Monday 29 October 2012

WWE Hell In a Cell PPV Results – 10/28/2012

Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton

The bell rings and Orton strikes with a knee. Orton unloads on Del Rio and takes him to the corner. Orton tosses Del Rio out to the floor and follows with a clothesline. Orton slams Del Rio’s face into the announcers table and then sends him face first into the ring post.

Orton brings it back into the ring and stomps away. Orton keeps control and beats Del Rio down in another corner. Ricardo distracts and Del Rio sends Orton into the ring post and then the floor. Del Rio works Orton’s arm over on the floor now. Del Rio brings it back in the ring and continues working on Orton’s arm. Orton fights back but Del Rio beats him down. Del Rio goes to the top but Orton fights him off.

Del Rio blocks and applies an armbreaker with the ropes. Del Rio breaks the hold and sends Orton shoulder first into the ring post. Del Rio charges with a big kick to the back and continues the assault. Del Rio with a takedown and a 2 count. Orton turns it around in the corner for a close roll up 2 count. Del Rio comes right back to work on Orton’s arm and gets in a pin attempt. Del Rio goes on and uses the ropes again for another arm submission. Orton tosses Del Rio to the floor this time.

Orton makes a comeback with clotheslines. Orton goes on but Del Rio counters a powerslam with another armbreaker. Orton comes back with a backbreaker and a 2 count. Orton gets Del Rio on the apron but Del Rio blocks the draping DDT and takes back control of the match. Del Rio mocks Orton’s pose and hits the mat. Del Rio goes for a RKO but Orton blocks it and hits the draping DDT on him from the apron. Orton drops down this time and sells the arm injury.

Del Rio blocks the RKO with a backstabber for 2. Orton counters Del Rio now and hits a big powerslam. Orton with a 2 count. Orton stomps away in the corner now. Orton with headbutts. Orton takes Del Rio to the top. Del Rio fights him off and hits a chest stomp as Orton is upside down in the corner. Del Rio with a close 2 count. Del Rio stomps Orton and goes back to the top. Del Rio just lands on his feet in an odd move.

Orton with a dropkick. Del Rio blocks a RKO and sends Orton to the corner. Orton blocks him. Ricardo pulls Orton’s shoulder into the ring post. Del Rio applies the armbreaker in the middle of the ring but Orton struggles with him. Del Rio tightens the hold but Orton turns it into a close 2 count. Del Rio goes for the big kick in the corner but Orton catches him with a huge RKO for the win.

Winner : Randy Orton

WWE Tag Team Title Match: Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes vs. Kane and Daniel Bryan

Bryan starts off with Sandow and they lock up. Bryan turns it around in the corner and unloads with kicks. They run the ropes and Bryan hits a knee to the gut and tags in Kane for some double teaming but Sandow avoids it and tags in Rhodes. Kane pulls Rhodes in and hits a big dropkick to the face for a 2 count. Kane works Cody over in the corner now. Bryan comes in for some more double teaming and a 2 count. Bryan stomps on Cody’s arm and hits a big uppercut followed by more kicks in the corner.

Kane comes in and drops Cody with a boot. More offense on Cody and another 2 count. Sandow tags himself in as Cody kicks Kane in the face. Sandow stops Kane from chokeslamming Cody. Sandow takes Kane to the corner and beats him down. Cody gets in a cheap shot. Another tag to Cody and more double teaming. Quick tags for Sandow and Rhodes here. Kane fights off Sandow and Rhodes but Cody takes out his knee. More double teaming in the corner.

Kane and Sandow go at it now. Sandow comes off the second rope but Kane connects with a huge right hand. Bryan tags in and clotheslines Sandow. Bryan with kicks in the corner now. More back and forth until Bryan takes Sandow down with a big clothesline.

Bryan with more nasty kicks now. Sandow ducks a kick but Bryan knocks Cody off the apron and sends Sandow to the floor. Bryan runs and dives through the ropes, taking Sandow out. Bryan brings Sandow back in the ring but Cody grabs his leg. Sandow takes advantage and knocks Bryan back to the floor. Sandow brings it in the ring for 2.

Cody comes in and hits a running knee for 2. Another tag to Sandow and another pin attempt on Bryan. Sandow with more offense on Bryan and a 2 count. Cody tags back in and they continue the attack on Bryan. Bryan fights out of the corner but Cody hits another knee to the gut for a 2 count. Sandow comes back in for some more double teaming.

Sandow drops knees and stomps away now. Sandow with a 2 count. Sandow with a leg sweep for the Elbow of Disdain for 2. Sandow with a headlock now. More back and forth now. Bryan goes for the No Lock but can’t get it. Bryan sends Sandow into the turnbuckles and tags in Kane as Cody tags in. Kane drops Cody twice and hits a big backdrop. Kane with a clothesline in the corner, followed by another. Kane hits the big sideslam for a 2 count.

Kane goes to the top but Cody stops him. Kane sends Cody to the mat. Kane readies for a chokeslam but Bryan tags himself in. Bryan hits a big headbutt from the top but Kane breaks the count at 2. Kane and Bryan argue now. Sandow pulls Kane to the floor and they brawl. Bryan backdrops Cody to the floor and he hits Kane.

Bryan runs off the apron but Cody moves and Bryan’s knee hits Kane, sending him back down. Kane pulls Bryan back to the floor and they argue some more. They start shoving each other. Cody and Sandow slide and kick Kane. Cody brings Bryan in the ring and hits Cross Rhodes for 2 as Kane breaks it up. Kane beats Cody down in the corner and pulls Sandow in. Kane is going crazy as the referee tries to get him out of the ring. The referee calls for the bell.

Winners by DQ : Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes

WWE Intercontinental Title Match: The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston

The bell rings and they go at it. Miz goes for Skull Crushing Finale early and Kofi goes for Trouble In Paradise early but neither hit. Miz comes back in and takes a cheap shot. Kofi tackles him and mounts him with right hands.

Kofi tosses Miz out of the ring and stops him from coming back in. Kofi works Miz over on the floor but runs into a big boot after dodging a shot into the steel steps. Miz brings it back in and covers Kofi for 2. Miz with a headlock on the mat now.

Kofi tries to fight out but Miz pulls him to the mat by his hair. Miz with a kick to the face and a 2 count. Miz hits the big clothesline in the corner and goes to the top. Miz comes off the top with a big shot and gets another 2 count.

Miz charges again but Kofi hits him with a clothesline. They get up and Kofi takes control. Kofi with a dropkick, a big right hand and the Boom Drop. Kofi calls for Trouble In Paradise but Miz heads out to the floor and back in. Miz goes for a big boot but Kofi rolls him up for 2.

Kofi with a huge crossbody from the corner and another 2 count. Kofi blocks a shot but goes for SOS. Miz blocks it with a neckbreaker attempt. Kofi blocks that and nails SOS for a 2 count. They go back and forth until Miz yanks Kofi to the mat by his leg. Kofi sells the leg injury as Miz stomps away.

Miz goes to work on Kofi’s leg now. Miz takes off Kofi’s knee pads and exposes the injured leg. Miz with more shots to Kofi’s knee. Miz with a single-leg Boston Crab now. Kofi finally fights out and rolls Miz up for a close 2 count. Miz goes back to work on the leg and hits a big DDT for 2.

Miz calls for the Skull Crushing Finale but Kofi blocks it for another roll up. Kofi misses Trouble In Paradise but blocks another SCF. Kofi blocks it again and kicks Miz to the floor. Miz comes right back in but Kofi hits Trouble In Paradise for the  win.

Winner : Kofi Kingston

WWE United States Title Match: Justin Gabriel vs. Antonio Cesaro

Cesaro starts off by taking Gabriel down. Gabriel fights out and they trade shots. More back and forth action. Gabriel goes to the top but Cesaro shoves him off and out to the floor. Cesaro follows and drops Gabriel over the apron. Cesaro brings it back in and drops a leg drop for a 2 count. Cesaro with a big uppercut as Gabriel tries to fight back. Cesaro with another pin attempt. Cesaro drops Gabriel with another uppercut to the head and covers for 2.

Gabriel tries to fight back again but can’t get it going. Cesaro tosses him from the top turnbuckle and covers for another 2 count. Cesaro stomps on Gabriel twice and covers for another pin attempt. Gabriel with kicks to the head but Cesaro isn’t having it.

Cesaro keeps Gabriel grounded on the mat now. Gabriel turns it around and connects with a moonsault for a 2 count. Gabriel charges but Cesaro runs over him with a big clothesline for another 2 count. Gabriel with a pin attempt of his own for 2. More attempts by Gabriel after a big DDT.

Gabriel goes to the top and misses the 450. Gabriel comes out of the corner with an inverted DDT but Cesaro kicks out at 2. Gabriel kicks through the ropes and sends Cesaro into the barrier. Gabriel springboards out to the floor but Cesaro nails a huge uppercut in mid-air. Cesaro rolls him back in the ring and hits The Neutralizer for the win.

Winner : Antonio Cesaro

Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Titus O’Neil and Darren Young

Young and Cara start things off. Young slams Cara to the mat. Cara comes back with kicks and unloads, sending Young to the corner. Rey tags in now and they double team Young. Rey with a 2 count. Rey goes for 619 but Young stops him and tosses him across the ring. Young tags in Titus for some double teaming on Rey.

Titus works over Rey and takes him to the corner for another tag to Young and more double teaming.
Young with pin attempts on Rey. Young keeps Rey grounded to the mat now. Rey fights out with kicks but Young takes him to the corner and tags back in Titus for more double teaming. Rey manages to tag in Cara. Cara comes in with a missile dropkick and a back elbow.

Cara kicks Young and catches Titus in the face. Cara springboards in and hits a crossbody for 2. Cara with kicks now. Titus catches him and rams him back into the corner before dropping him over his knee three times. Titus tosses Cara to the side and poses with Young. Young tags back in and they double team Cara some more. Young with a big sideslam and another pin attempt. Young with a body scissors now.

They get back to their feet and Cara manages to fall on top of Young for a 2 count. Titus comes back in and continues the assault on Cara. Titus manhandles Cara again and tags in Young for some more double team moves. Young taunts Cara now. Cara fights back but Young runs over him with a clothesline. More posing by Young. Cara kicks him but Young comes right back with offense.

Titus comes back in and talks trash to Cara. Cara fights back but Titus kicks him to the mat. Titus with a big suplex and a 2 count. The assault on Cara goes on and on. Cara finally tags in Rey as Young tags in. Rey unloads and hits the senton from the top. Rey with a tilt-a-whirl DDT for a 2 count. More back and forth. Cara takes out Titus on the floor. Rey ends up hitting 619 on Young and splashing him for the win.

 Winners : Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara

 World Heavyweight Title Match: Big Show vs. Sheamus

Tony Chimel does formal ring introductions as we get ready to go. The bell rings and they lock up. Show shoves Sheamus to the mat. Sheamus with a headlock but Show lifts him off his feet. Show with a big shoulder. They trade shots coming out of the corner now. Show turns it around and beats Sheamus down. Show with a big chop to the chest now. Show beats Sheamus down again and headbutts him. Show with more offense and another big chop to the chest.

We see Dolph Ziggler watching backstage with his Money in the Bank briefcase in hand. Show goes for another big chop but Sheamus fights back. Show turns it around and splashes Sheamus in the corner. Sheamus comes right back and takes Show’s knee out. Show goes to the floor to re-group as Sheamus waits and the referee counts. Show comes back in the ring but Sheamus attacks. They go to the corner and Sheamus unloads.

Sheamus spears Show back into the corner. Show grabs Sheamus out of nowhere and tosses him to the floor. Show comes to the floor and continues the attack around the ring. Show tosses Sheamus into the fan barrier and brings it back in the ring. Show works Sheamus over on the ropes now. Sheamus tries to fight back and gets to his feet. Show catches him with a big sideslam for 2.
Show continues the assault and steps on top of Sheamus. More offense by Big Show. Show steps on the jaw now as the referee counts him.

Show taunts Sheamus and continues the attack. They go back to the floor and Show tosses Sheamus over the announcers table. Show brings it back in but only gets a 2 count. Sheamus fights back again but Show throws him back to the floor. Sheamus fights his way back in and hits a shoulder over the top rope. Sheamus with rights and lefts but Show runs over him with a big kick and gets another 2 count. Sheamus finally fights back with some intensity but Show grabs him in a bearhug and slows the match back down.

Sheamus fights out but lands bad on his back on the outside. Sheamus ends up on top and Show grabs him for a chokeslam. Sheamus dodges it but runs into another chokeslam for a 2 count. Show goes for the Colossal Clutch but Sheamus blocks it.

show misses an elbow drop and Sheamus makes a comeback. Sheamus goes for the Cloverleaf but Show kicks him out to the floor. They end up back in the ring. Sheamus goes for a battering ram but Show catches him. Sheamus blocks it and they trade shots. Sheamus knocks Show off his feet finally.

Sheamus scoops Show and nails White Noise but Show kicks out at 2. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick but Show catches him and nails the knockout punch for a close 2 count. Show readies for another knockout punch but Sheamus ducks and hits the Brogue for another close 2 count. They get up and Sheamus goes for another Brogue. Show catches him in mid-air with a knockout punch for the win and the World Heavyweight Title.

Winner and New World Heavyweight Champion : Big Show

WWE Divas Title Match: Layla vs. Kaitlyn vs. Eve Torres

The bell rings and they go at it. Kaitlyn and Layla take turns with shots on Eve after bringing her back in the ring. Layla with a 2 count after more double teaming. Layla and Kaitlyn have words now. They both try to pin Eve at the same time and get a 2 count. Kaitlyn kicks Layla and they go at it. Layla with a pin attempt. They trade pin attempts now. Eve comes over and gets involved now. Eve drops Layla on her face and kicks her out to the floor.

Eve goes to work on Kaitlyn now and focuses on her leg with a submission. Eve pulls Kaitlyn back away from the ropes and keeps the attack on her leg. Layla comes back in but Eve meets her. Layla with a kick to the mouth. Layla comes in and drops Eve with another kick. Layla unloads in the corner and hits a springboard for 2. Layla goes down on her leg as does Eve, both in the split position.

Kaitlyn comes over and sends Eve to the floor. Kaitlyn with a snap suplex on Layla and an armbar submission. Layla fights back but Kaitlyn lifts her up and drops her over the knee. Kaitlyn misses a clothesline and Layla kicks her down. Eve breaks the pin up at 2.

Eve tosses Layla to the floor and covers for 2 as Layla comes back in and breaks it up. All three go at it now. Kaitlyn with a roll up on Eve. Kaitlyn ends up hitting a bulldog on Eve and Eve goes to the floor. Kaitlyn with offense on Kaitlyn in the corner now.

Kaitlyn runs into a big boot and hits a crossbody but Kaitlyn rolls through and powerslams Layla for 2. Eve breaks the pin with a shot off the top. Eve takes advantage and covers Layla for the win.

Winner : Eve Torres

Hell In a Cell for the WWE Title: Ryback vs. CM Punk

Ryback enters the Cell and we get official ring introductions from Justin Roberts. Ryback is introduced to a big pop and the crowd chants “feed me more.” The door to the Cell is chained and locked as we get ready to go. Punk goes to the floor and stalls to start the match.

Punk dodges Ryback a few times and goes to the floor. Punk manages to get one chop in from the corner but Ryback finally gets his hands on him after Punk’s stalling. Ryback lifts Punk up and throws him into the ropes.

Ryback with a big boot to the face. Ryback slams Punk’s head on the mat now. Ryback whips Punk hard into the corner and he goes down. Ryback runs into a boot in the corner but tosses Punk across the ring. Ryback clotheslines Punk out onto the floor. Punk tries to get out of the door but Ryback comes over and throws him into the steel. Ryback works Punk over. Punk ends up crawling under the ring.

Heyman screams at Ryback. Ryback turns around and Punk sprays him with a fire extinguisher from under the ring. Punk comes up from under the ring and tackles Ryback into the Cell. Punk with knees to the gut now. Punk grabs a steel chair but Ryback kicks it into his face. Ryback throws the chair into the Cell. Ryback lifts Punk up high and throws him back in the ring. Ryback follows and lifts Punk up high again. Ryback drops Punk on his face and gets the crowd to chanting again.

Punk ducks a shot and turns it around. Punk comes in off the top and takes Ryback down. Punk goes back to the top and barely connects on the way down. Punk goes back to the top and takes Ryback to one knee. Punk goes to the top again but Ryback catches him and rams him back into the corner.

Ryback with shoulder thrusts. Punk comes back with a kick to the face and both go down. Punk leaps out to the floor but Ryback doesn’t go down and Punk hits the Cell. Punk with a neckbreaker on the floor but Ryback gets up. Punk goes on and Ryback blocks another neckbreaker. Punk gets caught but slides out of a hold. Punk sends Ryback shoulder first into the steel steps. Heyman cheers Punk on from outside of the Cell.

Back in the ring and Punk is on Ryback’s back. Ryback powers up and out, sending Punk to the mat. Ryback with a spear in the corner but Punk moves. Punk with the high knee in the corner and a clothesline. Punk goes back to the top and nails the elbow drop. Punk goes back under the ring and brings out a kendo stick. Punk hits Ryback several times with the stick.

Ryback gets up anyway and takes the shots. Ryback grabs the kendo stick and throws it away. Punk looks shocked. Ryback takes advantage and slams Punk hard. The crowd chants for Ryback. Ryback nails the big clothesline and calls for Shell Shocked. He scoops Punk up but the referee stops him. The referee low blows Ryback. Punk rolls Ryback up and the referee makes a quick 3 count to end the match.

Winner : CM Punk

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