Sunday 30 September 2012

WWE Superstars Report - Sept 28, 2012

Heath Slater vs. Yoshi Tatsu

They lock up and Slater pushes Yoshi in the back and Slater does some air guitar. Yoshi with an arm drag and a near fall. Yoshi with a Japanese arm drag and drop kick followed by a kick to the back.Slater kicks Yoshi against the ropes and then Slater returns with more kicks and knees.

Yoshi with kicks but Slater with a jumping leg lariat and he gets a near fall. Slater with a knee drop after some more air guitar and Slater gets a near fall.Yoshi with an Irish whip but he misses a splash into the corner. Slater gets the three count.

Winner : Heath Slater

Ted DiBiase vs. Michael McGillicutty

They lock up and Michael with an arm drag and Michael celebrates. Ted puts Michael in the corner and he punches Michael. Michael with an Irish wihp but he misses a splash and Ted with a kick to the back of the leg and Michael flips like his dad. Ted rolls Michael back into the ring and Michael with a hot shot. Michael with kicks to the midsection and then he chokes Michael in the corner. Michael with a drop kick and then he kicks Ted in the back of the head.

Michael with forearms to the back but Ted with the rebound clothesline followed by a flying clothesline and a sit out spinebuster for a near fall. Ted tries for Dream Street but Michael with an arm drag. Michael goes off the turnbuckles but Ted with a drop kick and he gets a near fall.

Ted with a punch to the midsection but Michael with a Saito suplex and he gets a near fall. Michael shows some frustration. Michael tries for another Saito suplex but Ted blocks it and he punches Michael. Ted hits Dream Street afor the three count.

Winner : Ted DiBiase

Layla El vs. Eve Torres in a Non Title Match

They lock up and Layla works on the wrist and arm. Eve with a sunset flip but Layla rolls through and drop kicks Eve. Layla with a side head lock but Eve with a shot to the midsection. Layla with an arm drag into a bridge for a near fall. Eve with a reversal for a near fall. Layla with a side head lock followed by a wrist lock. Layla avoids a shoulder on the apron and she kicks Eve in the head.

Layla connects with a savate kick for a near fall. Layla takes Eve down by the hair and then she kicks Eve. Layla tries for the double jump cross body but Eve sees what Layla is going to do and she kicks. Eve picks up Layla to choke her while sitting on the top turnbuckle.

Eve kicks Layla face first to the mat. Eve with an arm bar and chin lock. Eve with a rolling figure four head scissors and arm bar. Eve holds on to the ropes for extra leverage and the referee makes her release the hold.Eve with shoulders and a forearm in the corner but Layla sends Eve into the corner and Layla kicks and punches Eve. Eve with a series of kicks to Layla and then Eve goes up top for a moonsault but misses. Layla with a round kick for the three count.

Winner : Layla El

Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler (with Vickie Guerrero)

They lock up and Ziggler backs Kofi into the turnbuckles and Ziggler with a side head lock. Ziggler with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Kofi with a few leap frogs followed by a leaping back elbow. Kofi with a leg sweep and he gets a near fall. Kofi with a hammer lock but Ziggler with a snap mare. Kofi splashes onto the arm and he returns to the arm bar.

Ziggler with a punch and kick.Ziggler runs Kofi’s face across the top rope.Ziggler climbs the turnbuckles and he monkey flips Kofi but Kofi lands on his feet and he gives Ziggler a monkey flip of his own and Ziggler lands on his chest and Ziggler goes to the floor. Kofi sets for a pescado but Ziggler moves so Kofi lands on the apron. Kofi with a cross body and when he gets up, Kofi has a bit of a limp.

Kofi gets a near fall with a rollup. Ziggler with a clothesline and then he kicks Kofi. Ziggler continues to focus on the injured leg and Ziggler with a DDT to the leg and Kofi gets a near fall.Ziggler kicks Kofi in the back of the injured leg and Kofi is down in the corner. Kofi kicks Ziggler with his good leg but Ziggler with punches and then he hits a neck breaker and gets a near fall.

 Ziggler tries for the Fameasser but Kofi catches him and hits a power bomb and both men are down. Kofi with chops but they might not have the same impact. Kofi with the Boom Drop and he wants to set up for Trouble in Paradise but Ziggler rolls to the apron. Ziggler drops Kingston across the top rope.

Kofi limps to get Ziggler back into the ring. Kofi rolls Ziggler into the ring and Ziggler gets his hand on the rope to break the referee’s count. Kofi puts Ziggler on the top turnbuckle for a superplex but Ziggler punches Kofi in the knee and he lands on the mat. Dolph hits the Zig Zag for the three count.

Winner : Dolph Ziggler

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