Tuesday 4 September 2012

WWE RAW Results – 9/3/2012

Dolph Ziggler vs. Randy Orton

The bell rings and they go at it. Ziggler connects with a dropkick and shows off some. Orton with a headlock and a shoulder block. They end up on the floor and Orton tosses Ziggler into the fan barrier and clotheslines him. Orton with a series of right hands in the corner. Ziggler throws Orton into the fan barrier at ringside now. Ziggler brings Orton back in the ring and covers him for a 2 count. Ziggler shows off some and drops a big elbow for a 2 count. Ziggler takes Orton to the mat with a headlock and does a handstand. Orton finally breaks free and makes a comeback but runs into an elbow in the corner.

Ziggler with a running clothesline for 2.Orton with an uppercut and a headbutt. Orton climbs up for a superplex and nails it for a 2 count. They get up and Orton unloads with clotheslines and the powerslam. Orton takes Ziggler to the apron but has the draping DDT blocked. 2 count by Orton. Ziggler leaps up and connects with a big DDT out of nowhere. 2 count for Dolph. Ziggler misses the big leg drop and Orton takes him to the apron for the draping DDT. Orton readies for the RKO as the crowd finally wakes up. Ziggler turns it around with a roll up of his own. Ziggler uses Orton’s tights for leverage and gets the win.

Winner : Dolph Ziggler

Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes and Tensai

The match starts off with Cody and Cara. Tensai beats Cara down in the corner. Cody tags in and continues the assault. Cody with a pin attempt. Cody puts knees in Cara’s back and puts him in a surfboard submission. They go on and Tensai comes back in. Cara finally fights back and kicks Tensai in the head. Tensai tags out and Cody comes back in. Cara turns it around and tags in Mysterio. Rey and Cody go at it. Rey takes him down from the ropes and goes to the top for a senton. Pin attempt by Rey but Cody kicks out.Tensai comes back in and goes at it with Rey. Rey hits 619 and Cara comes in with a big missile dropkick. Cody comes from behind on Mysterio and lays him out. Rey kicks out at 2. Rey goes for 619 on Cody and nails it. Rey tags in Cara and he leaps off the top onto Cody for the win.

Winners : Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara

CM Punk vs. Sheamus

We go to the ring and out comes the World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus. Cult of Personality hits next and out comes WWE Champion CM Punk. Punk is not dressed to wrestle. He’s still wearing jeans, a t-shirt and boots. Punk takes the mic and the crowd chants his name. Punk says Chicago gets it. They understand the WWE Champ vs. the World Champ is a WrestleMania main event. Punk says he’s a main event wrestler. Punk says the Chicago fans respect all his decisions. Punk brings up Labor Day and says the fans will respect that he’s also taking the day off work. Punk drops the mic and walks out of the ring. He stops at ringside to hold up the title belt before walking off. Sheamus grabs the mic and says Punk just disrespected the fans by walking away. The cameras cut backstage and we see Punk walking. AJ Lee stops him and doesn’t want him to leave. Punk says his contract has personal days and this is one of them. Punk gets into a car and they drive off. Matt Striker walks up and asks AJ what she’s going to do about the main event. AJ asks Striker who he is. She tells Striker to go tell Sheamus to stay in the ring because she will find an opponent. AJ runs off.

Jack Swagger vs. Sheamus

The bell rings and they go at it. Sheamus with an early pin attempt. Swagger takes him to the corner with shoulder thrusts. Sheamus quickly turns it around and goes to the top with a big shoulder block for 2. Sheamus with more offense but he misses the high knee. Swagger looks to make a comeback and nails the Swagger Bomb for 2. They go on and Sheamus applies the Texas Cloverleaf for the submission win.

Winner : Sheamus

Eve Torres vs. Kaitlyn

Eve and Kaitlyn lock up. Kaitlyn with an early pin attempt. Eve fights out of a headlock and they tangle some more while Layla and Miz argue on commentary. Eve takes Kaitlyn down and not much is happening at all in this match. It looks like they botch a move and Kaitlyn goes down holding her stomach. She gets up and Eve kicks her before hitting the neckbreaker for the win, finally.

Winner : Eve Torres

Ryback vs. Jinder Mahal

Ryback strikes first but runs into a knee in the corner. Jinder works Ryback over and takes control now. Ryback quickly turns it around and takes Mahal to the corner but gets kicked in the face again. Mahal with a shoulder from the second rope and a 1 count. Ryback comes with a big slam and the powerbomb. Ryback gets the “Feed Me More” chant going and runs over Mahal with the big clothesline. He scoops Mahal up with Shellshocked for the win.

Winner : Ryback

WWE United States Title Match: Santino Marella vs. Antonio Cesaro

Santino strikes first and drops a headbutt. He pulls out the Cobra but Cesaro unleashes a series of headbutts on him. Cesaro slams Santino and stomps on the Cobra. Cesaro with more offense in the corner and a big clothesline. Santino ducks another clothesline and grabs the Cobra. Santino kicks Cesaro to the apron and goes to put the Cobra on. Cesaro rushes back in and lays Santino out with the Neutralizer for the win.

Winner : Antonio Cesaro 

Zack Ryder vs. Heath Slater

Ryder slams Slater on his face for a pin attempt. Cole hypes how Slater and Ryder have been feuding on Twitter. Slater turns it around and stomps away on Ryder. Slater with a neckbreaker combo out of the corner for another pin attempt.Ryder finally makes a comeback and hits a missile dropkick from the corner. Ryder hits the Broski Boot but Slater counters the Ruff Ryder. More back and forth action until Ryder finally hits the Ruff Ryder for the win.

Winner : Zack Ryder

Falls Count Anywhere Match: Alberto Del Rio vs. John Cena

We get hype for Night of Champions before John Cena makes his way to the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Alberto Del Rio’s music hits next and he comes in driving a car. There is no introduction from Ricardo Rodriguez as he’s still recovering from the Brogue Kick. Back from the break and Del Rio is working Cena over in the corner. Cena fights to his feet as the crowd does dueling chants for Cena. They trade kicks and punches. Both men go down after colliding with clotheslines. Del Rio drops Cena with a Backstabber and covers him for a 2 count.

Del Rio goes to the top but Cena dropkicks him in mid-air. Cena hits his usual moves and the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Del Rio blocks the Attitude Adjustment and drops Cena over the top rope. Del Rio whips Cena into the steel steps now. Del Rio works Cena over no the floor. Cena ends up taking Del Rio down off the steps and covering for a 2 count on the floor. Cena takes apart the announce table now. Del Rio runs up and kicks him in the back of the head. Del Rio with a 2 count on the floor.

Del Rio with another big kick now. Cena blocks a suplex and scoops Del Rio for the AA. Del Rio blocks it and shoves Cena head first into the ring post.Del Rio grabs a steel chair but Cena ducks and he hits the ring post. Cena dumps Del Rio over into the crowd. Cena ends up walking up steel steps on to the announce table with Del Rio on his shoulders for the AA. Del Rio counters with a side suplex and both of them go crashing through the table. Del Rio gets up first and stomps on Cena before rolling him back in the ring. Del Rio brings a mic in the ring and mocks Cena. Del Rio stomps on Cena and insults Chicago.

Del Rio says now he’s going to break Cena’s arm. Cena counters and applies the STF. Del Rio breaks the hold but ends up on the floor as Cena moves out of the way. They fight up the ramp now. Del Rio with a superplex on the ramp for a 2 count.They fight over to Del Rio’s car now. Cena grabs one of the big speakers and goes to throw it at Del Rio’s car but Del Rio attacks and hurts Cena’s leg. They fight into the backstage area now. Cena throws a big trash can but Del Rio moves. Cena crashes Del Rio through the backstage interview set. Del Rio goes for the armbreaker but Cena blocks it. Cena drops Del Rio on top of a bunch of production cases with an AA. CM Punk appears out of nowhere and drops Cena with a kick to the head. Punk lays Del Rio on top of Cena for the win.

Winner : Alberto Del Rio

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