Tuesday 11 September 2012

WWE RAW Report – 9/10/2012

The Miz and Antonio Cesaro vs. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth

Kofi and Miz start things out. Kofi takes control and tags in Kofi for some double teaming. Cesaro comes in but the champs clean house. Kofi leaps off Truth’s back and takes out the other two on the floor.
Miz comes in and drops Truth for a pin attempt. Miz continues and hits the big running clothesline in the corner. Miz goes to the top and comes down with a big shot for 2.

Truth turns it around with a dropkick to the jaw. Kofi tags in as does Cesaro. Kofi unloads with kicks, a dropkick and a big right hand. Kofi hits the Boom Drop. Kofi ends up with a crossbody off the top for 2 as Miz breaks the pin. Truth dumps Miz but gets sent tot he floor by Cesaro. Cesaro rolls Kofi up for 2. Kofi connects with Trouble in Paradise on Cesaro for the win.

Winners : Kofi Kingston and R-Truth

Eve Torres, Kaitlyn and Layla vs. Beth Phoenix, Alicia Fox and Natalya

Kaitlyn locks up with Beth to start the match. Beth rams her back in the corner and elbows her in the face. Kaitlyn turns it around with shoulder thrusts. Kaitlyn counters with a clothesline and a shoulder off the ropes. Kaitlyn hits an uppercut and Beth tags in Natalya.

They double team Kaitlyn and Natalya covers for 2. Natalya slaps Kaitlyn and Alicia kicks her in the back. Natalya with another slam and pin attempt. Alicia tags in now.Alicia with a suplex and a pin. Alicia gets hung up in the corner and in comes Layla. Layla unloads on Alicia and hits a crossbody for 2. Layla kicks Alicia in the face and Eve tags herself in. Eve comes in and kicks Alicia before hitting the neckbreaker for the win.

Winner: Eve, Layla and Kaitlyn

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton

The bell rings and they lock up. Punk drops Orton first with a shoulder. They lock up again and Punk with another shoulder. Orton comes back with a big hip toss and sends Punk to the corner. Orton with a headlock now. Punk fights out with knees in the corner. Punk kicks Orton down and stands on him. Punk stomps and hits a backbreaker for a 1 count.

Punk with another headlock now. Orton fights out and takes Punk to the corner. Orton goes for a RKO but Punk slides out and goes to the floor. Punk starts walking up the ramp as the referee counts. Orton chases him up the ramp and lays him out. Orton fights Punk back to the ring now.

Punk with another pin attempt. Punk scoop slams Orton and drops another leg before another 2 count. Punk goes up top for the big elbow drop but Orton kicks the ropes. Orton with right hands while Punk sits up top. Orton climbs up for a superplex and nails it. They trade shots from their knees in the middle of the ring now.
Orton with two clotheslines and a big back drop.

Orton goes for the draping DDT but Punk kicks him in the side of the head. Punk springboards in with a clothesline for 2. Punk calls for GTS and waits for Orton to get up. Orton fights out and Punk blocks the RKO. Orton hits the backbreaker and covers for 2. Orton takes Punk back to the apron and hits the draping DDT. Orton readies for the RKO when Dolph Ziggler runs in for the DQ.

Winner by DQ : Randy Orton

Randy Orton and Jerry Lawler vs. CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler

AJ Lee made the tag match. Vickie Guerrero is at ringside now. Orton fights back and takes Ziggler down. Lawler comes in and hits Ziggler with a dropkick. Lawler with the right hand from the ropes. Lawler hits a second fist and covers Ziggler for 2.Ziggler dropkicks Lawler and turns it around. Ziggler with an elbow drop and a pin attempt. Ziggler with a headlock as he taunts Orton.

Ziggler shoves Lawler over and struts around him. Ziggler with another elbow for 2. Lawler finally hits a backdrop on Ziggler and breaks free. Orton tags in and unloads on Ziggler with clotheslines and a slam. Orton goes for the draping DDT but Ziggler backdrops him to the floor. Paul Heyman comes walking down the ramp. He has a private conversation with Punk at ringside.

Vickie screams at Punk and Heyman about a match being in progress. They ignore her and continue their conversation. Heyman takes the WWE Title and hands it to Punk. We hear them talking about good restaurants in Montreal. The match continues with Ziggler rolling Orton up for 2. Orton hits the RKO and covers for the win.

Winners : Randy Orton and Jerry Lawler

Ryback vs. Heath Slater

The bell rings and Ryback sends Slater out to the floor. Slater comes back in and gets shoved to the mat. Slater with a right hand but Ryback responds with a bigger right hand. Slater fights back and tries for a weak pin attempt. Slater with kicks that just upset Ryback. Another pin attempt by Slater. Slater talks trash and Ryback runs over him with a clothesline. Ryback hits the front slam and then the powerbomb before Shellshocked for the win.

Winner : Ryback

Kane and Daniel Bryan vs. Titus O’Neil and Darren Young

Kane and Bryan argue to start the match but Kane starts off with Titus. Titus goes in but Kane clotheslines him and takes it to the corner. Kane tags in Bryan. Bryan with kicks to Titus in the corner. Bryan ducks a clothesline and goes for a roll up but it’s blocked. Young tags himself in and drops Bryan for two pin attempts in a row. Titus tags back in and they double team Bryan for another pin attempt. Titus scoop slams Bryan and works him over some more.They keep Bryan in their corner with more double teaming and 2 counts. Titus tags in and suplexes Young onto Bryan.

Titus taunts Kane and chokes Bryan on the ropes. Bryan fights back with kicks and an uppercut. Titus cuts him off with a backbreaker for a 2 count. Titus yells at Bryan to get up but stomps away some more. Titus with a headlock now. Young comes back in and goes at it with Bryan. Bryan tries for a comeback but Young takes him back to the mat with a headlock. Young with a knee drop and another headlock. Bryan finally fights out with kicks and suplexes Young.

Bryan goes to the top for a headbutt but misses. Young takes Bryan back to the mat. Something has been going on at ringside. Jerry Lawler is no longer on commentary and the fans were distracted for several minutes. Cole was also quiet for a minute or two. The match goes on and Kane ends up chokeslamming Bryan on top of Young for the win.

Winners and New #1 Contenders : Kane and Daniel Bryan

Alberto Del Rio vs. Tyson Kidd

Ricardo Rodriguez watches from ringside and he’s still wearing the neck brace. They go back and forth for several minutes and Del Rio gets the win.

Winner : Alberto Del Rio

Sheamus vs. David Otunga

The match starts and there’s no commentary. Otunga takes control and taunts Sheamus, slapping him. Sheamus gets upset and unloads on Otunga, dropping knees and kicking him out of the ring. Sheamus with the forearms on the apron and the Texas Cloverleaf for the submission win. There was no commentary the entire match.

Winner : Sheamus

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

They go back and forth until Cody hits Rey with several knees to the gut. Cody with a knee to the face and a 2 count. Cody continues the attack until Rey dumps him out to the floor. Rey runs the apron and hits a head scissors on the floor. Cody stomps away. Cody charges in the corner but Rey moves and he hits his shoulder. Rey with another takedown and the bulldog for 2. Rey with a big kick to the face and another pin attempt. Rey goes to the top for a senton. Cody catches him in a powerbomb attempt but Rey slides out. Rey dropkicks Cody into the ropes. The Miz runs down and Rey kicks him off the apron. Cody takes advantage and hits Cross Rhodes for the win.

Winner : Cody Rhodes

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