Sunday 9 September 2012

WWE NXT Report 9/8/2012

Richie Steamboat vs. Kassius Ohno

Steamboat applies a headlock and hits a shoulderblock for a quick 1. Richie sends Ohno in and follows but Ohno gets a big boot up. Richie quickly shakes it off and hits a series of offense but Ohno thumbs him in the eye. Ohno gets on one knee and pleads with the ref that it was an accident. Richie lands kicks from a seated position out of the corner but Ohno goes back to the eye and the bell rings.

Winner by disqualification : Richie Steamboat

 Audrey Marie vs. Paige

Audrey holds tight to a headlock and does a hiptoss. Paige reverses and steps on Audrey's hair as she pulls up on her arms. They start to catfight and Paige slams Audrey's head repeatedly on the canvas. They roll around a little and Audrey gets 2. Paige hits a knockout elbow and drops Audrey dead in her tracks. She gets on top and slams her head some more. Paige hits a strong clothesline and screams out before she hits a modified cradle-type DDT for the win.

Winner : Paige

Percy Watson vs. Leo Kruger

The bell rings and Kruger comes to the middle of the ring in a crouching stance like Dhalsim from Street Fighter. Percy complains and the ref makes Kruger get up. Kruger rushes-up into a collar-and-elbow tie-up. He hits knees to the gut and clubbing forearms on the ropes. Kruger hits a snap-suplex and drops vicious blows to Watson's back. Kruger connects with a kick to the face and stomps in the corner and gets 2. Kruger continues his vicious streak. Watson gets in some moves and a couple of nice dropkicks. He connects with the Showtime Splash for 2. Kruger reverses an Irish Whip and drops Watson's neck across the top rope. Kruger uses a reverse rolling neckbreaker for the win.

Winner : Leo Kruger

Brodus Clay vs. Ryan Collins

Clay hits some signature high-impact moves and gyrations. He hits a splash to win in less than a minute.

Winner : Brodus Clay

The Ascension vs. The Uso's

Uso's are in control of Cameron in the ring. O'Brian tags himself in and hits a clothesline as Uso turns around. O'Brian stomps Jey in the corner. Jimmy gets a kick in on O'Brian but still fails to make a tag. O'Brian proactively takes Jey out on the apron to prevent it. Jimmy gets a boot up in the corner and reaches his brother but Cameron tags in as well. Jey gets the best of Cameron and hits the Running Stinkface in the corner. O'Brian interferes and gets thrown out by Jey for his trouble. Cameron fights off a Samoan Drop but gets clocked with a Superkick as soon as he hits his feet. Jey goes up top, O'Brian tries to interfere but Jimmy leaps from half court over the top and hits an impressive splash to take him out. Cameron hits the ropes to make Jey lose his balance. Cameron hits an inverted neckbreaker for the win.

Winners : The Ascension

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