Thursday 11 October 2012

WWE Main Event Report 10/10/12

Big Show vs. Randy Orton

Orton backs him into the corner with punches but Show powers him back. Orton takes back over with shots on the 2nd rope in the corner. Show rebounds with a big right hand to Orton's injured ribs. Orton tries to fight back but Show stays on the ribs. Show hits a bodyslam and drops an elbow for 2. Orton gets a window of offense but Show runs him over with a shoulder.

Show stands on Orton's ribs with leverage from the ropes. Show allows Orton to get up and Orton feeds off the cheers. Orton finally breaks free with headbutts and tosses Show over the top rope. Orton drops a leaping knee for 2. Show hits the ribs of Orton again to give him some time to regroup as Orton sells on the mat. Orton fights back with shots to the ribs also Show hits a side slam for 2.

Orton crawls over and covers Show who kicks out with authority, sending Orton to the outside. Orton drop toe-holds Show onto the steel steps at ringside. Orton rolls in to break the ref's count. Show makes it onto the apron but is greeted with a Superkick and a DDT in the ropes. Orton hooks the far leg but Show kicks out at 2. Orton hits the RKO but Show rolls out of the ring. Orton rolls out and calls for a 2nd RKO. Show blocks it and sends Orton's ribs into apron. Show hits an elbow in the ring to Orton's back 4 consecutive times. Show applies a Colossal Clutch but Orton finally makes it to his feet only to be hit with a chokeslam for the loss.

Winner : Big Show

Kofi Kingston vs. Michael McGillicutty

Kofi makes a cover for 2. McGillicutty gets 2 on Kofi. McGillicutty sends Kofi into the corner but Kofi counters with a head-scissors takedown which sends McGillicutty face-first into the turnbuckle. Kofi hits a flurry of signature offense. McGillicutty ducks the Trouble in Paradise but Kofi drops him with a nice S.O.S and keeps him rolled up for the win.

Winner : Kofi Kingston

Miz gets in the ring with his title and gives Kofi a mic and tells him, "nice win." Kofi says it was fun. Miz gives him a series of "Really?" Miz says vacations are fun but not this ring. Miz mocks Kofi and says Kofi's attitude devalues Miz' title. Kofi laughs and Miz says he will never be on Miz' level. Kofi says maybe he's hiding a dagger behind his smile but unless Miz faces him, he'll never know.

Miz tells him to name the time and place. Kofi says next week on this show with the Intercontinental Championship on the line. Miz dismisses the notion with a smile and a shake of his head. Kofi says look who's laughing now. Kofi says just over a year ago, HE was Intercontinental Champion.

Miz agrees after a pause and says he's on. Kofi says, "Sounds like fun." Miz tries to cheap-shot him but Kofi ducks and hits the Trouble in Paradise. Kofi raises the title over his head as he stands over Miz in the ring. We see a graphic of the match for next week already ready.

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