Friday 21 September 2012

WWE NXT Report – Sept 20th, 2012

Trent Barreta vs. Johnny Curtis

Curtis with a waist lock but Trent with a drop toe hold and Johnny escapes and goes to the ropes. Trent with a chop and punches but Curtis with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Curtis with an Irish whip but Barreta with a back elbow. Trent goes up top but Johnny pulls Trent’s leg and he falls on the top turnbuckle and rope. Curtis works on the injured arm and then he snap mares Trent and applies a top wrist lock.

Johnny puts Trent on the top turnbuckle and then he tries for a superplex but Trent works over Curtis and hits a sunset flip powerbomb for a near fall.Trent with a chop but Johnny chops back. Johnny with a kick to the midsection and then he tries to go for the arm. Trent with the double jump back elbow and then he goes up top and hits the corkscrew leg lariat for a near fall. Trent tries for a tornado DDT but Johnny blocks it and hits a Northern Lights suplex into the turnbuckles and Johnny gets a few near falls.Johnny goes up top but misses the leg drop when Trent moves out of the way. Trent with the flying knee to the head and he gets the three count.

Winner : Trent Barreta

Paige vs. Alicia Fox

They lock up and Alicia with a take down but Paige with a take down of her own. Alicia with a waist lock but Paige with a standing switch and a rollup for a near fall. Paige screams and it forces Alicia back to the mat in fear. Alicia slaps Paige and Paige slaps back and connects with forearms. Alicia slams Paige’s face into the mat and then the turnbuckles. Alicia with a snap mare for a near fall.

Paige tries for a slam but Alicia blocks it. Alicia with a Northern Lights suplex and bridge for a near fall.
Alicia stretches Paige with her knee in Paige’s back. Paige kicks Alicia and then flips Alicia but Alicia lands on her feet. Paige with an Irish whip but Alicia with a takedown. Paige picks up Alicia and then hits the Package Elevated DDT for the three count.

Winner : Paige

Jimmy Uso (with Jey Uso) vs. Conor O’Brian (with Kenneth Cameron)

They lock up and Conor misses a punch but Jimmy does not miss a series of chops. Jimmy slides to the corner and connects with chops and a diving head butt for a near fall. Jimmy clotheslines O’Brian over the top rope to the floor. Jimmy tries for a baseball slide but Conor stops him and spins him around on the apron. Conor pulls Jimmy to the floor.

O’Brian runs Jimmy’s back into the apron before sending Jimmy back into the ring. Conor with strikes to Jimmy followed by an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Conor with a series of roling side head locks. Jimmy with an elbow but Conor pulls Jimmy to the mat by the hair and Conor gets a near fall. Conor with a front face lock.Conor sends Jimmy into the turnbuckles but Jimmy with punches followed by a clothesline and Samoan drop. Jimmy sets for the running butt splash into the corner and connects. Jimmy goes up top but Cameron gets on the apron. Jey pulls Cameron off but the referee deals with Jey and Cameron is able to recover and pull Jimmy from the apron.O’Brian with a flying kick to the head for the three count.

Winner : Conor O’Brian

Rick Victor vs. Seth Rollins

Victor goes into the ropes to avoid Rollins at the start of the match. Victor with a hammer lock. Rollins misses an elbow and Victor retreats to the ropes. Victor with a side head lock and take down. Victor holds on to the side head lock.Seth tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Victor holds on. Rollins misses a round kick and he goes to the floor. Rollins tries for a suicide dive but Victor with a forearm to the head. Victor with an overhead belly-to-belly throw and then he gets a near fall.

Rollins with a kick to Victor. Victor with a leaping knee to the head and he gets a near fall. Victor with kicks to Rollins’ midsection.Victor bites his arm again and he goes for a running Canadian Lifter into the corner but Rollins gets his knees up. They exchange punches and then Victor slaps Rollins. Rollins with a double leg take down and punches. Rollins with punches to Victor followed by an injury.Rollins sets for the running forearm into the corner and he hits it followed by a running kick to the head. Rollins punches the mat and he gets ready for Black Out and he hits it and gets the three count.

Winner : Seth Rollins

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