Sunday 9 September 2012

WWE Saturday Morning Slam Report – Sept 8th, 2012

This week’s episode of Saturday Morning Slam deals with the return to school.

Damien welcomes everyone to Damien’s Dictionary. In honor of the troglodytes returning to school, he is going to use words that relate. The first word is Matriculate and he says that when he matriculated into the WWE, all of the Superstars were shaking in their boots. The next word is sophomoric. While the entire WWE roster is sophomoric, Damien Sandow is not sophomoric.The next word is Valedictorian. Damien graduated as valedictorian from pre-school, grammar school, high school, and college. He tells everyone that they should strive for the same.

We go to the Video Vault for some footage of people who thought they were intelligent, but not smart. Bobby Heenan called himself the smartest man in the WWE. He knew when to run when a problem arose. Then there was The Genius Lanny Poffo. Instead of a genius, he was an ignoramus. Next is Dean Douglas. The Superstars taught the dean some lessons and he earned a failing grade in the WWE Universe report card.

We move on to Matt Striker. Matt made a smart move from his teacher’s vest to the announce table. Now he is able to provide insightful commentary on a variety of programs.

It is time for the Third Degree where Superstars answer questions from fans.

What was your favorite school subject.?

Heath’s favorite class wasn’t math, spelling, or reading.

Cody’s favorite class was American History.

Natalya’s favorite class was English.

Miz says that every class was his favorite. He was in honors classes.

Zack Ryder says that his favorite class was math.

Heath and Brodus’ favorite class was phys ed.

Kofi Kingston’s favorite class was science.

Miz says that he considers himself the smartest man alive.

Sin Cara vs. Michael McGillicutty

The lights go down and then McGillicutty returns to his knees. Cara with a side head lock but Michael with a shoulder tackle. Cara with another side head lock and Michael with another shoulder tackle and Michael gets a near fall. Cara kips up and he kicks Michael. Cara uses the ropes for a double jump arm drag that sends Michael to the floor.Cara teases a dive to the floor but he sees Michael move out of the way so Cara bounces off the ropes and stays in the ring.

Cara with a flying mare to escape but Michael with an elbow. Michael catches Cara on a handspring back elbow attempt and Michael hits a belly-to-back suplex. Michael gets a near fall.
Michael with a slam and then he goes to the turnbuckles for an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Michael returns to the arm bar. Cara with a rollup for a near fall but Michael with a kick to regain control. Michael with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Michael gets another near fall and he traps the arms with a double underhook. Michael sets for a power bomb but Cara is able to counter and he takes Michael to the mat. Michael runs into boots from Cara and Cara with a head scissors take down. Cara with a drop kick that sends Michael to the floor. Cara with a suicide dive onto Michael. They return to the ring and Cara goes up top and hits a cross body but can only get a two count. Cara with La Mistica for the three count.

Winner : Sin Cara

Next week, we show footage from South Africa with Justin Gabriel.

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