Tuesday 2 October 2012

WWE RAW Report - Oct.1, 2012

WWE Tag Team Title Tournament Match: Epico and Primo vs. Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara

Epico starts off with Cara. Cara with a kick. Cara with a back elbow off the ropes and a 2 count. Primo beats Cara down as Rosa Mendes cheers on from ringside. Cara fights back and sends Primo flying.
Rey comes in and takes out Primo. Cara tags in and they double team Epico, sending them both out to the floor. Rey tags in Cara. Cara with a big dropkick and another takedown. Epico with a back elbow and a dropkick in mid-air.

Epico with a 2 count. Primo tags in and they double team Cara. Primo beats Cara down and drops knees. Cara with a big counter and a 2 count. Epico tags in and turns it back around. Cara with a counter into a DDT. Rey slides under and drops Primo on his face. Rey with a kick to the head and a 2 count. Rey with a senton from the top and another big move for 2. Cara with a kick to the face on Primo. Rey kicks Epico to the ropes and hits a double 619 on both men. Rey shoves Cara off the top onto Epico on the floor. Rey splashes Primo from the top for the win.

Winners : Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio

Brodus Clay vs. Antonio Cesaro

They lock up and Cesaro takes Clay to the corner but he turns it around with body shots. Clay throws Cesaro and drops a big elbow. Brodus continues with the offense and hits a headbutt. Cesaro catches Clay with a springboard uppercut from the ropes out of nowhere. Cesaro hits the Neutralizer on Clay for the win.

Winner : Antonio Cesaro

The Miz vs. Zack Ryder

They lock up and Ryder goes down first. Ryder catches Miz and drops him on his face. Miz with a kick to the face and a pin attempt. Miz with knees to the back and a headlock. Ryder with a dropkick from the corner and then he takes Miz down in the corner. Ryder hits the Broski Boot and covers for a 2 count. Miz blocks the Ruff Ryder and powerbombs him into the turnbuckle. Miz catches him in the Skull Crushing Finale for the win.

Winner : The Miz

Tensai vs. Ryback

They lock up and Ryback goes to a headlock. Ryback ducks a clothesline but Tensai drops him with a shoulder. Tensai comes out of the corner with a forearm shot. Tensai runs the ropes and Ryback catches him with a big powerslam. Tensai blocks with a headbutt but Ryback runs him over with a clothesline. Ryback can’t hit his finisher the first time so he hits another big clothesline for the win.

Winner : Ryback

Eve Torres vs. Beth Phoenix

Eve extends her hand to start the match. Beth shakes but pulls her in and takes her to the mat. Beth charges but Eve moves and she hits her shoulder on the ring post. Eve attacks on the floor and stomps on her. Eve tosses Beth into the fan barrier and comes back in the ring as the referee counts.

Beth makes it back in at 9.Beth hits an inverted atomic drop and a sledge shot for 2. Eve plays victim and hits a cheap shot. Eve drops Beth with a neckbreaker for the win.

Winner : Eve Torres

Santino Marella vs. Heath Slater

Slater and Santino do comedy to start the match. Slater takes Santino down and stomps away. Slater with a 2 count. Slater takes Santino down with a headlock now. Santino finally makes an attempt and hits Slater with his usual moves. Santino hits Slater with the Cobra but Mahal and McIntyre attack for the DQ.

Winner by DQ : Santino Marella

Sheamus vs. Damien Sandow

They lock up and go to the corner. Sandow goes for a cheap shot but Sheamus blocks it. Sandow hides behind the referee and goes around Sheamus. Sheamus counters and takes Sandow to the mat. Sheamus grabs Sandow’s beard but Sandow escapes and goes to the floor. Sandow runs over the barrier and Sheamus chases. Cody distracts Sheamus and Sandow drops him with a clothesline. Sandow brings it in the ring for a 2 count. Sandow takes Sheamus down with a big knee to the gut. Sandow goes on and gets a 2 count. Sandow with a bunch of knees and a side Russian leg sweep. Sandow drops the big elbow and covers for another 2 count.

Sandow wails away with right hands on the apron and covers for another 2 count. Sheamus fights out with forearm shots and a big boot in the corner. Sandow with another pin attempt. More back and forth and Sheamus gets sent back to the floor. Sandow brings it back in the ring for another 1 count. Sheamus fights out with a back suplex. Sheamus gets up and makes his comeback. Sheamus with a shoulder in the corner and big knee lift. Sheamus catches him but Sandow slides out and hits a neckbreaker for 2.

Sandow chokes Sheamus with a boot in the corner. Sheamus fights back and goes to the corner, coming down with a battering ram. Sandow kicks out at 2. Sheamus lifts Sandow but he slides out and ducks a Brogue Kick. Sandow crawls away but Sheamus grabs his leg and they break. Sheamus with the forearms to the chest on the apron in front of Cody. Sandow falls out to the floor and Sheamus comes out after him.
Sheamus rolls Sandow in the ring. Cody gets involved but Sheamus brings him in too. Sheamus hits a double Brogue Kick and covers Sandow for the win.

Winner : Sheamus

Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston

Kofi ends up sending Del Rio to the floor early on with a clothesline. Kofi leaps from the top and takes out Del Rio with a crossbody on the floor. Kofi fights out and makes a comeback with his usual moves. Kofi hits the Boom Drop. Kofi springboards in with a splash but misses. Del Rio with kicks in the corner. Del Rio with the cross armbreaker for the win.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

Kane and Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler

CM Punk is already out with his partner Dolph Ziggler. Vickie Guerrero and Paul Heyman argue at ringside. Out comes AJ Lee as the surprise special referee. Kane and Bryan argue but it’s going to be Kane starting off with Ziggler. Kane takes Ziggler to the corner and works him over. Kane with a slam and a big elbow for 2. Kane teases a tag to Bryan but doesn’t make it. Ziggler comes back but Kane shakes him off. Kane lifts Ziggler high in the air and drops him on his front side.

Ziggler falls off but dropkicks Kane for a 2 count. Ziggler turns around to a big right hand. Kane takes Ziggler to the corner and works him over now. Bryan tags in and they double team Ziggler in the corner. 2 count for Bryan. Kane comes back in with a big dropkick and another pin attempt. Ziggler fights back and drops Kane with the big DDT. Ziggler tags in Punk. Punk hits the high knee on Kane in the corner. Punk hits another but Kane blocks the bulldog and hits a big sideslam. 2 count by Kane.

Kane comes off the top rope and calls for a chokeslam. Bryan tags himself in and Kane argues. Bryan comes off the top but Punk kicks him. Punk works Bryan over with stomps and takes him to the corner now. Back and forth until Bryan clotheslines Punk. Bryan with kicks while Punk is on his knees now. Ziggler gets knocked to the floor as Punk drops Bryan with a kick to the head. 2 count for Punk. Ziggler comes back in and they double team Bryan. Ziggler with a big dropkick. Ziggler goes to the floor and throws Bryan into the fan barrier. Ziggler does it again and rolls Bryan back in for a 2 count.

Punk comes back in with an elbow. He climbs to the top but Bryan cuts him off. Bryan climbs up for a superplex and hits it. Bryan goes for the No Lock and applies it. Heyman pushes the bottom rope, allowing Punk to get his foot on it and break the hold. AJ has words with Heyman and ejects him from ringside.Vickie gets involved and AJ sends her to the back also. Ziggler goes off after Vickie, leaving Punk looking for a tag. Ziggler walks off after Vickie and Punk turns around to a dropkick from Bryan. Kane comes in and chokeslams Punk for the win.

Winners: Kane and Daniel Bryan

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