Tuesday 9 October 2012

WWE RAW Results – 10/8/2012

Ryback vs. Primo and Epico

Ryback drops Epico and slams Primo onto him. Epico tries to attack from behind but it doesn’t phase Ryback. Primo and Epico stomp away and drop elbows on Ryback. Primo holds Ryback while Epico slaps him. Ryback fights them off and hits two pairs of clotheslines. Ryback grabs them both for a double Shellshocked and nails it for the win.

Winner : Ryback

Tag Team Tournament Match: Titus O’Neil and Darren Young vs. Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara

Young starts off with Cara and they go at it. Cara takes control and unleashes on Young. Rey tags in and they dump Young to the floor. Rey runs from the apron and splashes Young on the floor. Cara leaps out of the ring and takes Titus down on the floor. Young takes Cara to the top and works him over. Cara comes down with a tornado DDT.

Cara tags in Rey. He comes off the top with a senton on Young. Rey knocks Titus off the apron and goes back to work on Young. Rey with a 2 count as Titus breaks the pin. Young goes for Cara and drops him over his knees. Rey slides out of Young’s finisher and nails 619. Rey goes to the top for the splash and the win. Rey and Cara advance to the finals.

Winners : Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara

Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus

They lock up and go to the corners but fight out. Before they can even break, the music hits and out comes Big Show. Sheamus watches as Show walks down to ringside. Sheamus ducks a clothesline and takes Barrett to the mat. Sheamus with a shoulder and a pin attempt. Barrett goes for a suplex but Sheamus blocks it and hits a suplex of his own. Sheamus goes for a kick on the apron but Barrett knocks him down and pulls him to the floor.

Sheamus goes to toss Barrett into the steel steps but he steps over and back kicks Sheamus in the face. Barrett poses as the crowd pops and Big Show smiles. Barrett brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. Sheamus fights to his feet but Barrett drops him with a knee to the gut.

Barrett knocks Sheamus down on the apron with a huge boot to the face. 2 count for Barrett. Sheamus with shoulder thrusts and a knee lift. Barrett with a kick to the gut. Sheamus blocks a pumphandle slam and throws Barrett to the floor. Barrett comes back in but Sheamus hits him with forearm shots to the chest on the apron. Out of nowhere Tensai attacks and beats Sheamus down for the DQ.

Winner by DQ : Sheamus

Antonio Cesaro vs. Tyson Kidd

They lock up and go at it. Cesaro takes Kidd down and mocks him before working on the arm. Kidd goes back and forth now. 2 count by Kidd. Cesaro cuts Kidd off with a big boot and works him over in the corner. Cesaro drops knees to the face and Kidd ends up on the floor. Kidd turns it around on the floor and leaps through the ropes to take Cesaro down.

Kidd goes on and leg drops Cesaro’s head on the apron. Kidd springboards in with an elbow drop but Cesaro moves. Cesaro lifts Kidd in the air and hits him with the big uppercut on the way down. Cesaro nails the Neutralizer for the win.

Winner : Antonio Cesaro

Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio vs. Daniel Bryan and Kane

Bryan starts out with Ziggler. Ziggler drops Bryan and shows off some. Ziggler works Bryan over and tags in Del Rio. Kane tags himself in and works over Del Rio in the corner. Ziggler comes in and Kane drops him with a right hand. Ziggler turns it around and beats on Kane in the corner. Kane tosses him to the floor and Bryan tags himself in. Bryan leaps from the apron and hits knees on Ziggler on the floor.

Bryan comes in and continues the offense on Ziggler. Bryan with a hurricanrana but Ziggler turns it into a roll up for 2. Del Rio comes in for some double teaming and a 2 count. Ziggler shows off and hits a neckbreaker. Ziggler with another pin attempt. Del Rio comes back in with a suplex and a 2 count on Bryan. Bryan misses a dropkick in the corner and Ziggler tags back in for a 2 count.

Bryan fights out of a headlock and dodges a splash in the corner from Ziggler. Ziggler stops a tag and back in comes Del Rio. Del Rio with a backbreaker on Bryan for 2. Ziggler comes back in but Bryan trades shots with him. The end finally comes when Kane tags himself in and chokeslams Ziggler.

Winners : Team Hell No

Tag Team Tournament Match: Zack Ryder and Santino Marella vs. Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

Cody starts things off with Ryder and takes control. Ryder with an early pin attempt. Sandow tags in, drops Ryder and works him over for a 2 count. Double teaming and more offense from Sandow and Rhodes.
The end comes when Cody blocks the Cobra and hits a Disaster Kick for the win. Rhodes and Sandow advance to the finals.

Winners : Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

WWE Divas Title Match : Kaitlyn vs. Eve Torres

The match starts and Kaitlyn unloads on Eve. Kaitlyn with an early pin attempt. Kaitlyn lifts Eve up on her shoulders for a backbreaker submission. Eve counters and takes out Kaitlyn’s leg. Kaitlyn comes back with another backbreaker but her ankle goes out.

Eve takes out the leg again and goes to work on it. Eve with a submission in the middle of the ring now. Kaitlyn finally taps out to end it.

Winner : Eve Torres

Vince McMahon vs. CM Punk

CM Punk attacks from behind and beats him down in front of the ring. Punk wails away on Vince and beats him while he’s down. Punk rolls Vince in the ring. Vince stands up and spears Punk with a tackle. Vince with right hands. Punk rolls over and mounts him with right hands. Vince rolls back over for more offense. Punk drops Vince with a kick to the head and the bell still hasn’t rang yet.

It appears Vince is bleeding now. Punk tosses him out of the ring and follows. Punk slams Vince’s head into the announcers table a few times. Punk snatches Cole’s headset, yells something at Vince and slams his face into the table again. Punk scoops Vince and walks with him on his shoulders but Vince slides out and shoves Punk into the ring post. Vince’s eye is messed up also. Vince tosses Punk over the top of the announce table. Vince grabs a mic and says now he’s going to teach Punk about respect. Vince leaps over the table and attacks Punk. Vince beats him repeatedly with the microphone. Vince with a low blow now. Vince brings it back in the ring.

Vince goes under the ring and brings out a kendo stick. Punk retreats and crawls out of the ring. Vince dares Punk to come back in. Punk tells Heyman to bring him the belt. Vince cuts Heyman off and grabs the belt. Vince slaps Heyman to the floor. Vince climbs back in the ring with the kendo stick and the WWE Title belt. Vince drops the belt and dares Punk to come get it. Punk comes towards the ring and Vince swings. He tries to get back in but Vince won’t let him. Punk grabs his own kendo stick from under the ring now. Punk enters the ring but Vince wails away. They trade a bunch of kendo sticks but Punk ends up on his knees begging Vince. Vince charges but Punk uppercuts him below the belt.

Vince goes down and Punk starts laughing. Punk beats Vince with both kendo sticks and throws them away. He calls for GTS and grabs Vince for the mover but Ryback’s music hits and out he comes. Ryback hits the ring and Punk quickly retreats. Punk turns around and there is John Cena. Cena throws Punk in the ring and Ryback levels him with a clothesline as the crowd erupts. Ryback grabs Punk for Shellshocked but Punk slides out and escapes.

Punk grabs his WWE Title belt and runs through the crowd with it. Vince grabs the mic and hopes Punk learned something about respect tonight. Vince tells Punk it’s decision time and calls him a creep. It looks like Punk hits a fan in the crowd. Vince says at Hell In a Cell, Punk faces either Ryback or John Cena. Vince gives Punk until next Monday to decide or Vince will decide for him. No Chance hits and RAW goes off the air.

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