Friday 7 September 2012

WWE Superstars Report – Sept 6th, 2012

Antonio Cesaro vs. Justin Gabriel

Cesaro with a front face lock but Gabriel with a wrist lock. Cesaro with a single arm back drop and he holds on to the wrist. Gabriel tries to escape but Cesaro holds on and applies a hammer lock.
Gabriel with a drop kick but he tries for a hip toss. Gabriel lands on his feet and he hits a single leg sweep followed by a monkey flip. Cesaro works on the midsection and he leaps onto the abdomen.
Cesaro with a surfboard and a knee to the midsection for a near fall.

Cesaro drops Gabriel on the top turnbuckle and then Cesaro with a quarter nelson and chin lock. Gabriel with a rollup for a near fall.Gabriel with a drop toe hold and he sends Cesaro into the ropes. Gabriel tries for a quebrada but he lands on Cesaro’s knees. Gabriel with chops to Cesaro followed a forearm but Cesaro with a knee and a dead lift side salto. Cesaro with an abdominal stretch as he continues to work on the ribs. Cesaro lifts Gabriel’s leg to add more pressure.

Cesaro with a kick to the head and then he leaps onto the midsection again. He does it two more times using the ropes for extra leverage and Antonio gets a near fall. Gabriel and Cesaro exchange punches and chops. Gabriel with a series of kicks including a round kick. Gabriel with a spinning heel kick into the corner and he hits a springboard cross body for a near fall.Gabriel goes up top and sets for the 450 splash but Cesaro gets up. Gabriel leaps over Cesaro but Cesaro sets up Gabriel for Swiss Death and then he hits the Gotch Style Neutralizer for the three count.

Winner : Antonio Cesaro

Layla El vs. Natalya in a Non Title Match

They lock up and Natalya with a fireman’s carry into an arm bar. Layla with a head scissors but Natalya escapes. Natalya pushes Layla and Layla pushes back. Layla with a rollup for a near fall.
Layla with a kick and a cross body from the corner and Natalya picks up Layla. After a series of rollups, Layla gets a near fall. Natalya drops Layla onto the apron and then she gets Layla up for a back breaker on the shoulder.

Layla tries to escape and she does but Layla with a lariat and then she stands on Layla’s chest for a near fall.Natalya with an Irish whip and back breaker and she stretches Natalya. Layla with kicks to the head to get out of the hold. Natalya with a suplex for a near fall. Layla with punches and forearms to Natalya and she runs into an elbow. Layla blocks a kick and she slaps Natalya. Layla with a series of kicks and then she hits a round kick for the three count.

Winner : Layla El

Damien Sandow vs. Alex Riley

They lock up and Riley with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Riley blocks a kick and hits a hip toss and neck breaker combination. Riley punches Sandow in the corner but Sandow escapes and he kicks the leg and Riley hits the mat.Sandow with kicks to Riley and then he uses the ropes for extra leverage. Sandow gets a near fall. Sandow with a knee to the back followed by a quarter nelson and chin lock. Riley with punches but Sandow with a knee and a side Russian leg sweep and he rolls through for the Elbow of Disdain and he gets a near fall.

Riley with a lariat and a shoulder followed by a spinebuster for a near fall. Riley shows some frustration and he kicks Sandow and sets for the elevated DDT. Sandow charges into an elbow and Riley goes up top and hits a clothesline but Sandow kicks out at the last moment.Riley gets Sandow up for the TKO but Sandow with elbows and he gets to the apron. Sandow drops Riley on the top rope and then hits the straightjacket neck breaker for the three count.

Winner : Damien Sandow

Epico and Primo vs. Kofi Kingston and R Truth

Truth and Primo start things off and Truth wants to know ‘What’s Up’. Truth has something to say to Little Jimmy who Truth sees in the ring with him. Primo has no idea what to do. Primo wants to talk to Little Jimmy and Primo poses with him. Primo kicks Little Jimmy and Truth with a double leg take down and he punches Primo.

Truth with a shoulder tackle and Truth with an uppercut to Primo. Truth with a wrist lock and he tags in Kofi. Kofi with a springboard cross body for a near fall. Kofi with a side head lock but Primo with a top wrist lock into a side head lock. Primo with a shoulder tackle but Kofi with a leaping back elbow and he gets a near fall.Kofi springs off the ropes and hits a head scissors. Epico tags in and he hits a monkey flip but Kofi lands on his feet. Kofi with a monkey flip of his own for a near fall. Kofi with a front face lock. Truth tags back in and they hit a double hip toss and Kofi with a kick to the head. Truth with a split and then he does the shimmy leg drop and gets a near fall.Epico begs for mercy and Epico uses that to send Truth to the floor. Primo with a kick on the floor while the referee deals with Kofi. Epico with a slingshot senton onto Truth and he chokes Truth in the ropes.

Primo tags in and he hits a splash to the back and he gets a near fall. Primo with a reverse chin lock but Truth gets to his feet and he punches Primo. Primo with a drop toe hold to keep Truth from making the tag. Epico tags back in and he gets a near fall. Primo tags back in and Truth fights his way out of the corner for a moment but Epico Irish whips Truth into a drop kick from Primo and Primo gets a near fall.

Primo punches Truth and he applies a reverse chin lock. Truth punches Primo and Primo with a forearm. Truth with a leg lariat and both men are down. Epico and Kofi tag in and Kofi with a springboard clothesline to Primo followed drop kicks to Primo. Kofi with the Superman punch and Boom Drop to Epico. Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but Epico avoids it. Kofi with a cross body for a near fall. Truth sends Primo over the top rope to the floor. Truth with a kick to Epico and Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise for the three count.

Winners : R Truth and Kofi Kingston

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