Sunday 23 September 2012

WWE Saturday Morning Slam Results – Sept 22, 2012

The Saturday morning show started with the voice-over guy describing this week’s show as a “Championship Edition” by focusing on the Intercontinental Title. Today: William Regal takes on Internet champion Zack Ryder. Saturday Morning Spotlight: IC champion The Miz.
IC Title history: WWE went through the tape library to show Intercontinental champions through WWE history. This led to a Fave Five list.

(5) Pat Patterson was crowned the first IC champion.

(4) Chris Jericho was described as the most prolific IC champion.

(3) Ultimate Warrior. The voice-over man described him as the first and only person to hold the WWE Title while still holding the IC Title.

(2) Honky Tonk Man for his longest reign.

(1) Randy Savage. Plenty of Savage in-ring and out-of-the-ring footage. They focused on Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat from WM3 as “one of the greatest matches in WWE history.”

C.M. Punk Pop Quiz: Who did Randy Savage beat at WM4 to win his first WWE Title? Hogan, Andre, or DiBiase were the options.


The two men circled each other before Regal took control of the action, working on Ryder’s wrist. Regal then engaged Santino in a back-and-forth, which allowed Ryder to roll up Regal from behind for a close two count. Regal popped up and smiled, then tried to go back to working the wrist, but Ryder countered with a wristlock of his own. As Santino talked “wrestling” and “grappling,” Regal broke free and reset before walking into a dropkick. Ryder wanted the Broski Boot, but Regal rolled to the floor. “No, no, no,” Regal said on the outside leading to break.
Before returning from break, Ryder delivered this week’s Don’t Try This At Home message. Back in the ring, Ryder hip-tossed Regal back into the ring, but Regal took control with a leverage hold. Ryder reversed the leverage into a position of strength, but Regal out-crafted Ryder to take control of Ryder’s wrist again. Ryder eventually had enough and made his comeback before hitting the Rough Ryder (they cut away to Santino as he executed it). Santino then excitedly called the 1, 2, 3 for Ryder’s win. Post-match: Santino fist-pumped for Ryder, who followed with his own fist-pump to celebrate the win.


Charity message : John Cena talked about Make-a-Wish, encouraging viewers to find a charity and get involved. WWE rolled footage of Cena granting wishes through the years and soundbytes from parents whose children met Cena.

Pop Quiz : Punk gave the answer that Randy Savage beat Ted DiBiase for his first WWE Title at WM4, which included footage of the finish.

Next week : WWE Superstars “pump you up” on family health and fitness day. Plus, John Cena is on the show. The voice-over man described Cena as a “real-life superhero.”

And, finally, The Miz with pointers on “how to be awesome.” Miz offered tips on proving people wrong, walking the walk, talking like a star, and being awesome. The voice-over man then wrapped up the show as WWE showed action clips of top stars and champions, concluding with Cena.

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