly makes it up and atomic drops Miz. They trade shots in the center. Kofi holds on to the ropes on the reversal and launches Miz over the top. Kofi misses with the slide under the ropes and Miz sends him toward the steel steps but Kofi flips over them in an impressive spot.

Kofi runs up the steps and delivers a flying punch to Miz. Kofi gets 2 in the ring. Kofi catches Miz with a kick to the head and hits a crossbody off the top but Miz reverses the momentum and lands on top for 2. Miz sends Kofi in but he just bounces back off the ropes and hits a clothesline to Miz. Kofi hits the Boom Drop and calls for the Trouble in Paradise but Miz ducks and tries his Skull Crushing Finale. Kofi ducks between the legs to try to flips Miz but Miz just holds his legs and pins him while also holding Kofi's tights but Kofi still kicks out. Kofi hits S.O.S after an exchange in the corner but Miz gets his foot on the rope.

Miz asks for his title and begins to stumble toward the back but Kofi intercepts him with a crossbody over the top. Kofi sends him back in and Miz gets the advantage with a vicious DDT and Kofi stays alive. Miz stalks Kofi from behind as Kofi gets up for the Skull Crushing Finale but Kofi counters with an armdrag. Miz hits a boot to the face in the corner and puts his feet on the ropes but the ref catches him. Kofi rolls Miz up from behind as Miz argues with the ref. Miz rolls through but Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise to the head and hooks the far leg for the win.

Winner and New WWE Intercontinental Champion : Kofi Kingston

Dolph Ziggler vs. Zack Ryder

Ziggler hits a boot in the corner and keeps his opponent down. Ziggler gyrates and drops an elbow to Vickie's approval but only gets 2. Ryder hits a vicious clothesline but is slow to capitalize. Ryder hits a double knee in the corner and a dropkick off the second turnbuckle.

JBL tells Cole to stop saying Vickie is screeching in the corner because she knows Gloria Allread and she will sue him. Ryder hits the Broski Boot and hooks the far leg but Ziggler kicks out. Ziggler launches Ryder into the top turnbuckle and hits finisher for the win.

Winner : Dolph Ziggler

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