Saturday 15 September 2012

WWE Smackdown Report -- 9/14/12

Sin Cara vs. The Miz

Miz takes the early advantage and stomps Cara to the mat and has to be called off by the ref. Miz hits an elbow to a rushing Cara from outside the ring. Miz pounds Cara on the mat and then in the corner. Miz executes his running clothesline-in-the-corner spot and a flying double axe-handle from up top. He hooks the outside leg and Cara kicks out at 1.

Miz hits a combination of neckbreakers and gets 2. Cara lands some kicks to Miz' leg and hits another head-scissors takedown and a kick to the face. They counter each other in a nice exchange and Cara twists and turns him into a pin.

Winner : Sin Cara

Kane vs. Kofi Kingston

Kofi lands some early kicks but Kane won't go down. Kane lands a knife-hand strike to the throat and takes over on Kofi in the corner. Kane turns the table in Kane's arms and hits a DDT. Kofi flies off the top but gets caught by the throat; Kane hits a chokeslam for the win.

Winner : Kane

Randy Orton vs. Tensai

They lock-up and Tensai gets in a kick off the break. Orton fights back but Tensai swats away a dropkick. Tensai misses with an elbow as Orton drops repeated knees to the head. Tensai hits a knife-hand strike to the throat and Orton falls straight back. Tensai goes out and throws Orton back in. Orton dropkicks him out of the ring. Tensai hits a tackle in the corner and connects with a splash in the corner from the 2nd turnbuckle. He gets 2.

Tensai keeps the pressure on and applies a Claw to the shoulder of Orton. Orton fights up and out and hits a headbutt and a powerslam. Tensai tries to escape and makes it to the apron. Orton intercepts him and plants him with his patented DDT but only gets 2. Orton takes out Sakamoto on the apron and coils up. Tensai avoids the RKO and hits the double-fisted chokeslam but misses with the Senton Splash. Orton hits the RKO for the win.

Winner : Randy Orton

Kaitlyn vs. Beth Phoenix

Beth applies a headlock, early, and tells the ref to ask her. Layla watches on a monitor in the back. Kaitlyn hits a shoulderblock and goes for a German Suplex but Beth runs her throat into the ropes. Beth gets caught with a big boot in the corner but is able to drag Kaitlyn off the top. Beth goes for the Glam Slam but Kaitlyn counters into a reverse DDT for the win.

Winner : Kaitlyn

Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

Lock-up to start as Bryan gets an armbar, which is quickly reversed by Sheamus and he then gets a shoulderblock on Bryan off a rope run. Lock-up again and Sheamus gets the side headlock and another shoulderblock to keep control. Sheamus gets a clothesline and Bryan goes over the top rope to the floor. Sheamus tries a kick to Bryans head but Daniel catches the foot and take it from under Sheamus who lands on the ring apron shoulder first.

Bryan than nails a seated dropkick on the floor. Back inside and Bryan charges the corner and hits a dropkick. He continues to work Sheamus over with kicks but another corner charging dropkick misses. Sheamus goes up top and nails a flying shoulder block and both men are down. Bryan attempts a charge but Sheamus avoid and gets couple of double axe handles to the head, knee lift and a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker gets a 2 count. Sheamus goes for the cloverleaf but Bryan blocks however he gets caught in the ropes and Sheamus gives us the big ten clubbing forearms.

Sheamus charges for another forearm but Daniel counters the charge into a roll-up pin attempt that only gets 2. Drop toehold by Bryan slams the Irishman's face into the second turnbuckle and a kick to the head gets 2. Bryan has to start fighting his anger and the crowd riles him some more as they chant YES! More kicks to the chest of Sheamus. Bryan goes up top but Sheamus catches him coming off, Bryan manages to clamp on the front facelock submission however that gets him no where and he goes for the No Lock but Sheamus blocks it. Bryan comes off the ropes, Sheamus get the Irish Curse and the Texas Cloverleaf. Bryan fights but eventually taps out.

Winner : Sheamus

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