Saturday 8 September 2012

WWE Smackdown Report Sept 7,2012

Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes and Miz

Miz and Rey start things off and they lock up. Miz backs Rey into the ropes and then he kicks and punches Rey. Miz with a forearm to the back and punch. Rey lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt. Rey with kicks. Rey tags in Sin Cara. Rey with a snap mare and Rey and Cara with kicks for a near fall.
Cara uses the ropes for a spinning arm drag. Rey tags in and Rey with an assisted head scissors that propels Cody into the ropes. Rey tries for the 619 but Miz pulls Cody to the floor. Miz distracts Rey long enough to allow Cody to attack Rey from behind on the floor.

Cody sends Rey back into the ring and he snap mares Rey and Cody with a running knee to the head for a near fall. Cody with a cravate. Cody sends Rey into the turnbuckles but Rey with a kick and drop toe hold that sends Cody into the turnbuckles.Cara tags in and hits a springboard cross body followed by a handspring back elbow and head scissors.

Cara with an enzuigiri from the apron and then he tries for a springboard move but Cody moves. Cara tries for a sunset flip but Miz makes the tag and he kicks Car in the back. Miz runs Cara into the turnbuckles and he continues to work Cara over. Miz hits the Awesome Clothesline and then he goes up top. Miz with a double sledge to the head and he gets a near fall. Cody tags back in and he hits a delayed vertical gourdbuster for a near fall.

Cody returns to the cravate on Cara. Cara with kicks and he blocks a belly-to-back suplex attempt and hits an Asai DDT. Miz and Rey tag in and Rey with a springboard seated senton. Rey with a kick and drop kick to the knee followed by a round kick to the head for a near fall.Rey with a kick but Miz sends Rey to the apron.

Rey with a sunset flip and Miz rolls through and gives Rey a taste of his own medicine and kicks Rey in the head. Miz gets a near fall. Rey with a kick to Miz and then Rey tries for a wheelbarrow move but Miz blocks it and has Rey in a full nelson for a moment. Rey counters and gets a rollup for a near fall. Cody tries to interfere, but by the time he gets into the ring, Miz has reversed the rollup and Cody accidentally kicks Miz in the head. Cara takes care of Cody with a springboard drop kick and corkscrew pescado. Rey with a running forearm to the back and Miz falls into the ropes. Rey with the 619 and then Rey goes up top for the dive and gets the three count.

Winners : Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara

Daniel Bryan vs. Zack Ryder

Lock up to start and Ryder tries a surprise roll-up which gets a two count. Daniel is unimpressed and kicks the living shit out of Ryder for over a minute. That's not a figure of speech as he literally kicks the living daylights out of him. Zack flukes a clothesline and gets his own boot to the face. Bryan begs off and asks Zack for a hug. Initially Ryder refuses but like the tanned, mental midget, fool he is he goes for the hug and Bryan quickly turns it into the No Lock for the win.

Winner : Daniel Bryan

Damien Sandow vs. Randy Orton

They lock up and Orton with a side head lock and take down. Sandow with a side head lock but Orton pulls the hair for a moment to reverse. Orton with a shoulder tackle and Sandow rolls to the floor.
Sandow returns to the ring and they lock up again. They go into the corner and the referee gets between them. Sandow with a punch when the referee was out of position. Sandow with shoulders in the corner. Orton with an Irish whip but Sandow slides to the floor.

Sandow returns to the ring and Orton with a kick and back elbow. Orton with the Garvin Stomp. Orton with a European uppercut and he tries for the back breaker but Sandow escapes. Sandow goes to the floor and Orton with a clothesline.Orton sends Sandow’s head into the apron and then he sends Sandow into the announce table. Orton looks at Ziggler who is standing on the announce table. Ziggler warns Orton to focus on his match and Sandow is able to send Orton into the ring post.

Sandow with a snap mare and knee to the back followed by a reverse chin lock. Sandow with the side Russian leg sweep and he rolls through into the Elbow of Disdain and gets a near fall. Sandow pulls down his knee pad but he misses the knee drop when Orton moves. Sandow runs into the corner but Orton moves. Orton with two clotheslines and he avoids one from Sandow so that means it is time for a power slam.
Orton hits the IEDDT on Sandow and then he looks around before twisting into the RKO push ups but Sandow is able to get out of the ring and he runs to the back. The referee makes the ten count and calls for the bell.

Winner : Randy Orton (by count out)

The Usos vs. Darren Young and Titus O’Neil vs. Epico and Primo (with Rosa Mendes) in a Number One Contender Match (for the umpteenth time)

Primo, Darren Young and Jay Uzo start. Primo gets the backcraker on Young. Epico and Primo do rapid fire tags and beat on Young some more. Titus is in and nails a bicycle kick (take note) and dominates Epico and Jay. The PTP's try some double-teaming on Jay but he blocks their offence but gets dropkicked by the lurking Epico. Young gets a northern lights suplex on Epico for a two count but Epico nails a bulldog on Young.

Jay and Epico nail each other in a double clothesline spot but Jay manages to tag Jimmy and he cleans house. Samoan drop on Darren Young, tags Jay back in and then Jimmy takes Titus, Epico and Primo out on the floor with a plancha as the crowd is finally awake for the match. Jay goes up top to hit a highspot on Young but Primo stops him, attempts a superplex but Young stops that, gets Primo in the powerbomb position but Young counters that and drops Primo onto his knees. Jay takes advantage of the prone Primo and his the superfly splash but Young breaks the count at two, gets rid of Jay and steals the pin for the win.

Winners : Darren Young and Titus O’Neil

Wade Barrett vs. Yoshi Tatsu

No entrance for Tatsu. Barrett has new music. Again. He looks good with the beard. Knees to the face of Tatsu while Tatsu was caught in the ropes, even though it was obvious the knees were hitting Tatsu’s elbows. Shots to the ribs by Barrett, then a headbutt. Tatsu tried to get back into it with kicks, but Barrett gave Tatsu a kick of his own to the mid-section. Hard forearm shot right to the head finished it.

Winner : Wade Barrett

Sheamus vs. David Otung in a Non Title Match

Sheamus caught an Otunga punch and clotheslined Otunga. Otunga ducked a Brogue Kick, sending Sheamus to the apron. Otunga then kicked Sheamus in the leg to send him to ringside. Del Rio was watching from a seat next to the announcers. Diving shoulder tackle by Otunga back in the ring, for a one-count. Sheamus came back with an Irish Hammer and a knee-lift. Forearms to the chest of Otunga, in the section of the ring closest to the announcers (and Del Rio).

Sheamus hit White Noise, then set for the Brogue Kick. Before he could hit the move, Booker interrupted on the mic and announced that the Brogue Kick is now banned. Dude has like three finishers anyway, so this really shouldn’t be a big deal. Del Rio laughed at ringside as Sheamus bantered with him. Otunga was still down. Del Rio headed to the back as Otunga jumped Sheamus, only to fall victim to the Irish Curse back-breaker. Texas cloverleaf locked in and Otunga tapped.

Winner : Sheamus

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